Return of the King

Chapter 1988: Depending on each other for fate


Although Fang Yadan knew that Zhang Guodong was completely swollen and fat, but the punks in several counties could scare him like that. In the face of such a powerful enemy, does he have the courage to defend himself?

But having said that, even if he knew that Zhang Guodong was telling lies, Fang Yadan felt quite comfortable.

Sometimes women like to listen to this kind of lie, at least they can satisfy their inner vanity.

Although Fang Yadan knew very well in his heart, once his life was threatened, Fan Jianming might be the only one who could save him. But Fan Jianming has never said it in person.

Li Qianqian called everyone over, and when she was about to go downstairs, she was stunned when she saw Fan Jianming approaching in a hurry.

It’s not an appointment. As long as the country agrees, will he call?

"Why, husband," Li Qianqian asked nervously, "Does China disagree?"

Fan Jianming smiled and said: "Who said that he disagrees? The result is better than we thought. Let's go and notify the cabinet members for a meeting."

The cabinet members are currently working on the second floor, and the members from country S even live on the second floor of the hotel.

After everyone arrived in Qi, Fan Jianming did not say that Li Qianqian first brought up this matter. He just told everyone that he received a call from the Eastern Ambassador, and the Eastern Government considered that the war might bring danger and trauma to the children of the Federation. Therefore, before the war begins, he is willing to accept more children from the Federation to go to the east.

After hearing this, the scene was silent.

This is too unexpected!

Everyone here knows that Dongfang is for children to study abroad, and it is completely a place for the children of the Federation to provide refuge!

Especially when I heard that there is no limit on the number of people, and when I think about the TV programs I just watched and the news I saw on the Eastern New Media platform, the members of the cabinet were so excited that they couldn't even speak.

Nong Lie took the lead and applauded.

Suddenly, prolonged applause erupted from the small venue.

The safety of the children has been lost, which allows everyone to completely let go of the burden of thinking and can completely let go of the aggressor.

Even if one generation is gone, they are not afraid, because the East will definitely be able to cultivate a better next generation for them.

The warm applause has explained everything, Fan Jianming did not talk nonsense, and immediately let Sutu inform the three major TV stations and radio stations to broadcast the news immediately.

After receiving the list, the two ***s were sent directly to Li Qianqian. Li Qianqian formed a working group. The members were the students downstairs. At the same time, *** sent some local ones.

The staff cooperates.

According to the number of personnel, a plane to the east will be arranged in time.

Nong Lie specifically pointed out that the arrival of Fan Jianming’s grandmother and father has had an unexpected effect. For the safety of the two elderly people, he suggested that Fan Jianming’s grandma and father return to the East with the first batch of students’ planes. .

The people present all agreed.

Fan Jianming waved his hand: "My father is almost okay, but my grandmother cannot return to China. She said that in her lifetime, we must see us defeat the invaders!"

This couldn't be more clear. The implication was that if the Federation was defeated, she would rather die here than go back.

While being moved, everyone spoke one after another.

Sutu said: "Your Excellency, you and your family have done too much for the federation, and we must not let the elderly stay with us in fear!"

The Minister of Justice said: "Your Excellency, we are all determined to die. If you should not say something, even if you die in battle, it is your duty. Who made you the highest officer of the Federation? But if your grandmother stays, If there is something unexpected, we can't explain to the world. Not only can't explain to the East ** Mansion, we can't even explain to the children who are going to the East!"

The Minister of Foreign Affairs said: "Yes, sir, you and your wife stayed, even your classmates, and the workers who stayed. We all accepted with a grateful and sincere heart. If you let you Grandma stays behind, it's impossible to make sense or reason!"

Norma also said at this time: "Your Excellency, Madam, if you can't persuade you, please allow me to persuade! In any case, the old man can't stay here!"

Norma’s father sent Fan Jianming into the army at this time: "Your Excellency, when I visited with Your Excellency Nong Lie yesterday, your grandmother was polite and polite, but when I mentioned the matter between you and Norma, she never spoke. ."

"If the old man does not leave, are you afraid that you will destroy the oriental traditions, and at the same time, to protect the interests of Mrs. Fan, I will stay and watch you?"

Norma frowned, and shouted with a shy face: "Your Excellency Speaker, now we are discussing ***, can we not engage in personal matters?"

Norma's father argued: "This is what I'm talking about! I mean, let the Supreme Chief Executive bring a sentence to his grandmother. As long as his grandmother returns to China, we guarantee that the Supreme Chief will never marry other women! "

Norma asked her to persuade her grandmother herself, she also thought this way, but if it didn’t work, she would say to her grandmother,

As long as her grandmother returns to China, she promises that she will not marry Fan Jianming.

Although this was her true thoughts, her father said it at this meeting, which made her lose face, as if she couldn't get married and forced Fan Jianming to marry her.

Seeing Norma's embarrassed face, Li Qianqian said quickly: "Your Excellency Speaker, you made a mistake. The reason why grandma stayed was not because he was afraid that the chief executive would marry Norma, but that he would not marry Norma."

No one else can figure out the specific situation. Both Norma's father and Nong Lie saw the attitude of grandma last night, so they were stunned at the same time.

Li Qianqian explained: "Everyone knows that Dongfang practices monogamy. Grandma is worried that I can't accept other women. When I saw you two of you yesterday, because I didn't pass the anger with me in advance, so I didn't dare to accept it. Your words."

"After we went home in the evening, my grandmother specifically told me that the people of the Federation were too enthusiastic, and Norma was one of the most outstanding women in the Federation. Since the custom here allows polygamy, let me not take the oriental To look at this issue from a perspective, we must support your Excellency the Chief Executive."

Norma didn't know whether it was true or not, but Li Qianqian was able to say this at this time, which undoubtedly gave her a step down, so she was full of gratitude to Li Qianqian.

Nong Lie and Norma’s father suddenly realized that when they thought of the speech made by their grandma at the airport, they felt that grandma was a person who took care of the overall situation, so he believed what Li Qianqian said.

Li Qianqian continued: "Furthermore, the reason why grandma insisted on staying was not because of this incident, but at the airport yesterday. Many workers stayed after listening to her speech."

"In my grandmother's eyes, if I left at this time, it would be tantamount to cheating the workers, and after returning to China, I would have no face to see the workers' families."

"More importantly, the Supreme Chief has lost his mother since he was a child. Because his father has a new family, his grandmother has always depended on him."

"In the seven years when the supreme officer was in Country S, my grandmother had been looking forward to his return. During the seven years, she was blinded by crying."

Speaking of this, Li Qianqian was a little bit choked with tears, other things are still unclear, the current grandmother was later recovered.

After a while, Li Qianqian continued: "To put it bluntly, grandma has decided to never leave the Supreme Chief in her lifetime. So everyone no longer talks about this issue. There is only one possibility for grandma to return to China. The Supreme Chief returned to the East with her."

(End of this chapter)