Return of the King

Chapter 1993: Fatigue Fight


Fan Jianming's speech undoubtedly directly exposed the lies of the V politicians.

Sixteen to two is considered a problem, even preschool children can do it, let alone a politician in country V.

The citizens of country V did not know the truth at first, including members of the parliament.

They have always thought that countries S and N, which are hard to find on the time map, seem to be living in the last century of the last century due to stagnant development. They are two different from the national power and military power of country V. century.

The soldiers of Country V will certainly be able to do the same as their ancestors. As long as the cannon on the warship is aimed at, the Peace Oasis Federation may immediately succumb like their ancestors.

Who knows that the aircraft carrier formation has not arrived yet, two cruisers were forced back by ten helicopter gunships.

Fortunately now, none of the 16 special forces sent by him slipped through the net, and all were captured by others. Also, judging from the latest photos, they did not try their best to fight, and there were no casualties.

The people of Country V really can't imagine how the Peace Oasis Federation, which has been vilified and incompetent by their government and the news media, captured their special forces without bloodshed.

There is only one explanation, that is, the military of the Peace Oasis Federation is not as corrupt and incompetent as the government and the media advertise.

They can quietly capture the well-trained special forces. Who can be sure that Fan Jianming is only brave and has no real strength to attack the country V?

The highest official of Country V spoke with the Minister of National Defense and asked him if he had watched Fan Jianming's TV speech. What is his opinion?

At this time, the Minister of National Defense had already flown to the aircraft carrier by special plane and was about to arrive in the coastal waters of the Peace Oasis Federation.

"I have already seen it," said the Minister of National Defense. "Although his national mobilization order is unique, in the words of their Easterners, the grasshoppers after autumn will not be able to jump for a few days. Your Excellency won't be because of his words. Threat, did you have the idea of retreating?"

If it hadn't been dispatched before, even if it was withdrawn before Fan Jianming issued the mobilization order, it would be fine.

Withdrawing troops now is tantamount to telling the world that the powerful V empire was actually intimidated by Fan Jianming's words, let alone V** people, I am afraid that even ordinary people can't accept it.

If they really want to announce the withdrawal of troops at this time, then they will probably have to prepare for this government to step down at the same time.

The supreme officer did not answer his question, and then asked: "Have you noticed what Fan Jianming said? He didn't mean our aircraft carrier formation.

After entering their territorial waters, they set a limit of fifty nautical miles outside the territorial waters. Once we crossed, they would take the initiative. "

"I noticed," the Secretary of Defense said with disdain: "The question is, in the face of our powerful aircraft carrier formation, why do they preemptively strike? Are the ten helicopters? If that's the case, I can destroy them during takeoff. Over their airport!"

The highest official reminded: "I think this matter should be more cautious. Although this Fan Jianming has no experience in politics, it can be seen from today's mobilization order that he has his own way and knows how to attack his mind. ."

"Let's just talk about the fifty nautical miles he limited. I believe he knows very well that this small distance can't stop our attack, but why should I say it?"

The Secretary of Defense said: "I think he is just to scare people, because we can't stop our huge aircraft carrier formation, so we symbolically draw a line. According to international practice, as long as we don't enter their territorial waters, it is not an aggression. Why is he here? Outside the territorial sea, draw such a dividing line of fifty nautical miles?"

"This is what I want to say," the chief official said: "I feel that in addition to attracting the attention of the international community, he is also looking for excuses for their preemptive strikes. In other words, I think he already has the idea of preemptive strikes."

The Minister of National Defense said: "You don't have to worry about this. With their national and military strength, if you want to preemptively, you will only insult yourself in the end."

"I said your Excellency General," the top official reminded: "Now it is a top-secret call between the two of us. I won't talk about it with rhetoric. I hope you can face it, especially with this Fan Jianming. You can't take it lightly."

"The photo of our First Porter team captured has aroused a strong response in the country. Before that, who can believe that a well-trained special team can actually not fire a single shot. All the hairs were captured by them without damage?"

The Secretary of Defense sighed: "I was puzzled. I started an investigation as soon as I got here, but no one knew what happened that night."

The top official said: "This is the horrible thing about Fan Jianming. Don't look at it as a small action, but from the perspective of the situation after engaging in it, Fan Jianming and this **** country are by no means what we imagined before. Vulnerable."

"Your Excellency, this matter is a bit doubtful, but you don’t need to put too much emphasis on it. After all, it’s just a 16-person special team.

No problem. "

According to the guidance of the supreme chief, for the staunch defense minister, a phone call cannot persuade him to adjust his mentality, unless he has suffered a great loss.

The problem is that for country V, they must use the least price, or even pay no price, to completely win this war to be considered a real victory.

If you suffer a big loss and pay a painful price, even if you win in the end, it will be a complete failure for this government.

"Your Excellency General, I just remind you not to underestimate the enemy. You can make up your mind about the rest!" The top officer asked instead, "When do you plan to start the "System Clone" project?"

The Minister of National Defense groaned for a while, and said: "I originally arrived at my destination today, taking advantage of the fact that the other party was completely unprepared, and suddenly launched a full-scale attack with lightning speed."

"Since Fan Jianming has issued a national mobilization order, everyone in the country is in danger, and they must guard against our sudden attacks anytime and anywhere. In this case, I personally feel that the effect of a sudden attack is definitely not in defeating them. It’s a problem, but there may be strong resistance, because now is the time when their confidence is overflowing, and the whole country will give its life to do with us."

The highest official said: "This is what I worry about the most."

The Minister of National Defense said very proudly: "So I think that since they sounded the alarm, we will let them tighten the string and see how long they can jump. When they are exhausted and careless, we are killing them. A blow!"

The supreme officer said: "The general's method is very good. Originally, they are waiting for work and are always waiting for our attack. Now according to your strategy, we will turn our back to the object, and we will wait for work and wait for their mental breakdown."

The Minister of National Defense laughed and said: "Of course, I won't let them stop at this time. The airborne troops have entered the country W. In the early stage, the warlord armed forces also organized some refugees to enter the country N. Let them do something there first. In this case, they will be exhausted, and their insufficient military strength will be even more stretched."

"This is a good way. In addition, we will give them another information war." The top official said: "From now on, the cabinet will send you a telegram of the war order every day. You can ignore it, but we let them intercept and let They don’t close their eyes for twenty hours a day, waiting for our attack."

(End of this chapter)