Return of the King

Chapter 1972: Family history is extraordinary


The grandmother said, "The second thing involves our old Fan family being a man! Although your father killed your mother, I know that your mother is only thinking about your old Fan family. I haven't lived for a few years. Now, your dad is a useless person, I can check for your Fan family, and the future will pass, and I will be worthy of your mother!"

Fan Jianming hurriedly said: "Grandma, don't say this. You are still very tough. Besides, the conditions of our family are better. You can live for another ten or twenty years without any problems."

"Why do you live so long?" Grandma said: "We have an old saying, the old live long, the young live short. I am not living my life now, it is the life your mother saved for me."

Speaking of this, grandma burst into tears.

"Grandma, don't say that." Fan Jianming didn't know how to comfort her.

Grandma took out her handkerchief, wiped her eyes, and said, "To be honest, I didn't like Qianqian before. First, her mother was like a mad dog. Secondly, she couldn't give birth to children, so I was there. I thought, could it be that I did a sin in my previous life? My daughter died before me, so that my grandson has no queen..."

"Grandma," Fan Jianming said with a wry smile: "Don't say anything about you, let's say something happy."

Grandma wiped her tears again: "There is nothing to be happy about, what I want to say is serious. Now that Qianqian is pregnant with your child, that is my grandson and daughter-in-law. If anyone bullies her, I will fight this. Old life..."

"Grandma," Fan Jianming smiled: "Who dares to bully her?"

"You!" Grandma said, "I don't care about the customs here. I can't control whether you join their nationality or not, but I know one thing. We are all natives of the East."

"I won't talk about it before liberation. My father, that is, your great-grandfather, is also a businessman. He married a consort of Sifang. In the past, we were not from Jiangcheng, we were from Donghai."

Fan Jianming really didn't know that his grandmother's home had this history, no wonder there were few relatives in Jiangcheng.

The grandmother continued: "My mother, your great-grandmother, is the youngest aunt in the family. At that time, she had no status in the family and she was always bullied by the wife of several rooms."

"No way, my mother took me to Jiangcheng, but my father liked my mother very much, so he abandoned a few rooms.

Madam, brought a lot of gold bars and ran to Jiangcheng to join us. "


In this way, before liberation, my grandmother was a capitalist, right?

Fan Jianming joked: "Grandma, why haven't we seen gold bars in our family?"

Grandma explained: "We were liberated not long after we were in Jiangcheng. It was my grandfather who married a cadre from the south. At that time, he was advanced in thinking and let us donate all the gold bars to the country!"


Old model?

Grandma continued: "Speaking of your grandfather's vision, it is precisely because we donated the gold bars. When we divided the gold bars later, we were not transformed into capitalists, but ordinary workers. In this way, I was able to work as a primary school for children at the factory. Teacher, later entered the agency."

Fan Jianming praised: "I have known for a long time that grandmother was definitely a lady when she was young. Looking at the speech at the airport today, it was a sensation in the two countries of the whole Federation!"

"Don't flatter you!" Grandma glanced at him: "I tell you this story to illustrate a problem. Even if polygamy is allowed here, you don't care, but your future wives will definitely be intrigue."

"And the unlucky ones are the children born to your wives. In the struggle between adults, their little hearts will probably be traumatized long ago, and it will even affect their future growth!"

Fan Jianming smiled and said: "Grandma, you just said that there are too many aunts, and they are usually small-hearted. Li Qianqian is my righteous wife. According to the old saying, she is the main room. In the future, I am afraid she will be the only one to give Give someone else to suffer, who dares to piss her off?"

"That's not okay!" Grandma said, "Whether she is irritating to others or others irritating her, isn't it your wife? They fight for power at home for themselves and their children. Extremely."

"Some time ago, there were so many court dramas in China. Didn’t you watch them? Don’t look at the women who acted beautifully in front of you, gentle and virtuous. Once they fight with their children for themselves, they will all be down. You have to die."

"To put it bluntly, you are not allowed to marry so many wives. Even if you protect Qianqian, you are also protecting other women."

"Besides, who are Norma and Leah? One is the daughter of the highest official of N country and the current speaker of the Federation, and the other is his distant place

Nephew, although they have just explained it for a long time, Qianqian lives here alone. If their sisters get married, shouldn't they bully Qianqian to death? "

"Anyway, Qianqian, this girl is from the East, and the wife you are marrying from Mingzhong. Now she is pregnant with your child. We can't do anything to be sorry for them anyway."

Fan Jianming felt that he couldn't explain so many things to his grandmother at once, and couldn't tell her that Li Qianqian now has super powers, and only she bullies others, no one can bully her.

So I had to say: "Grandma, I can promise you the second thing you said. Once the war is over, I won't stay here. I will bring Qianqian back to Jiangcheng. We can only be monogamous, Norma and Leah can't even marry me."

Grandma nodded: "The best you can think so."

"But the first thing you said is not that I disagree. I am afraid that even Li Qianqian will not leave."

"Who said that?" Grandma said, "Isn't she staying here just to control you? I'm looking at you for her now, what can she worry about?"

Fan Jianming explained: "There is one problem that you don’t know. We are in a war with country V. The West is secretly supporting us, but they dare not explain it. It’s the spontaneous support from the people, a bit like our workers staying behind The nature is the same."

"In this case, our **** cannot openly contact the ambassador. They have a force in the hands of their current ambassador’s wife. I agreed with the ambassador to let Qianqian pass their ambassador’s wife , Go to command this force, so she can't go."

The grandmother said, "Isn't it just passing a word in the middle? That Xiao Wu can also do it, it's really not good, my old lady can also pass the word for you."

Fan Jianming smiled and said: "Grandma, they are all gone, are you still planning to stay? Let me tell you this, I promise you that you will not let me marry more wives. ."

"As far as it is said to let Qianqian return to China, it must be impossible. You just assume that she stayed just to look at me. Will your old man return to China?"

Grandma waved her hand: "It's late, go to bed early! I tell you, don't look at grandma's old age, her words are definitely loud and loud. If you try to persuade me to return to China, then don't enter my room again. !"

(End of this chapter)