Return of the King

Chapter 2009: Farewell to the children


Grandma's words not only didn't make Fan Hongsheng angry, but made him a little proud.

That is, don't look at whose son Minger is?

Including Fan Hongsheng, I am afraid that the only people who are not jealous of all parents in the world are their own children.

Fan Jianming smiled inconclusively.

Grandma said again: "You go back and quickly hand over her work, or go now? Don't fool me! Only when she goes back can my heart be completely let go."

"Also, you have to tell Mr. Duan that in the future you will cooperate on the project, everything depends on Xiao Wu-Mr. Wu!"

Fan Jianming nodded and said, "Don't worry!"

At this time, Li Qianqian called and said that all the students who were going to go abroad had assembled and were about to rush to the airport. The cabinet members and the ambassador from the East were all here, ready to go there together.

Fan Jianming immediately let Wu Wenli go upstairs, and within a short while, Zhou Yaping, Wu Wenli, and Huang Yaowu all got down from the stairs.

Fan Jianming asked them to get in the car immediately, and his grandmother suggested that they should also go there, not for anything else, just to explain to the children, so that the parents can rest assured.

Fan Jianming nodded in agreement. He and Huang Yaowu pushed Fan Hongsheng into the car, while Wu Wenli helped her grandma into the car. After that, Fan Jianming and Wu Wenli went back upstairs and went to the luggage.

Huang Yaowu was about to follow, but was stopped by his grandmother.

She knew that Fan Jianming had something to tell Fan Jianming.

Huang Yaowu had to stand outside the car door, speaking with Zhou Yaping.

Fan Hongsheng, who was sitting in the car, asked his grandmother in a low voice: "Mom, that Xiao Wu is Ming'er's secretary. It can play a big role here. Why do you have to ask her to go back? Yaping is so old. Be pregnant with a child, even if..."

"What's the matter?" Grandma interrupted him: "That's just an excuse. I promised Qianqian to stop her from driving! Besides, Xiao Wu is so old, if she stays by Minger's side, where will she have a chance? To meet other men?"

"To let her return to China is to let her find a good husband's house!"

Only then did Fan Hongsheng understand his grandmother's true intentions, and couldn't help but nod with a smile.

Grandma sighed: "Anyway, I have done everything that should be done, and I can be considered worthy of Qianqian's girl and the child in her stomach. As for what will happen in the end, I can only let my fate."

Fan Hongsheng echoed

Said: "But it is said that this Xiao Wu's ability is to manage the enterprise, and it is definitely not necessary to fight a war. It is really dangerous to keep her here."

"But have you ever thought about one thing? You are very kind, hoping that she will return to China to find a good husband's family. If this war is over soon and there is nothing wrong with tomorrow, Xiao Wu is afraid..."

Grandma sighed, "Didn’t I say that? We are all parents. We should stand in the perspective of other people’s parents and think about other people’s children. We will do what we can. As for the future, they must be in Together, there is no alternative."

"One more thing, Xiao Wu is a very reliable girl. Don't think that Zhou Yaping will be as good as you think. Of course, we are all fine and the best. If you can't go back, Xiao Wu is definitely you can rely on. People."

"Remember, after returning to China, you have to obey Xiao Wu Yan, and only she has the ability to control Zhou Yaping."

Fan Hongsheng nodded and said, "Don't worry, I remember it."

After Fan Jianming and Wu Wenli came to the second floor, Wu Wenli hurriedly packed Zhou Yaping and Fan Hongsheng's luggage.

Fan Jianming couldn't help but grabbed her arm and said, "Wenli, thank you very much!"

"It's okay." Wu Wenli smiled sweetly.

Fan Jianming hugged her neck again, pressed her against his chest, and said, "It seems that my grandmother is more accurate than me, and thinks more carefully. If we really can’t go back, my father’s Leave the matter to you?"

Wu Wenli put her hands down, leaned her chin on Fan Jianming's shoulders, and said: "Ji people have their own natural looks, don't worry, you, grandma and Qianqian will be fine, and your father will be fine."

"Zhou Zong owed so much to your family in the past, and was hurt so deeply by Huang Hanbin. Although the heart is unpredictable, I believe that grandma is very clear in her heart that no matter what happens here, Zong Zhou will not return to Huang Hanbin's embrace. "

Well, there is something in the words?

Fan Jianming put his hands on Wu Wenli's shoulders, gently pushed her a little away, lowered his head and asked, "Wenli, what do you mean?"

Wu Wenli smiled: "You are such a smart person, don't you see that what grandma said just now is true or false? Beware that Mr. Zhou is actually only one aspect, and more, she still hopes to honor the promise to Qianqian, and only recognize her That grandson

daughter in law. "

"Now I am being urged to leave, hoping that I will return to China soon and find a good husband's house!"

Fan Jianming widened his eyes and asked, "No?"

Wu Wenli smiled and said: "I can't read it wrong, don't look at my grandmother's old age, but she is quite clear-headed. But I also know that she is doing it for my good and does not want to delay me. I am afraid that the starting point is still from my parents' standpoint. Only made this decision."

Fan Jianming asked incomprehensibly: "If that's the case, what did you promise to do so happily?"

Wu Wenli smiled and said: "This is grandma's wish. As she herself said, even if nothing happens in this war, I am afraid that the old man will not have much time to come. As a junior, there is only one thing she can do at this time. Try to satisfy her wish."

Fan Jianming sighed inwardly: I'm afraid there is no more understanding woman in this world than Wu Wenli!

"Wen Li," Fan Jianming asked, "You don't really want to find a man to marry as soon as your grandmother hopes it is?"

At this moment, Wu Wenli stretched out her arm, hugged Fan Jianming's neck tightly, and looked at his face carefully for a while.

After a long while, Wu Wenli said, "Promise me, stay alive!"

"Don't worry, the one who can kill me hasn't been born yet!"

Wu Wenli leaned in immediately and kissed Fan Jianming affectionately...

At the airport, the children preparing to board the plane, their parents, and many people who came to see off after hearing the news, there seemed to be thousands of people.

****The members of the cabinet and the military committee are basically there, and the staff of the Eastern Embassy and the office are also present.

Fan Jianming's classmates only Fang Yadan appeared at the airport with Li Qianqian. Wang Wei and Li Limin had agreed to go back before, but now Fan Jianming is the only one left.

After a while, the car in which Fan Jianming and his party was riding appeared.

When Fan Jianming got out of the car, the children's families first clapped and shouted one after another the slogans of "Long live the Supreme Commander", "Long live the **** country" and "Long live the East".

Even Nonglie, Norma's father, and government officials all shouted together.

The news that Fan Hongsheng and Zhou Yaping are going back, everyone knows, seeing grandma get off the car, everyone present was very surprised.

Why, the old man has to go back too?

Before Li Qianqian could react, Norma's father and Nong Lie greeted her.

(End of this chapter)