Return of the King

Chapter 1992: Poke the key


Country V is a veteran colonial country. It knows the tactics of some backward countries. Generally, when facing the possibility of war, they will wear military uniforms from top to bottom, regardless of whether they are ordinary officials or soldiers, in order to demonstrate force.

Of course, there is no other way. For any poor and weak country, the only way they can express their will not to surrender is to let the enemy know that they are all soldiers and are ready to fight to the end.

Therefore, whether it is the official country or the news media, they have prepared a series of articles about criticism. After Fan Jianming issues a national mobilization order, they will attack the country from all angles.

This includes the dress of government officials and the content of Fan Jianming's speech.

In other words, they even have news media templates. Just fill in the text and it will be an article that discredited the Peace Oasis Federation.

They wanted to ridicule the **** dress to criticize that **** is still a monarchy, or has changed from a monarchy to a military and political government. They did not expect that except for the Minister of Defense, everyone else was dressed in civilian clothes and ethnic groups. clothing.

In the past, the generals who played the leading role in the face of war actually became the background.

In Country V, the manuscripts they prepared and even the comics attached to them were all invalidated.

The most interesting is the content of the mobilization order issued by Fan Jianming.

In fact, whether it is a weak country or a strong country, the general mobilization order has a fixed version. The first is to condemn the country that launched the aggression. The second is to explain the fearlessness of the country. Finally, it is to call the people of the whole country into a state of war preparedness. Will even announce first-level combat readiness.

Country V has also prepared a large number of slander and counterattack articles. As a result, the completion of Fan Jianming's mobilization order is not the case.

He first told the citizens that a war of aggression launched by country V could start anytime and anywhere, and then he did not mobilize the people of the whole country to actively sign up for the army and take up arms to prepare for battle.

Instead, the workers stepped up their construction, the fishermen stepped up their homework, the women did their housework well, and the students studied hard.

Fan Jianming told everyone that even though the government of country V is ambitious and the V** people are frantic, he believes that under the supervision of the international community, under any circumstances

, The government of country V dare not slaughter innocent civilians.

He also announced that once the war begins, all federal troops and soldiers cannot retreat into the urban area and use civilian buildings and lives as strategic or tactical shelters.

In other words, he is not calling on the people of the whole country to rise up to resist, but to let more people maintain their status as civilians. The powerful V-State aircraft carrier formation has no reason to destroy the federal cities and villages.

Originally, the V** party can also excuse that the **** has been mobilized by the whole people. Since all the people are soldiers, or soldiers are hiding among the civilians, they can attack any target unscrupulously.

Because since Fan Jianming's national mobilization order was issued, the government no longer has civilians in the true sense.

Now it's different. Fan Jianming is basically in the mobilization order, completely distinguishing the boundary between soldiers and civilians, and he does not have the consciousness of holding ordinary civilians against the powerful as the country.

A mobilization order that must arouse the awareness of the whole people to participate in the war has become a definition book for civilians and soldiers, and let the V ** prepare the text cannonballs, such as **** holding civilians, using civilian lives as cannon fodder to maintain their military administration. **The existence of the government, etc., can not be shot out.

Immediately afterwards, Fan Jianming was comforting his citizens and convinced everyone of his government and army. As long as a shell of country V falls into the land of the Peace Oasis Federation, the Peace Oasis Federation army will also have equally destructive bombs. It exploded in the homeland of country V.

The implication is that as long as the mainland of China is attacked, the same thing will happen in the country V.

Since the government of Country V has rashly launched a war of aggression and has received support from the National Assembly, that is, the support of its citizens, the citizens of Country V will certainly pay for this war.

Fan Jianming sonorously warned the people of V country: "Don't think that war is just a vote of approval or disapproval in your hands. For the people who have suffered aggression, it will be a disaster and a bloody terror. , The pain of being separated from flesh and blood."

"When you are drinking coffee, smoking a cigar, holding the rod of civilization in your hand, and voting in favor like a gentleman, what I want to tell you is that the Peace Oasis Federation’s

Any disaster the people suffer as a result will be staged in your lives. "

"Don't tell me this is a terrorist attack. After you vote for it, the aircraft carrier formations have been killed all over the world. For peace-loving people all over the world, this is the biggest terrorist attack!"

"Since you like this kind of game, then I and the people of the Peace Oasis Federation will certainly travel far and wide. We invite all of you who consider themselves gentlemen to join this gathering and feel the democracy and human rights brought to you by the war. Atmosphere."

"At that time, you will be able to feel the pain that our people have suffered. Perhaps you will put down your hypocritical gentleman masks and stand on the side of the people of our Peace Oasis Federation to jointly resist this terrorist attack initiated by your government. ."

The people of V country never dreamed that when the huge aircraft carrier formation was approaching the country, Fan Jianming did not panic. He hysterically called on the people of the entire Federation to take up arms, as if to warn everyone to keep their duty and take the task of resisting aggression. Hand it over to the soldier with confidence.

At the same time, the needle was hidden in the cotton, which directly warned the people of Country V that once the Peace Oasis Federation suffers aggression, the same loss will appear in the homeland of Country V.

In the history of human warfare, especially in the experience of world wars, almost any country except the West has suffered from the bad luck of being attacked on its own land, and Country V is no exception.

When Fan Jianming conveyed to the people of Country V that he wanted to bring the war to the mainland of Country V, the people of Country V who had experienced air strikes during World War II, and those who died in the air strikes, immediately told the government of Country V through the Internet. Strong dissatisfaction.

The most difficult thing for the government of country V to face, Fan Jianming also showed the pictures of the 16 special forces, and also questioned the government of country V. Let alone the death of the two reporters, even if it is true, there is nothing wrong with them. Compared with the lives of individuals, are the lives of sixteen people not worth mentioning?

As long as country V announces its withdrawal, the Oasis of Peace will immediately release 16 special forces.

If country V really regards the lives of its people and brazenly wages war for the lives of two reporters from its own country, then why can't it stop the war immediately in order to save these 16 lives?

(End of this chapter)