Return of the King

Chapter 1959: Keep your mind


Li Qianqian glanced at Fan Jianming at this time. Nong Lie's words were obviously beyond Li Qianqian's expectations.

She had always believed that Nong Lie had two minds, not mentioning the possibility of the enemy's sneak attack from the land, which was enough to show that her judgment was correct.

Even if his starting point might indeed be to leave a way for the people of the entire Confederation, his silence might accelerate the failure of the Confederation, and might even be hit by the enemy, and the entire Confederation would immediately collapse.

Unexpectedly, when Fan Jianming just announced the end of the meeting, he suddenly asked the Secretary of Defense to prepare to prevent the enemy's sneak attack.

Li Qianqian immediately smiled at Fan Jianming: "Husband, you are still good, knowing that Nong Lie won't have two hearts."

On the surface, Fan Jianming said to Li Qianqian with a sound transmission through the air: "My wife, you are still too emotional. I really hope you can learn to judge a person's actions as soon as possible. And the change in the battle?"

A few meanings, am I wrong again?

Li Qianqian looked at Fan Jianming suspiciously.

The Secretary of Defense said at this time: "Yes, I rushed to the border immediately."

Nong Lie said again: "Call the base first. Whether it is a veteran from the East or an officer or soldier we have received training, those who enter the air defense force should enter the air defense force, and those who should return to the grassroots company should return to the grassroots company."


Nong Lie still seemed uneasy, and immediately let the other generals stay. He wanted to further confirm the details of the previous tactics, and hoped that Fan Jianming and Norma's father would participate.

Fan Jianming told him that he and Norma's father can participate in this matter, and he is going to check the condition of Leah's equipment.

After speaking, he motioned Li Qianqian and Liya to leave together.

Norma also left, but instead of going upstairs with them, she went to the hotel where the medical team and classmate Fan Jianming lived to arrange what she was in charge of.

After Fan Jianming, Li Qianqian and Liya came to the third floor, while Fan Jianming was checking the equipment, Li Qianqian used the airborne sound transmission and asked inexplicably: "You haven't answered my question just now! Why do you say me? Neither people nor problems

reason? "

Fan Jianming also said to Li Qianqian through the airborne sound transmission: "If Country V really wants to launch an attack, he will not say a word for a day, and wait until the meeting is over before letting the Minister of National Defense go to the front. If the enemy really launches an offensive, you think we are too late. Defensive?"

Li Qianqian felt this was the reason, and immediately asked: "What do you mean, what is your attitude towards Nonglie?"

Fan Jianming said: "It depends on where you stand to judge. If you believe that he is a betrayer, then his behavior just proves this. Knowing that the enemy is going to launch an attack, he deliberately delays time. At the last moment, reminding to strengthen precautions, there is simply no silver three hundred taels here."

Li Qianqian asked again: "What about judging from another standpoint?"

Fan Jianming explained: "He is also a battle-tested veteran, and he met Pierce in a small town on the border. He should have judged that the other party is not ready. The reason Pierce said that he will launch an attack tonight is completely a catalyst. Reach an agreement with him."

"In this case, he doesn't need to tell us about it, so as not to cause us to doubt him. As for asking the Secretary of Defense to rush to the front line overnight, it is because tomorrow I will announce the National Mobilization. Cooperate with my orders."

Li Qianqian thought for a while: "How do I think he is more like the first situation you mentioned?"

Fan Jianming said: "If the enemy launches an offensive tonight, Nonglie will fall into the first situation I mentioned. If the enemy is not ready at all, then it will be the second situation."

Li Qianqian insisted on her point of view: "Anyway, if he doesn't have two hearts, he should tell us the news as soon as possible, regardless of whether the other party is true or false."

Fan Jianming smiled slightly: "We can analyze Nong Lie's psychological history. He met Pierce last night. It should be said that he was completely insecure in our victory in this war. He kept silent on Pierce’s suggestions. Leave a way for yourself."

"Today my grandmother and father came over, and the workers of the Qin Group stayed behind. Many local workers actively signed up for participation.

The army, it should be said that Nong Lie sees hope. "

"As you said, the best time for him to tell us about the situation is to call immediately after meeting with Pierce. If you can do better, you should tell me before going to see Pierce."

"But for various reasons, he hasn't said that if he comes back from the airport today, he also feels that the timing is wrong, worrying that we might think, why didn't he tell us in the first place?"

"Now tell us, is there ever a thought of betrayal in his mind? So he simply continued to remain silent."

Li Qianqian asked: "The problem is, on the way back from the airport, he called Pierce again and agreed to Pierce's terms. Why is that?"

Fan Jianming said: "There is only one possibility, that is, seeing his grandmother and father come, and with so many workers left behind, he not only has to leave a way for himself, but he is also determined to protect his grandmother and father. And the safety of all workers after the defeat!"

Li Qianqian felt that this might happen, but in her heart, she still felt that Nong Lie was not that reliable, at least compared with Norma's father, he was definitely not a trustworthy person.

At the beginning, Li Qianqian always thought that Fan Jianming just believed in Nong Lie, but now that as the situation continues to change, Fan Jianming’s attitude towards Nong Lie is constantly adjusting, which fully proves Fan Jianming’s attitude towards people and things. Views are indeed more rational and objective than myself.

In particular, Fan Jianming has always shown fearlessness, awe-inspiring righteousness, and full self-confidence at all times. Li Qianqian does not say that he is not worried, at least he thinks that Fan Jianming can control the overall situation.

Li Qianqian reminded herself that from now on, we must trust Fan Jianming unconditionally and work hard to do what he entrusted to her.

After Fan Jianming inspected the equipment, he asked Leah to find Huang Yaowu, Li Qiang, Hu Ying, and three female college students. At the same time, there were 30 soldiers selected from the training base, so that they could become familiar with the drone as soon as possible. Operation, the victory or defeat of the first wave of battles against the aircraft carrier formation is all dependent on them.

(End of this chapter)