Return of the King

Chapter 1998: Dilemma


Leah said: "My information is absolutely accurate. I can even record and broadcast the conversation between their chief officer and the Minister of Defense for everyone to listen to."

After speaking, Leah clicked on the audio file, and everyone heard the recording of the conversation between the Supreme Chief of Country V and the Minister of Defense.

Nong Lie nodded and said: "Now I realize how important intelligence is in modern warfare? Until now, I have to admit that Director Leah's work is almost half of the national armed forces for us. "

Leah said triumphantly: "Now everyone understands that the Supreme Chief allows me to enter the cabinet not just because I am his fiancée?"

After speaking, she put out her tongue playfully, glanced at the people present, and everyone smiled heartily.

Both Shangguan Youran and Melanie knew that the high efficiency of her intelligence work completely relied on the dark dominance system.

Fan Jianming asked Nong Lie at this time: "I don't know what your thoughts on this information?"

Nong Lie smiled and said, "When we were in country s, we all listened to you. You can fight as you say you want to fight. You can fight wherever you say you fight. I think it's still the same now. Yes, you just say what should we do?"

Fan Jianming turned his attention to Norma's father.

Norma’s father smiled and said: "Your Excellency Nonglie understands your wisdom. Through the last war, I also understand your ability. I agree with Your Excellency Nonglie. Whatever you say, do what you say. Your Excellency Nonglie and I Only responsible for logistical support, while ensuring that every order you make is 100% executed!"

When Fan Jianming turned his gaze to the Minister of National Defense and the Minister of Police, they almost unanimously said: "We only look forward to the Chief Executive!"

Fan Jianming turned to Wellington and asked Wellington: "As the saying goes, the authorities are fascinated, and the bystanders are clear. I really want to hear your opinion."

Wellington laughed and said: "Others don't understand me. You, Your Excellency Nong Lie, and Your Excellency Minister of National Defense know that I was a mercenary back then. It's okay to charge into battle, and simple tactical coordination can be achieved."

"But now let me stand at the height of a country

Considering various factors, including politics, diplomacy, military affairs, and even economic strength must be considered. How can I have that ability? "

Fan Jianming smiled and said: "You West and Country V are allies, and both advocate hegemonism. As a soldier in the West, please start from the perspective of a soldier and help us analyze the authenticity of the content of their calls."

Leah cut in at this moment: "Your Excellency means, do you suspect that they deliberately let us eavesdrop on their conversation?"

Fan Jianming shook his head: "They are a multi-encrypted satellite call. It is impossible to know that it will be leaked. Therefore, we have known the content of their conversation. They should be unclear."

Leah asked back: "If this is the case, then why do you still doubt the authenticity of their call?"

Wellington explained at this time: "Miss Leah, I understand what the Supreme Commander meant. When we were fighting side by side in Country S, the most famous mantra of the Supreme Commander was to be out. Not affected."

"Your Excellency suspects that although the highest officials of Country V have communicated the principles of this war and even the specific plans for the war with their Minister of Defense."

"As a front-line commander, and their defense minister is highly respected, it is entirely possible for him to perfuse the highest officer while judging the situation and press the button to start this war anytime and anywhere according to his own wishes."

It's not just Leah. After listening to Wellington's explanation, everyone understands what Fan Jianming is worried about.

Yes, they negotiated, the expedition came, and the principle of fighting in one go, suddenly changed to waiting for work with ease, in an attempt to drag the federal army into a state of exhaustion.

But who can be sure that this is not a smoke bomb set by the Secretary of Defense?

With his status and prestige in Country V, he can completely ignore the decisions and disregard of the highest officials and even all cabinet members, and decide when to go to war at any time based on the ever-changing reality.

Just like what they said on the phone, tonight they prepared the airborne brigade to launch a sneak attack at any time. It was a false sentiment.


But the problem is that their intelligence personnel have been mixed with the refugees who returned earlier. If they find that the federal army has no response to this, that is to say, when they judge that the Federation has not obtained this information, wouldn't they? Suddenly changing the order, really let the airborne brigade, with the cooperation of the former warlords and the mercenary regiment, launch a flood-like attack on the Federation with lightning speed?

At a previous meeting, Davis Jr. once threatened that with the strength and quality of the Union soldiers, this airborne brigade of Country V was sufficient to sweep the entire Union under the premise of fighting alone.

He has such an idea. Wouldn't the V**ners, even the Minister of Defense of country V, have the same idea?

It is for this reason that Fan Jianming hopes that Wellington will think about it in an empathy with the thinking of a Western soldier. Will the Minister of Defense of Country V implement the established policy in accordance with the principles discussed by him and the chief executive, or will he respond accordingly. Judgment suddenly broke?

Everyone wanted to understand this problem, only to realize that the enemy's trick was really not easy.

It seems that their top secrets have been obtained by the police, but they still can't accurately judge the reality of their actions.

Do you think the order they gave today is fake, but they can do the fake show anytime, anywhere.

If you think they might actually take action, they are lying in the barracks and sleeping.

For a long time, if you keep tightening your nerves and defending in this ambiguous state, it will not take long for the Federation to be exhausted from top to bottom.

Wellington went on to say: "I still mean that. I can't judge this matter from the perspective of a supreme official and from the height of a country. But only in terms of tactics, the information we have obtained is not only detrimental to ours. Preparing for war, on the contrary, will disturb our thoughts, making us defensive and not defensive."

"If I have to judge this issue from the perspective of a Western soldier, I am afraid I will have the same opinion as Mr. Davis Jr. Since one brigade can conquer the entire Confederation, why don't I try?"

(End of this chapter)