Return of the King

Chapter 2011: Should not let her go


Li Qianqian knew that Dong Mingxia was returning to China, but she didn't expect Wu Wenli to also return to China.

"Mingxia returned to China to take care of these children. As for Wenli..." Li Qianqian turned her head and was about to find Fan Jianming.

Grandma said at this time: "Ming'er's father is back, and Yaping is pregnant again. I am worried that no one will take care of the family and company affairs, so I let Xiao Wu go back to China."

Li Qianqian looked at her grandmother with a puzzled face, she didn't believe what she said at all.

Li Qianqian had agreed with Wu Wenli that as long as she and Fan Jianming stayed in the federation, other women couldn't control it. Wu Wenli decided that Fan Jianming would take her away.

Let’s not say that Fan Jianming really needs such an assistant. In the future, there will be more women and children in the family, and Li Qianqian will point to Wu Wenli to take care of her housekeeper!

Grandma turned to Yadan and said, "Girl, so do you. Besides Minshan, the Fang Group needs you. There is going to be a war here. What use is it for you to stay here?"

"Wait, won't there be another plane? I think you should return home too!"

Only then did Li Qianqian react. It seemed that grandma was fulfilling her promise to herself and really wanted to drive away all the women around Fan Jianming.

Fang Yadan said, "Grandma, what do you mean? If it weren't for me, can your old man come here? How can you cross the river and demolish the bridge, you stay, but you want to drive me back to China?"

Grandma smiled and said, "Girl, I'm doing it for you, can you carry a gun for war, or can you fly into the sky?"

Fang Yadan smiled and leaned into Li Qianqian's ear and said: "I can accompany the gangster! Hehe~"

Li Qianqian frowned at her in disgust and kept shaking her head.

Grandma asked curiously: "What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing," Fang Yadan said, "Grandma, Wu Wenli is gone, and I will take care of your old man from now on."

Grandma still wanted to persuade Fang Yadan to return to China, but Fan Jianming walked over at this moment. He just heard what Fang Yadan had just said, and immediately smiled: "Okay, after the second plane takes off, you will send grandma home!"

"no problem!"

Grandma was taken aback: "What's the matter?"

"Oh," Fan Jianming explained: "Wait for a while, Qianqian and I will still have a lot of

Important things, you are leaving soon, let Yadan take care of you. "

It was the first time that Fang Yadan heard Fan Jianming calling himself "Yadan" in front of outsiders, especially in front of Li Qianqian.

At this time, Sutu, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and other civil servants all came over. Fan Jianming arranged for them to stay with his grandmother and wait for the plane to take off before leaving. He turned to bid farewell to the Eastern Ambassador.

Just after Fan Jianming and the ambassador had shaken their hands, grandma immediately called Fan Jianming aside: "My child, it's not that I said you. Fang girl doesn't know how to fight. What are you doing here?

"Grandma," Fan Jianming said with a smile: "Where did I want to keep her? Originally I didn't want her to come. Now she and her classmates are here, and I can't drive away. Besides, now that my capacity is so tight, I will send one more away. The child is a child. They are not good going back and forth."

Grandma thinks about it, she can only remind one thing: "But Minger, listen to what grandma says, some girls will be cut off if they can, don't delay others."

"Grandma, you want Wu Wenli to return to China, right?"

"Why, Xiao Wu told you?"

Fan Jianming nodded.

Grandma sighed: "I know that Xiao Wu is amazing, don’t look low-key in front of you, it’s not a fuel-efficient lamp to replace it with someone else! But having said that, it’s for her good to let her return home, but I’m more important. As I said before, only she can cure Zhou Yaping. With her, I can rest assured!"

Fan Jianming asked the civilian officials, including Norma, to stay, and he took Li Qianqian, Norma's father, Nong Lie, the Minister of National Defense, the Minister of Police, and other military committee generals to leave first.

Fan Jianming and Li Qianqian are sitting in a car with Liya as the driver.

Fan Jianming said to Li Qianqian next to her through the airborne sound transmission: "You are happy now. Grandma is helping you clear the door and blasting all the women around me back."

Li Qianqian gave him a white look, and also used the airborne voice transmission to say: "I didn't complain, it was the grandmother and the old man who did that. Besides, didn't she just let Wu Wenli go back? You called Dong Mingxia back.


"To be honest, I always feel that everyone else can leave, but Wu Wenli should not leave. In the future, our Fan family will definitely have people like her!"

Fan Jianming smiled and said, "Oh, how about the Fan family? Listening to your tone, it seems that you are going to have a bunch of children with me?"

"You're so beautiful?" Li Qianqian sighed: "Just your love type, can't you marry a bunch of women back? When a woman gives birth to two, our Fan family can form a basketball team, even football Team up."

"Once the war is over, the entire federation will be a waste of time. I am afraid it will not be easy for us to leave. If we really stay, can you still not keep your promise and marry Norma and Leah?"

"Moreover, I have heard some children's parents discussing that you married two women from country N. Why don't you marry a woman from country S? Some people say that Nong Lie and Sutu's daughters are beautiful, even if you take care of country S. The feelings of the people should at least marry one of the two of them as a wife!"

"If that happens, only Wu Wenli can manage this family in the future!"

Fan Jianming knew that this was by no means Li Qianqian made out of nothing.

The common people, the people who eat melon are not afraid of big things, especially the common people of S country. Of course, they hope that the highest official of the federation can marry a woman of his country.

Country N was originally a small country compared to Country S, but now it feels as if all the **** people are from Country N, and I feel a little unbalanced.

Fan Jianming smiled and said, "After the war, you were telling grandma to let Wu Wenli come back!"

"Ha, you stinky high school student, do you really want to marry so many wives?"

With that, she stretched out her hand on Fan Jianming's leg, pinched it vigorously, and glared at Fan Jianming.

Leah could not hear their conversation, but saw Li Qianqian's appearance in the endoscope, and immediately said: "I said you should pay attention to the influence. There is still this lady driving ahead!"

"Drive your car!" Li Qianqian glared at her: "You don't want to marry the Fan family?"

Leah said quickly: "Yes!"

Li Qianqian and Fan Jianming looked at each other, and couldn't help but laugh.

(End of this chapter)