Return of the King

Chapter 1958: Know yourself and the enemy


Fan Jianming smiled slightly, did not answer his words, and instead said to everyone: "It's late today. Finally, I said two things: First, early tomorrow morning, I will announce **** through radio and television. The country has entered a wartime state and issued a national mobilization order. All departments are requested to actively cooperate and start relevant work immediately."

"Second, the enemy's aircraft carrier formation can directly attack our homeland without entering our territorial waters. So tomorrow, I will announce to the world through radio and television. Of course, I will mainly warn country V."

"As long as the enemy's aircraft carrier formation enters within 50 nautical miles of our territorial waters, we will take the lead."

When Fan Jianming said the first article, everyone was prepared, so there was no surprise. When he finished talking about the second article, everyone was stunned, especially the generals.

For an absolutely disadvantaged force, the most important thing is to defend. Whether it can be held is a problem. Fan Jianming actually proposed a preemptive strike, and it was before the enemy broke into the territorial waters.

Everyone looked at each other, although they were puzzled, no one dared to ask questions.

Fan Jianming then asked: "Are you thinking in your heart that once the enemy enters Linhai, it is only natural for us to fight back. Because we are at an absolute disadvantage, we need the support of the international community. If we do it first, can the international community support us? ?"

"If we don't get the support of the international community, with our existing strength, even if we get some weapons and equipment, it will not be long before these things can resist?"

These issues are exactly what everyone is worried about. Fan Jianming raised them by himself. Everyone nodded frequently, and looked at Fan Jianming intently, knowing that he had something to say afterwards.

Fan Jianming said: "The enemy has modern weapons, let alone 50 kilometers away from our territorial waters. If possible, their strategic bombers can even take off from the mainland and directly bomb us."

These soldiers all know that the enemy has bombers and fighter jets, but they don't have the concept of a strategic bomber. They can't even imagine that a strategic bomber can set off from the V country and directly bomb the coalition.

They looked at each other, thinking that Fan Jianming was talking about myths.

Knowing everyone’s doubts, Norma added: “In the past, our domestic news was too closed. I knew when I was studying abroad that they not only had this kind of strategic bombing.

It can even carry nuclear warheads. It is not alarmist. For a small and poor country like ours, their strategic bomber can destroy our entire alliance. "

Hearing Norma's introduction, everyone present was shocked in a cold sweat.

Some people even thought, if this is the case, then why would country V send an aircraft carrier formation?

They sent a strategic bomber directly, isn't everything gone?

After seeing their thoughts, Fan Jianming told everyone with a smile: "Everyone must be clear that the enemy will only think of using nuclear weapons when facing a stronger opponent."

"The reason why country V launched this war of aggression is still carrying the banner of overthrowing our'** government', seeking back fair colleagues for their so-called two journalists who have passed away, and also claiming that it was giving us the country. Bring democracy and human rights."

"More importantly, they want to plunder our resources and send a powerful aircraft carrier formation to show off their military force to the world in an attempt to reproduce the glory of the Great V Empire."

"If they used nuclear weapons at the beginning of the war, they would be accused by all means. They could destroy us, but they would not be able to gain a foothold in this world. This would run counter to their principle of starting this war. "

"So when faced with the threat of nuclear weapons from Western powers, a great man in the East pointedly pointed out that all reactionaries are paper tigers! Even the highest Western official at the time had to lament the vision of this great man in the East."

"The highest official in the West admits that the power of nuclear weapons is that they are like a sword hanging on a person's neck before they are released and exploded. It makes people feel the provincial party committee and fear. Once it explodes, it is not terrible. Not only that, countries that use nuclear weapons will also bear international responsibilities for the consequences of using such weapons."

After hearing what Fan Jianming said, everyone's heart was relieved, but there was another doubt.

So, can this war be a tie at best?

Because the enemy has nuclear weapons, what if the enemy uses nuclear weapons if this war is won?

Fan Jianming explained once again: "Are some people worried? In this way, for our federation, won't this war be unwinnable forever?"

"What I want to tell everyone is that we lost, the enemy does not need to use nuclear weapons, we

After winning the battle, the enemy dare not use nuclear weapons. Why do you say that? "

"Because this war for Country V is just to show off their muscles, and our philosophy and principles of nation-building have never been a threat to the country V."

"Even if we win this war, we will not counterattack their homeland. They are not in danger of losing their land or genocide. What reason is there for using nuclear weapons?"

"Furthermore, if we can defeat their aircraft carrier formation with our current strength, as long as they dare to use nuclear weapons, we can also let their country die for us!"

"Good point!" Hearing this, Norma's father blurted out a loud compliment, and then took the lead to applaud.

Nong Lie even took the lead to stand and applaud, and other people present also stood up, thunderous applause wave after wave.

Although Norma's father and Nong Lie were both soldiers and had experienced countless lives and deaths, they had confidence in the victory of the former warlords, but they were not so confident in the mercenary army.

As for facing a powerful enemy like Country V, no matter what they say, they still feel guilty in their hearts.

Because of their guilty feelings, they couldn't say such powerful words as Fan Jianming.

At this moment, Fan Jianming's self-confidence and final judgment on the direction of the war made Nonglie and Norma's father feel very uplifted.

Fan Jianming said what they wanted to say but did not have the confidence to say. When he admired Fan Jianming's courage, he admired his wisdom even more.

Fan Jianming finally asked: "Do you have the confidence to fight, die, and win?"

All the people present answered in unison: "Yes!"

"The meeting is over!"

Everyone did not expect that Fan Jianming suddenly announced the end of the meeting. Everyone was in a high mood and had not remembered yet. They looked at each other one by one, and finally turned their eyes to Fan Jianming.

Fan Jianming said: "I know everyone is holding back their energy right now. We can't exhaust this energy at the meeting. We must hold it tightly and use it on the battlefield to hit the enemy hard!"

At this time, everyone burst into laughter, and at the same time clapped unanimously.

When everyone left, Nong Lie suddenly said to the Minister of National Defense: "You don't need to go back to your room, go to the front line immediately, assign those veterans from the East to various companies, and be ready for enemy raids!"

(End of this chapter)