Return of the King

Chapter 197: Take this love


Leopard smiled slightly: "I just want to prove to you that I'm different from Super Uncle. I don't want to play with you for nothing when I don't have money, but I will leave you behind when I have money. No, it's so easy to make money. , I thought of you first."

Chen Lingling glared at him: "Speaking of people!"

"First, the super uncle can be unkind, but I am unkind. He wants to cheat my little brother, but I don't want to cheat him. Especially after telling this to Fan, Fan will definitely benefit me. , I don’t want others to think that I’m a villain who has forgotten the benefits, because the former betrayed the super uncle.”

"The second one?"

"The other party can pay a price of one billion yuan in an attempt to get rid of Fan Ge. That proves that at least in Country S, Fan Ge's strength is far more than one billion yuan. In addition, now he is in the Fan Group. Who knows what he is. How much money do I have? I don’t have any contact with him. At this time, with a hot face and a cold ass, he will think that I am a person who is forgotten. To be honest, he has his money. I live my life. I don’t want to let him. He underestimated me."

When Chen Lingling heard this, she felt that she was talking like a man.

Chen Lingling has seen many gangsters in society, knowing that they are very serious about seniority. The boss is the boss, and the brothers are brothers, but there are really not many brothers like Leopard who have personality in front of her boss.

Leopard took another sip of wine: "As for the third thing, to be honest, I have been thinking about your sister in my heart. It just so happens that you are working in the Fan Group, so I will give you this credit. If you become prosperous, Surely you won't forget me, right?"

Chen Lingling smiled slightly: "I'm afraid you still have a fourth idea, right?"


"Since Fan's power is so great, the other party dared to break the ground on him, I guess the power can't think of where it is. You are worried, even if you tell Fan the news, in case the other party eventually gets rid of Fan, I am afraid that in the end, Uncle Super will not be able to let you go, and you can't stay in Jiangcheng anymore!"


Leopard felt that she underestimated Chen Lingling.

The three reasons he mentioned before were indeed well thought out, but what he worries most is the four mentioned by Chen Lingling.

Although he has been in the society for so many years, he always talks about the lord of a billion. He has never seen it and knows that he can't afford it.

After all, he has nothing to do with Fan Jianming. Even if he tells Fan Jianming the news, Fan Jianming may not be able to treat him as his brother.

younger brother.

Even if it is human nature, Fan Jianming can give him some money to thank him, but for that little money, just in case, as Chen Lingling said, the other party generally has it, not only Jiang Zhichao, I am afraid that even those people will not Let him go.

That's why he thought of pushing the boat along the river and let Chen Lingling do this favor.

Fan Jianming won in the end, and naturally he will not treat Chen Lingling wrongly, nor will Chen Lingling forget him.

In case the opponent wins, this is not related to him. Even if Jiang Zhichao and the opponent want to liquidate, they can only find Chen Lingling, and he will assume that nothing has happened.

Women, don't they always open their eyes to money?

Besides, Chen Lingling has been in nightclubs and valued money more than ordinary women.

I thought that by saying this, Chen Lingling would be grateful to him, and then went to Fan Jianming.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Chen Lingling could still keep a cool head, and in one word, she said what he was most worried about.

Leopard shook his head and took another sip of wine: "You can say that. Anyway, I won't do this kind of thing. As for whether you want to do it or not, let's consider it for yourself. But what I want to say is, If a person wants to make a fortune, he may only have one chance in his life. After passing this village, there will be no such shop."

Chen Lingling poured herself a glass of wine, drank it without saying a word, and then said to Leopard: "Anyway, I still thank you for telling me the truth. I hope our conversation ends here, as it never happened. , If I, Chen Lingling post it, I will never forget your Leopard brother."

Let's talk, Chen Lingling picked up the handbag and left the deck, went to the bar to buy the order, and then disappeared into the night at the door.

Leopard turned on the phone, looked at the five million that Jiang Zhichao had just sent him, and smiled coldly.

After Chen Lingling went home, she thought about it all night, but decided to tell Fan Jianming the matter.

Because I have been with Jiang Zhichao for a few years, except for a little benefit in society, no gangster dared to trouble Chen Lingling, but after all, she is not in a nightclub now, working in the Fan Group, and basically can’t deal with people in society. , There are fewer and fewer things to ask for Jiang Zhichao.

In fact, after getting along with Huang Yaowu, Chen Lingling thought about getting rid of Jiang Zhichao, because she was tired of this greasy uncle.

The problem is that Jiang Zhichao wouldn't dare to speak if she didn't let go.

Because of this, when Fan Jianming appeared, she immediately

I was attracted, and hoped to ask Jiang Zhichao through Fan Jianming, so in front of Jiang Zhichao, he unabashedly showed his affection for Fan Jianming.

As for Jiang Zhichao, Chen Lingling is one of the many women he has played with. She is not a lot, and she is not a lot. If Fan Jianming can really like her, Jiang Zhichao still thinks he can help him in the future. , So she promised to provide Chen Lingling with a chance to get close to Fan Jianming on the spot.

Who knows that Fan Jianming has now joined the Fan Group and has directly become Chen Lingling's boss. Chen Lingling does not need Jiang Zhichao to match up.

Just like Leopard's novel, if a person wants to make a fortune, he may only have one chance in his life. After passing this village, there will be no such shop.

Chen Lingling thought about it all night, and finally decided to tell Fan Jianming this huge secret.

Fan Jianming smiled after listening, "I already know about this."

When Chen Lingling heard this, she immediately became gloomy and said dissatisfiedly: "Chairman, you are boring. You know? It's about your life, and after I tell you this, it's tantamount to betraying Super Uncle. It's okay for you. Just use a simple sentence that you already know to prevaricate me. Are you worried that I will knock you on this occasion?"

Come on, Chen Lingling got up and left.

Fan Jianming grabbed her and let Chen Lingling put her back on her lap.

Chen Lingling glared at him irritably: "I'll tell you again, Chairman, don't think that I am in love with you, just because you are fancying your little money. I think you are a man, and the super uncle is too much. , Even Leopard looks down on him a little bit, I don’t want you to be fooled. It’s okay for you to know everything. I'm passionate?"

Fan Jianming hugged her and kissed her for a while, and then said: "Tell you, I already know, I don't want you to worry about me. But I know it's one thing, you can tell me it's another time It’s like you said, for me, you are selling the super uncle, and I accept this love."

Chen Lingling narrowed her mouth and thought: Who asked you to take this affection? I want you to thank you for my old name, is it good?

Fan Jianming continued: "Don't worry, I know you have me in your heart, and I won't treat you badly."

This is almost the same!

Just as Chen Lingling wanted to say something, her cell phone rang and it was Huang Yaowu.

She looked at the time and it was half past eleven.

(End of this chapter)