Return of the King

Chapter 1987: Eloquence is still good


The ambassador smiled and said: "Your Excellency, it is not your personal behavior to accept as many students from your country as possible this time, but the approval of the Chinese government. Therefore, you don't have to worry about the safety, life and study of the students. , Our country will arrange everything."

Fan Jianming nodded and said: "Of course I believe this. But I personally have a lot of property in Jiangcheng, and you have also seen from the domestic new media and the programs broadcast by the Federal TV. The spirit of ism can be said to be touching."

"The Eastern Government agreed to accept these children. The people of the Federation have been grateful. As for the cost, we can bear it ourselves."

"The reason why I strongly urge Dong Mingzhu to return to China is because compared to other comrades in China, she is more clear about the customs of the Federation and also knows what kind of behavior I will do to the **** country. Reshape."

"These children are the future of the **** country, and they are also the witnesses and inheritors of the friendship between the Federation and the East. Let Dong Mingxia's unified management, and even militarized management, help them grow quickly."

"That said, because Dong Mingxia has been here for a while, we told the locals that if their children will be managed by Dong Mingxia, they will feel more at ease."

"Although the Eastern Government and the people have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people on the federal side, it is still quite abstract when it comes to individuals. To let Dong Mingxia return to China to take care of these children, it can be said that the parents of these children can be seen and touched. Got it."

The ambassador thought for a while and nodded: "Your Excellency is so careful and thoughtful. I don't think it is a problem to arrange for Dong Mingxia to return to China. I will ask the country for instructions now."

"Thank you so much!"

Fan Jianming originally planned to call Li Qianqian immediately after going out and ask her to tell the two people who joined the *** through various channels to send her children to the East as soon as possible.

After learning that the Dongfang Government had such a plan in advance, Fan Jianming felt that he could not be too sloppy, and that he must use this matter to further promote the east in the Federation.

To make this

The people here know who is the friend and the enemy?

Who can be trusted forever!

Fan Jianming drove back to the hotel quickly. Fang Yadan had already received a call from Li Qianqian. The classmates he led were waiting in the lobby on the first floor, including Li Limin and Wang Wei, as well as Lu Yuxin.

Fan Jianming just smiled and nodded to them, said hello, and immediately walked up to the second floor.

Liu Yunkun looked at the probe, and then said to everyone: "It seems that the situation is very tense. Lao Fan is now the highest officer, and now he is still driving by himself. Isn't even the driver signing up for the army?"

Yang Ting glanced at him: "What nonsense? There is no shortage of him as a driver. Do you still understand Mr. Fan? He doesn't like ostentation. I guess it might be because of the reason or the people he wants to meet and do. Let more people know, so I drive by myself."

Everyone thinks that Yang Ting is right. Fan Jianming did not do anything glamorous when he returned to China after he became famous, but did a few tangible things, which won the favor of the people of the city.

Zhang Guodong is more willing to believe Liu Yunkun's words.

In short, he hopes from his heart that the entire Federation is in a hurry, only in this way can he have a chance.

Fang Yadan, like everyone else, always follows everything he sees and his emotions follow the situation, often causing violent fluctuations.

But she unexpectedly discovered that Zhang Guodong didn't seem to care about all of this. The feeling was very strange. It could be considered that he was not surprised at all, or that he was out of the picture.

In the past, Fang Yadan really thought he was confident, but after experiencing the incident in the county town last time, Fang Yadan knew that he was a coward. The cowardice in his heart and the strength of his appearance formed a huge contrast.

However, there is one thing Fang Yadan had to admit. Zhang Guodong, who was as timid as a mouse, knew that war would bring danger to his life. Hearing Fang Yadan was coming to the Federation, he followed him without saying a word.

Although his courage could not have grown in one day, Fang Yadan was certain that he had identified himself in this life.

It’s just that Fang Yadan didn’t know.

Zhang Guodong has his own small calculation in his heart. He is not not afraid of war, but hopes that this war will destroy Fan Jianming.

The reason why he did not hesitate to come to the Federation, in addition to grasping Fang Yadan tightly, he also had the dream of blue sky and daylight, hoping that he could have a chance to appear in front of Li Qianqian as a flower protector.

But he was too good at disguising, Fang Yadan couldn't see the true thoughts in his heart at all.

It's like Zhang Guodong. Actually, he has always thought about Lu Yuxin next to him, but on the surface, he seems to completely ignore the existence of Lu Yuxin. He has never looked at it intentionally or unintentionally, or went to fight with Lu Yuxin if nothing happened. Hello.

"Aren't you afraid?" Fang Yadan asked Zhang Guodong in a whisper.

"What are you afraid of?" Zhang Guodong asked inexplicably.

"War!" Fang Yadan said: "The power gap between the Federation and Country V is too great. How do I feel that Fan Jianming has no chance of winning at all?"

Zhang Guodong said dignifiedly: "The victory of the war is not limited to the comparison of the strength of the two sides. It can be seen from the history of the East that in fact, every war is at a disadvantage for the East."

"However, the final result is that the people of the East are united and under the leadership of the great man. Although they have paid a heavy price, they have ushered in the great cause of standing among the nations of the world."

"Aside from anything else, it can be seen from the current high enthusiasm of the federal people that the whole country supports Fan Jianmin. As long as they are united, I think the energy stimulated during the war will definitely be able to bridge the gap in their strength. ."

Fang Yadan nodded and said: "Why did I forget, you are a serious college graduate with a lot of money! Looking back, I will let Tan Xiaomeng interview you, and you will also cheer and cheer the people of the Federation!"

Zhang Guodong smiled and said: "Let's talk about it! They are very busy now, mainly reporting the high emotions of the locals. Our views are not important. Besides, I came this time mainly to protect you. Even if the war fails, I will do it. Do your best to make you retreat. As for other things, I am not interested."

(End of this chapter)