Return of the King

Chapter 1976: Who is the best wife to be


Shangguan Youran felt that he had found sufficient evidence to refute Wu Wenli, but Wu Wenli nodded with a smile, unexpectedly, "You can understand that. Of course, it is mainly related to the personality of the person."

Shangguan looked at Wu Wenli leisurely, expecting her to continue speaking.

Wu Wenli said: "We are all women. We all know that there are many kinds of women in this world, but if we divide them in general terms, there are probably only two kinds of women, one is the so-called high-quality, face-loving woman, and the other. Kind of is a woman who has no culture and is completely like a shrew."

"But no matter what kind of woman, in terms of men, I mean, in terms of treating her husband, any woman has a strong possessive desire for her husband, just like a man has a strong desire for his wife. Possession is a truth."

"Once you find a man you own and suddenly break into another woman, in terms of mood, you will have three thoughts. One is because of the deep love and the hope to hold his own man tightly."

"One is disappointed because of despair and decided to give up. Another is that I no longer love, but do not give up, and use marriage as a yoke to hold the man tightly. That means not letting me live well. I also make you a bad life."

Not to mention that Shangguan Youran was suddenly puffed up by Wu Wenli. Even the souls of Fan Jianming and Li Qianqian were attracted by Wu Wenli's words. They all looked forward to Wu Wenli's continued speaking.

Wu Wenli continued: "Let’s talk about the second type of women first, no matter what choice they wish to make, because they never care about their own face, let alone their husband’s face, as long as they see that there are people outside of their husbands. , Not only making a lot of noise at home, but also going to the husband’s unit to make a big noise, and even to the woman’s unit and family who got involved.

"The most out-of-control behavior is also an act that violates the law. It is the news that you just said spread on the Internet. Find three or five girlfriends, or even your own children or family members, and beat up Mistress."

"They seem to have forgotten that although Eastern laws and morals do not support P3, the mistakes made by P3 are more

The criminal offense is much smaller. "

"More importantly, after their trouble, do you think there is still a possibility of reconciliation between their husbands and wives? Or, do you think this is out of true love?"

Fan Jianming, Li Qianqian and Shangguan Youran all know that this is definitely not true love, and they don't want to continue to live well, it is all about fighting the rhythm of death.

This is even a bit of the situation when Li Qianqian's mother Jia Xiaoyan went to the Minshan Xiaoyang Tower to make trouble. From beginning to end, she was not out of love for Li Qianqian, but only for her own self-interest in the name of maternal love.

Once their own interests are not protected, they will have no scruples, say anything and do everything.

The same goes for the woman who makes noisy and assaults Xiaosan. They all win people's sympathy in the name of love, but they are actually speeding up the love between them and their husbands into the fast lane of collapse.

Shangguan asked leisurely: "Then you mean, it makes no sense for the original partner to find those juniors?"

Wu Wenli smiled and said: "Everyone’s situation is different, the situation of each family, and the situation between each couple are different. I am not here to evaluate who is right and who is wrong. I just give an example to illustrate the situation. In situations, it’s just what choice women usually make."

Shangguan leisurely urged: "Then you are talking about it, why do you say that Li Qianqian loves Fan Jianming so much?"

Li Qianqian and Fan Jianming both pricked their ears to listen.

Wu Wenli said: "I know you like Fan Jianming very much, and even think that you are younger and more beautiful than Li Qianqian. What Fan Jianming really likes in his heart should be you. Only you are worthy of Fan Jianming?"

Shangguan hesitated for a moment, and appeared very confident and said: "To be honest, between Fan Jianming and my country, I chose my country. If I choose him, I believe it's not just me, I'm afraid Fan Jianming will also I feel that I am more suitable to be his wife than Li Qianqian!"

When Fan Jianming heard this, he quickly observed Li Qianqian's face and expression.

Li Qianqian's body was still lying on her side, without any response, but she was dissatisfied with her and felt relieved.

What is dissatisfied is that if Fan Jianming is allowed to choose between her and Shangguan Youran

, Fan Jianming will definitely choose Shangguan Youran.

What is safe is that, in fact, Shangguan Youran is just as she said, that between the country and Fan Jianming, she chose the country.

In this case, Shangguan Youran will never be able to marry Fan Jianming.

So Li Qianqian was still calm and could continue to listen to them.

Wu Wenli shook her head at this time and said: "Miss Shangguan, you are too confident. You say you really love Fan Jianming, I believe. You say that Fan Jianming will also think that you are more suitable to be his wife than Li Qianqian. I am impulsive in Fan Jianming. At the time, I believe, after he calms down, I don’t believe it!"

Wu Wenli was to take care of Shangguan's leisurely face, so she didn't say so badly, so she replaced it with "impulse" once.

From what she meant, obviously she wanted to say that if Fan Jianming was lying on Shangguan Youran, he might think Shangguan Youran was better than Li Qianqian, but after getting up from her, he would still say Li Qianqian was better.

Shangguan Youran was obviously dissatisfied. Before she could argue, Wu Wenli added: "And I believe that for a certain period of time, Fan Jianming will think that you are better than Li Qianqian, but throughout his life for so many years, he still thinks in his heart. Li Qianqian is the most suitable wife to be his."

Shangguan asked leisurely, "Why?"

Li Qianqian wanted to know why, even Fan Jianming wanted to know.

To be honest, in Fan Jianming's opinion, Shangguan Youran is really stronger than Li Qianqian in every aspect. If he is asked to choose one of the two now, the best wife in his heart is Shangguan Youran.

He also didn't know why Wu Wenli made such a judgment on him.

Wu Wenli said: "Let me talk about the second question first. Think about it. After Fan Jianming left Jiangcheng and went to Country S, you have been actively pursuing him, but why did he ignore you?"

Shangguan Youran blushed: "Because he is very kind. When I first met me, I was only seventeen years old. He thought I was a child and didn't want to deceive me."

Wu Wenli smiled and said: "I believe this is one aspect, but the other aspect, in fact, I am afraid that you also know later that he only liked Li Qianqian and Fang Yadan at that time, and even in a sense, Li Qianqian and Fang Yadan were the most perfect in his mind. Goddess."

(End of this chapter)