Return of the King

Chapter 1981: All for victory


When Nong Lie went to the East last time, he didn't see anyone wearing a tunic suit, but I don't know why. After seeing Fan Jianming wearing this tunic suit, he inexplicably felt that this suit is most suitable for oriental people.

It looks upright and majestic, which is in line with the seriousness and meticulous character of the Oriental.

Norma's father also felt that Fan Jianming didn't wear this tunic suit, which made people look majestic and awe-inspiring.

He and Nong Lie both wear military uniforms. After looking at each other, Norma's father said, "How do I feel that our military uniforms are not as solemn as the one on him?"

Nong Lie nodded and said: "I have seen a great man wearing his costume on the coins of the East. If possible, I think that in the future, members of the cabinet of our **** should wear such costumes."

Other people's eyes paid more attention to the cheongsam worn by Li Qianqian. Li Qianqian, who was originally a peerless beauty, became more elegant and dazzling after wearing the cheongsam.

Not only the devil-like figure is outlined, but the convex and concave lines not only contain the feminine beauty of women, but also show the toughness and stubbornness of the soft and rigid.

The officials who were still whispering were silent for a while.

At this moment, only the crisp footsteps of Fan Jianming and Li Qianqian caused echoes in the hall, and the powerful aura blooming from them infected everyone.

The Minister of National Defense was dumbfounded. He hurriedly greeted Fan Jianming and asked, "Your Excellency, do you plan to wear this uniform to give a televised speech?"

Fan Jianming nodded and asked, "Don't you think it's okay?"

The Minister of National Defense smiled and said: "It's not impossible. The problem is that according to the past, whether it is country S or country N, our senior leaders wear military uniforms when attending official ceremonies. You know this too."

"Furthermore, considering the particularity of the Federation this time, in order to fear that you are unwilling to accept it because of humility, our cabinet members and members of the military committee, without notifying you and your wife, decided to make a special military uniform for you. Call it the general uniform or the marshal uniform. I would like you to decide for yourself."

After speaking, the Minister of National Defense immediately led the way, and Fan Jianming immediately asked Nong Lie, Norma's father and all cabinet members to follow.

Because Fan Jianming hadn't been upper body yet, the uniform was hung in a room on the first floor without revealing it to the outside world.

Fan Jianming and Li Qianqian saw that the military uniform was very magnificent, and the military uniforms worn by others, including agricultural

The military uniforms of Lie, Norma's father and the Secretary of Defense were simply incomparable with that uniform.

Fan Jianming shook his head and said to the people present: "First of all, I thank everyone for their trust and love to me, and also the designer and maker of this uniform. Just let alone that I have no plans to wear the uniform, even if I plan to wear it. Nor can you wear this uniform."

Everyone looked at him puzzled.

Fan Jianming went on to say: "This military uniform is different from everyone else. If our Federal Supreme Officer wears it, it will be very reminiscent of the military and political government. Moreover, this uniform is unique and very easy to induce people's discomfort. Ambition."

"So not only I don’t wear it, but I also want to remind everyone that none of us can wear this special military uniform. People feel that they are different."

"Otherwise, because of the constant expansion of personal ambitions, they will gradually move towards confession."

Everyone felt that what he said was very reasonable, so they were silent.

Fan Jianming continued: "We have implemented a monarchy before, and now we are moving towards a republic. My vision is to combine the Eastern and Western systems to develop a unique system that suits our national conditions."

"The highest position of all active military personnel is until the Minister of National Defense. All other cabinet members should no longer wear military uniforms."

Usually, cabinet members don’t wear military uniforms very much. They just wear military uniforms when they encounter major events, or on regular occasions, including foreign ministers.

Fan Jianming also said: "Although we are facing a battle of life and death, and what I am about to issue is a national mobilization order, we must declare to the people of the world and the entire Federation that we are a peace-loving country. "

"All of our cabinet members are wearing military uniforms. They are indeed mighty and majestic, but it makes people look like we are a group of militants. So I propose that the time of the video should go back a bit. All cabinet members except the Minister of Defense, All put on casual clothes."

Norma's father said: "Your casual suit is indeed very solemn, but unfortunately there is only one set, otherwise everyone in our cabinet will wear one, and I feel that the momentum is quite good."

Nong Lie said at this time: "I think your Excellency the Supreme Chief is right. The more we face the upcoming war, the more we must adopt an attitude of seeking peace. Only in this way can international morality stand by our side."

"Now you have to press the Supreme Chief

I’m afraid it’s too late to make clothes in this style. I suggest that everyone wear their own national costumes. If it doesn’t work, just wear suits and casual clothes. This should become a common practice in the future, except for the Minister of National Defense and military generals. In addition, government officials are not allowed to wear military uniforms! "

The three of them reached an agreement. Of course, the others had no opinion. They immediately ran to the second floor of the hotel and changed into casual clothes.

The fathers of Nonglie and Norma both wore the national costumes of their respective tribes.

Some of the others wear national clothes, while others wear casual clothes and suits.

Norma and Leah are wearing military uniforms at this time, and neither of them has national costumes.

Leah grew up in the West, only having leather jackets and other modern suits.

Norma is always unconventional, so she also has no national clothes, almost only casual clothes and fashion.

Fan Jianming made people have to find a set of national costumes for Norma. In that case, he would be able to send a signal to the world that the Oasis of Peace would completely liberate women.

As for Leah, Fan Jianming asked her to change into a leather jacket.

Because she is the director of the General Intelligence Agency, and she is a mixed-race who grew up in the West.

As the three women who will appear on the TV screen later, if Norma represents a local woman, then Li Qianqian undoubtedly represents an oriental woman, and Leah’s side represents the hybrid between the local and the West, implying that the future federation will open the country. , To learn from others, in order to join the big family of the world as early as possible.

After Leah changed into a leather jacket, she looked youthful and beautiful, full of vigor, and even had a murderous air of her own, which matched her current identity as the head of the General Intelligence Bureau.

After Norma changed into the national costume, others didn't say anything, but she felt very rustic. Although she didn't say anything, she was very uncomfortable and depressed.

Li Qianqian glanced at Fan Jianming, and said to Fan Jianming through the airborne sound transmission: "Norma's mood is not right, but you persuade her. Remember, this is the first official collective appearance by a member of the Federal Cabinet, let alone excite her. , At least to make her look confident!"

After that, she gave Fan Jianming a little lightly and asked Fan Jianming to take Norma to another room to talk.

Fan Jianming looked at Li Qianqian with some embarrassment, and thought: How can we make Norma become confident?

Li Qianqian saw what was on his mind, and once again used the airborne voice transmission to say: "Don't forget, she is your fiancee. How can I make your fiancee confident? Do you still need me to teach you? Everything is for the country, everything In order to win this war!"

(End of this chapter)