Return of the King

Chapter 1999: Equally well matched


Melanie said at this time: "Indeed, this is like a boxer in a boxing ring. Under normal circumstances, a boxer will use his left fist to make a flick, and then use his right fist to hit the opponent hard."

"Of course, when the strength of both parties is equal, if it is not at the same level, when the boxer shakes the left fist, and the other party is unconscious or unable to guard against it, he will turn the left fist that was a false move. For the truth, hit the opponent directly."

Fan Jianming is most worried about the opponent's fictitious reality. This combination of fictitiousness and reality is hard to guard against.

The most important thing is the Minister of National Defense of Country V. There is definitely a general out there, and the capital that the emperor is not immune to. He is commanding at the front line, which has brought more uncertainties to this war.

Everyone present now understands Fan Jianming's concerns. The most bloody thing is that the strength of the two countries is too far apart. Apart from passive defense, the Federation has no choice at all.

Just like what Melanie said, the two fighters are not of the same level at all. If they are opponents of the same level, the Federation can completely preemptive and hit country V by surprise.

However, with the current national and military strength of both sides, even if the Federation takes the lead, in a certain part or within a certain period of time, the Federation may achieve partial and phased victory, but in the end it will not escape the fate of defeat.

And Fan Jianming and all the senior officials of the Federation actually have another illusion in their hearts, that is, while the Federation shows a tough attitude, coupled with the international community’s condemnation of State V, and moral support for the Federation, the most It is the perfect ending to make V country retreat.

If **** takes the lead and preemptive strikes, this possibility will never exist.

Fan Jianming asked Shangguan Youran at this time: "Miss Special Commissioner, what do you think of this matter, or do you have any suggestions?"

Fan Jianming could see that Shangguan Youran actually had an idea, but Fan Jianming didn't ask her, so she didn't speak.

So when everyone was in deep thought, Fan Jianming named her.

Sure enough, Shangguan Youran had obviously been brewing for a long time, so he calmly said: "The real war is actually a match between opponents and a contest between Liangcai."

"Say something you might not want to hear,

The current state of mind between the Federation and Country V can be regarded as a confrontation between the two sides of the war. At best, it is a massacre. It is a murderous hunter facing an animal that has never been able to resist. "

"When this slaughter begins, and in what form, depends entirely on the hunter. Sometimes the hunter sneezes. I'm afraid this poor animal will be exhausted. This is the current situation we are facing now."

Shangguan Youran's words made everyone hear very uncomfortable, even harsh, but no one denies that this is not the truth.

Indeed, no matter how self-confident they are, they vowed and even issued a national mobilization order.

But compared with the strength of country V, **** is definitely not two opponents on the battlefield, it is really the relationship between hunters and animals.

Leah said at this time: "Miss Shangguan, what you said has a certain truth, but don't forget one thing, there are beasts in animals too! If the hunter encounters a jackal, tiger and leopard, I am afraid he will not be able to drink coffee. , Playing with your cell phone, when you want to hunt, when you want to hunt, right?"

"Not bad!" Shangguan said leisurely: "In fact, that's what I meant. In the face of murderous hunters, do we want to be a gentle and obedient little white rabbit, or to turn ourselves into a fierce jackal and tiger leopard?"

The Minister of National Defense sighed at this time: "The problem now is that even if we want to become jackals, tigers and leopards, compared with the actual military power of country V, we are just white rabbits!"

Shangguan smiled leisurely: "In fact, the Federation just looks like a white rabbit. If it were really a white rabbit, our western aircraft carrier formation would not run away dingy last time."

Wasn't it because of Fan Jianming last time?

As soon as Shangguan's leisurely words fell, everyone turned their eyes to Fan Jianming.

Norma’s father said at this moment: “Your Excellency, to put it bluntly, everyone here knows that, let alone winning, how long our war can last, we don’t even need to consider our armed forces. It’s up to you. Personal."

"Yes," Nong Lie also said: "Your Excellency, I don't even think it's necessary to line up troops. Just weigh your own abilities. Can you deal with the enemy on your own? Our armed forces

No matter how powerful the enemy is, you can only show it off. "

Fan Jianming shook his head: "I am afraid it will be very difficult for me."

Everyone was not surprised by this. After all, in everyone's eyes, Fan Jianming was a man or not a god. Only Shangguan Youran looked very surprised at Fan Jianming, not knowing what he meant.

Shangguan leisurely knows that not only Fan Jianming possesses supernatural powers, but even she and Li Qianqian already possess them.

If one Fan Jianming was able to scare away the Western aircraft carrier formation last time, and this time I have three of them, it would not kill the V aircraft carrier formation in seconds.

Could it be said that Fan Jianming is trying to whet everyone's appetite?

But in Shangguan Youran's view, Fan Jianming is definitely not the kind of person who plays mystery, let alone treat the war a country is facing as a tool for him to put his pen on the face.

So Shangguan was puzzled. She didn't know why Fan Jianming was so unconfident in the face of the aircraft carrier formation of State V?

At this time, Fan Jianming used airborne sound transmission to say to Shangguan leisurely: "Just to figure out the true thoughts of the Minister of Defense of Country V, my soul ran to his command center. I unexpectedly discovered that the entire formation was not only evil. It's overwhelming, and I can't get into his consciousness, and I can't see the memory playback in his brain."

Shangguan Youran also used the airborne voice transmission to say: "What's the matter, can't I see the memory playback of your brain? Even Li Qianqian's brain, I can't get in!"

Fan Jianming explained: "That's right. For a cultivator, he can only control life lower than his own, but he cannot control the life higher than his own skill, or even the life equivalent to his own skill."

Shangguan Youran understood that the reason why Fan Jianming could see Shangguan Youran and Li Qianqian's thoughts was because his cultivation was above them.

The reason Shangguan Youran and Li Qianqian can't detect Fan Jianming, or even each other, is because Fan Jianming is higher than their cultivation base, and she and Li Qianqian are equal, but Li Qianqian appears slightly taller.

Shangguan was surprised and said: "So, the minister of defense of country V can also use inner alchemy, and he also has golden pills in his body? And his cultivation is even higher than yours, at least as good as yours?"

Fan Jianming nodded.

(End of this chapter)