Return of the King

Chapter 2003: Reemphasize faith


Fan Jianming motioned to the Secretary of Defense to sit down, and then asked Leah to introduce how many armed forces in State V.

Leah immediately turned on the Dark Domination system to search, and showed the data of country V’s armed forces on the TV screen.

The existing armed forces of country V, that is, the active force has a strength of 210,000, which does not include the reserve forces.

There are more than forty battalions of their ground combat forces.

The Air Force is dominated by tornado air superiority fighters, with about 300 aircraft, including 50 American Tigers, 60 Falcon vertical takeoff and landing fighters, and 150 Eagle attack fighters.

The Navy has forty Falcon vertical take-off and landing fighters and 300 other fighters.

In addition, the Navy has six long-range air defense ships, six attack nuclear submarines, 13 multi-purpose frigates, and four cruisers.

Fan Jianming pointed to the above data and said: "Their army, including airborne troops and marines, has 40 battalions in total. A brigade is four battalions, which means that they have at least ten brigades, not including Reserve personnel."

"If 80% of our armed forces can't even handle a brigade on the other side, how can we fight this battle?"

The Secretary of Defense looked embarrassed and couldn't say anything.

The Minister of Police said at this time: "If possible, our police force can also be fully invested. And as far as I know, since Your Excellency issued the national mobilization order, tens of thousands of people have now signed up to join the army. To four battalions."

"Fortunately, we have no shortage of conventional weapons. We have to thank Director Leah and Director Wellington, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Ambassador."

Nong Lie shook his head and said, "These people are more than agitated, and they are not capable of fighting. If there is a war tonight, let them go to the front line, it will not even be cannon fodder."

"Well, now that your Excellency has decided, I will go to the front together with the Secretary of Defense to command ground operations."

Norma's father also said: "And me. Anyway, I can't deal with the enemy on the sea. For the enemy on the land, as long as I stand there, I believe that the soldiers of the N country will fight bravely and die generously!"

What they said seemed to be an understatement, but everyone else felt a kind of tragic and vigorous.

Not to mention that they are the judges and speakers of the newly established ****, that is, they serve as

The two top officials who joined the *** actually had to go to the front when the war broke out. I have to say that this is the last capital that the *** can get.

Fan Jianming turned his attention to the Minister of National Defense. The Minister of National Defense was flushed, but he said sincerely: "Your Excellency, you and Director Wellington know me. When I was in the country, I also charged forward."

"I'm not afraid of war, death, and I'm not afraid. What I worry about is that this battle is not fought well, and the new federation will be ruined. But since you have made up your mind, please rest assured that if the enemy can get from land Come in, they must have come in on my corpse!"

Fan Jianming did not immediately pick up his voice. Instead, he looked at Shangguan Youran, Wellington and Melanie and said: "You know the situation in our country. What we face in this war and what we have. Once the war starts, it will be for us. You all know what it means to say."

"Now I want to ask, put your government's orders aside, just for you, are you willing to fight with us?"

Wellington first said: "Your Excellency, I understand what you mean. You are worried that our country's government will change its mind. When the war is halfway, if our government orders us to withdraw from the battle, it will be a draw for you. "

"What I want to say is that we are brothers of life and death, you have lived my life more than once, and I am not a person who likes to owe debts. If I have the opportunity, I will take all that owed to you in this war. Back to you."

Needless to say other things, Wellington's attitude is very clear. Once the war starts, he will be out, and the king will not be allowed to do anything treachery.

When Fan Jianming looked at Shangguan Youran, Shangguan Youran didn't say a word, but rolled his eyes at him.

Everyone at the scene understood that Shangguan Youran's attitude was not only the same as Wellington, but also had an extraordinary relationship with Fan Jianming.

Fan Jianming didn't want to see Melanie, but he had already seen Wellington and Shangguan Youran. If he didn't see Melanie, he would undoubtedly not confess to himself, proving that the relationship between him and Melanie was beyond ordinary.

So he has to look at Melanie


Melanie said: "Don't worry, Your Excellency, you have also saved my life, and you have a long history with the Davis family. In the future, I will marry my husband’s half-sister, Miss Leah, for public and private purposes. You don't need to worry about me."

Fan Jianming nodded, then looked around at everyone, and said: "In fact, you don't need to be so tragic, and the atmosphere doesn't need to be so dignified. The reason why I want to tell you the situation in Country V is to make everyone understand the situation. ."

"To deal with this menacing enemy, apart from the courage to fight, the determination to die, and the belief to win, we have no advantage. We have nothing to fear!"

"So, once the war begins in full, we can only follow this plan and let me, my wife, Norma, Leah, and Miss Youran, deal with the land on the sea. The enemies on the land can only be handed over to you, and the Director of Wellington. And the ambassador's wife."

"But, as I said at the beginning, what we are most worried about now is two things. One is not knowing when the enemy will go to war, and the other is whether the active cross-border attack on the enemy will cause any adverse effects?"

"What we are doing now is to let the enemy develop at the time we set. Although we have to do this, it is very likely that it is just our wishful thinking."

"Just like the Secretary of Defense just worried, even we think we can't deal with the enemy's airborne brigade, don't the enemy think so?"

Melanie is an authentic military academy graduate. She is very behind her strategic and tactical theory. After hearing this, she already understands what Fan Jianming means.

"Your Excellency," Melanie asked, "Do you mean that if the enemy takes action like just now, then we can only use the power of the whole country to fight each other out."

"But there is another possibility, because the enemy underestimates the enemy, they may just send ground troops to harass us limitedly, and at the same time to test our reality in this harassment."

"Once they realize that they have the opportunity to take advantage of it, they will turn virtual into reality and attack from land and sea at the same time."

"If their offensive on land is blocked or even fails, and the failure is terrible, they dare not launch an offensive from the sea?"

(End of this chapter)