Return of the King

Chapter 1963: So that's it


Fang Yadan explained that originally she also gave up her plan to come to the Oasis of Peace. Later, she saw that many medical workers in Jiangcheng contacted through WeChat groups and initiated activities to organize volunteer medical teams.

Later Jiangcheng TV also reported that there are also many medical workers across the country, hoping to form a medical assistance team to come to the Oasis of Peace for the purpose of saving the dead and healing the wounded.

There are also many satellite TV stations that have interviewed the previous five experts and repeatedly stated that the most in short supply in a war-torn country is food and medical supplies, and then medical staff.

They also told stories about the country sending people to rescue them many times when they were in distress, especially Fan Jianming was mentioned in particular.

There was even an expert who said half-seriously and half-jokingly that when the war broke out in the Middle East, Fan Jianming, by himself, not only rescued the experts from danger and returned to China, but also provided a large amount of food to the local refugee hospital.

Now Fan Jianming is leading the two *** federations and is resisting the invasion of foreign enemies. As his former compatriots, the Easterners must not ignore it!

When a war broke out in a certain part of the world, the Western powers were not the creators of the war, the provokers, or the behind the war. Those who appeared on the battlefield were either the invaders, or the ***, or the arms they sold wildly.

And at this critical time, we in the East, out of the spirit of humanitarianism and internationalism, provide moral assistance to the weak, especially food and medicine, as well as the support and support of medical workers, which is enough to prove to the world that the rising East is a Responsible power, and always side with justice!

They cannot come to join the volunteer medical team because of their various jobs, but they hope their students can come and use superb medical technology and humanitarianism to warm Fan Jianming's heart again and let him return to the East as soon as possible.

It is precisely because of the propaganda of the major domestic media that supporting the Oasis of Peace in the eyes of the Easterners is like supporting their own compatriots.

Seeing so many medical workers enthusiastically signing up, Fang Yadan certainly couldn't sit still. She found provincial and municipal leaders as the president of the Chamber of Commerce and classmates Fan Jianming and his wife.

If a voluntary medical team is organized in China, she hopes

I hope I can become the leader.

After weighing various factors, the provincial and municipal leaders agreed to her request.

During this period, she respectively approached Liu Yunkun, Chen Kai and Shen Jiangyuan and told them that Fan Jianming was in need of help most now. If you don't come forward at this time, don't want Fan Jianming to help them develop in the future.

When these people heard this, they felt that this was indeed an opportunity to show themselves well, so they agreed on the spot.

Originally they were planning to come alone. Who knows that when they go home, Liu Yunkun’s wife Yang Ting and Chen Kai’s wife Ma Xiaomin will not only support them, but also follow them when they say anything.

As for Pang Zhibiao, Fang Yadan did not look for him, but he came at Hu Ying.

Even including Shen Jiangyuan, if it weren't for Hu Ying, he wouldn't have agreed so happily. After all, there is a war that may break out at any time here.

After the grandmother heard the news that Fang Yadan was coming to the Federation, she had to follow along with everything she said. Fang Yadan was stubborn but had to agree and promised her grandmother that she would never disclose any news to Fan Jianming.

Fan Hongsheng saw that his grandmother was coming at such a young age, and thought that he was too sorry for his son in the past, so he had to follow along with everything he said.

Zhou Yaping has been pregnant for more than four months, and originally planned to take care of her grandmother and Fan Hongsheng at home while raising her baby.

Now they are all coming to the Federation, and Huang Yaowu is also here, Zhou Yaping will follow.

It's no coincidence that a book is not made!

Just the night before yesterday, Wang Wei and Li Limin went to the Minshan Xiaoyang Mansion to visit their grandma. They heard that both grandma and Fan Hongsheng would come to the Federation. Thinking that Li Qiang was here, their husband and wife joined together.

As for Lu Yuxin, because both her parents joined the medical team, and Zhou Yaping also came here, mainly to be able to be with her parents and take care of Zhou Yaping by the way, so she also asked for passage.

When they arrived at the airport, the leaders Dong and the senior leaders were confused. The other people had their names. Grandma, Fan Hongsheng and Zhou Yaping were not on the list, but they strongly asked to board the plane and added Yadan to explain the situation. , The two old people just wanted to take a look at Fan Jianming.

In this case, Dong

Leaders and senior leaders had to agree to bring them.

After clarifying the whole story, Fan Jianming complained: "Forget the others, why did you get Zhang Guodong back?"

Fang Yadan rolled his eyes towards the ceiling: "I want to get rid of him, but now he is becoming more and more like a follower. He used to be arrogant and domineering. There is no shadow at all. He helps mopping the floor and washing the floor every day. The bowl and the wiping of the table seem to be his last straw, and it seems that he can't get rid of it."

Fan Jianming, Li Qianqian, and Wu Wenli were so embarrassed in their hearts that Zhang Guodong had fallen into this way, although they didn't say anything.

Thinking of how brilliant Zhang Guodong was at the beginning, he did not expect that he changed so quickly in less than a year.

Fang Yadan went on to say: "Besides, I brought him this asshole. Your wife's jealous jar is still overturned. If you don't bring him, your wife won't have to tear me up?"

Li Qianqian gave her a white look, turned and walked to the window, without saying a word.

She has a principle, regardless of whether Fan Jianming is or not, she will never mention Zhang Guodong's name in her life, let alone talk about him.

When Fang Yadan saw this, he spread his hands: "Well, since you all disgust him so much, I will let him return to China tomorrow."

Fan Jianming said: "Let's talk about it later. I will first meet with Wang Wei and Li Limin to see who is scheduled to return to China tomorrow."

Li Qianqian turned around from the window and was about to go with Fan Jianming, but Fan Jianming said: "I will chat with their husband and wife alone. You are all waiting here."

Fan Jianming turned to Fang Yadan to take him to the room of Li Limin and his wife, and then called all the other classmates to Fang Yadan's room. He also told him, don’t forget to call Zhang Guodong.

After all, they all came together, and leaving him alone would not only look ugly, but also unreasonable.

Fang Yadan nodded and took Fan Jianming out. Seeing that Li Qianqian and Wu Wenli hadn’t followed, she threw Fan Jianming onto the wall of the aisle, kissed, and leaned into Fan Jianming’s ear, and asked quietly. : "You are a deadly criminal, honestly explain if you deliberately lied to me, why can Li Qianqian be pregnant with your child, but I can't?"

(End of this chapter)