Return of the King

Chapter 1990: Anti-intermination


Except for Fan Jianming and Li Qianqian, Norma and Lia were stunned at the same time.

Nong Lie didn't pay attention to Li Qianqian, but kept staring at Fan Jianming. Seeing that he had no reaction at all, he asked, "Your Excellency, is this in your expectation, or do you not believe what I said?"

Fan Jianming smiled: "How could I not believe you if you left a few of us to talk about this? Maybe you weren't surprised to see me, as if you didn't care about your betraying us. In fact, this can be done from Look at it from another angle."

"Yes, under the current circumstances, when you go to meet our enemy, it is easy for us to feel that you will be instigated, but your purpose of seeing Pierce, why can't it be to instigate him?"

Norma's father was right to think about it.

Pierce and Nong Lie represent different camps. Isn't it normal for who to rebel and whom?

Nong Lie smiled and said, "Does Pierce still need to instigate rebellion? He was originally a mercenary. As long as he can afford the price, he can fight for any organization in the world."

Fan Jianming nodded: "If this is the case, then I think it must be him who invited you to meet, and while you are trying to find out his details, you are also planning to do it for us. What I am talking about is to leave a way for the people of our entire federation. ."

"Because I said that once we all have an accident, the rest of us don't have to resist. But even if we don't resist, the enemy, especially the former warlord, cannot stop the butcher knife."

"It is expected that they will liquidate and massacre innocent people in retaliation. Why can't you reach an agreement with Pierce and let you organize a new government to ensure the interests of Country V and Pierce while preventing the former warlord from counterattack? What?"

Norma, father and daughter and Leah couldn't turn around. After Fan Jianming finished speaking, they thought about it carefully, and Fan Jianming was right.

Since I was fighting to compromise at the end, I am afraid that Nong Lie would form a new government, much better than the return of the warlord government.

Nong Lie smiled bitterly: "Your Excellency, I am afraid that the only person in the world who can understand me is you."

Leah asked at this time: "Your Excellency, I just ask what I think of. If you really have such a good intention, why did you not tell us in time after meeting the night before, at least you should tell the highest Your sir, but have to wait until now to tell us?"

Nong Lie then asked Fan Jianming, "Your Excellency, why do you think I am?"

Fan Jianming smiled and said, "All of you here are not outsiders, you just

Don't make me guess anymore, just say it yourself. "

Nong Lie smiled and said: "Yes, when Pierce called me, as the Supreme Chief had just said, I had two main purposes at the time. One was to probe their preparations for war. As for him to find me. I don’t have to say anything about the purpose."

"The second thing is that I did think that at the time, your Excellency the Supreme Chief said that you can give up resistance when you have to. I really didn't think of myself at the time, but thought of how to give to the people of the Federation, especially to the people of N country. A back road."

"After all, we only used part of the troops of country S. It is still unclear whether country V will extend the war to country S. I wanted to see what conditions they proposed at the time. If we can ensure that after the war, let the speaker continue. If the country is in charge of N, of course I can cooperate with them."

Norma’s father believed that Nong Lie was telling the truth, and then asked: "That Pierce means—"

Nong Lie shook his head and said: "I thought at first that they would let me betray me publicly, or cooperate with them in secret, but Pierce told me that I didn't need to do anything during the war, as long as I promised to be a **** after the war. The highest officer is OK."

"Of course, there is an additional condition that is to ensure the interests of Pierce."

Leah asked again: "If this is the case, then I think you can totally agree!"

Nong Lie smiled and said, "I also thought so at the time, and even thought it was a good thing to fall into the sky. For me, there is no benefit in not hitting you, and there is no harm in agreeing."

"During the war, I can still go all out to deal with them. Even if I lose the war, I can still sit firmly in the position of the highest official. Why is the V country so stupid?"

"Does this kind of condition still need to be negotiated? Don't say it is me. They talked about this condition with the Supreme Chief or with the Speaker. I believe you two have no reason to disagree!"

Leah's eyes widened, her small mouth was pouting, and she kept nodding her head: "That's right! What you mean is that since they are not stupid, they must have other purposes? But I really can't imagine, they will What other purpose is there?"

Nong Lie nodded and said: "I can't imagine, but unlike you young people, when you can't imagine that they have other purposes, you can quickly agree, and I just kept silent at the time."

"I thought about it after I came back

Think, they should be using counterintuitives. "

"Anti-intermination?" Leah asked puzzledly.

Fan Jianming intervened at this time: "Yes. You see, we are now preparing for the war, what is the thing that everyone is most vigilant or disgusted with?"

Norma said: "Of course it is someone among us who has contacted the enemy privately."

"Yes," Fan Jianming said: "If your Excellency Nonglie, as Leah just said, there is no harm in hearing that they promised them, he would definitely come back and tell us the good news immediately after agreeing to the party. "

"You can even say happily, let us go all out to fight the enemy fiercely, anyway, even if we are defeated, it will still be His Excellency Nong Lie as the supreme officer in the end."

"The question is, if your Excellency Nonglie told us this news, would we really believe it?"

Nong Lie said at this time: "Yes! My thought at the time was that as long as I tell this matter, no one of you will believe it, but only one point. Pierce contacted me before the war began, so at least From the view of the people of V country and Pierce, as far as our country is concerned, my Nong Lie is the most unreliable. As long as you doubt me, their goal will be achieved."

Li Qianqian also reacted at this time.

Nong Lie did not say this in time, because he was afraid of causing misunderstandings, just like Fan Jianming was afraid that Li Qianqian would enter Nong Lie's brain, and ultimately beware of Nong Lie's misunderstanding, which would cause an internal crisis.

Fan Jianming smiled: "The person who can come up with this strategy, I am afraid that the effect he wants is more than that."

"Yes," said Nong Lie: "Since everyone misunderstands me, there is bound to be a gap between us. Then there will be two situations. One is that everyone squeezes me out and weakens my rights, even Sutu and the Minister of National Defense. And the rights of all other officials and generals of the s country, which caused our dissatisfaction."

"In that case, they are equivalent to abolishing half of our military strength without abolishing a single soldier."

"There is also a situation that even if everyone does not doubt me, I just have to move this mind. Once the war finally reaches a stalemate, or when it is against us, in order to prove my value and at the same time to ensure that they are after the war. Fulfilling the agreement, who can guarantee that I will not draw a salary from the bottom of the pan, start from the inside when it is critical, and directly ruin our peace oasis **** country?"

(End of this chapter)