Return of the King

Chapter 2014: Raid


The soldiers walking in the front are holding three flags, one is the flag of the new **** country, and the other two, one is the national flag of country s, and the other is the national flag of country n.

When passing through the reviewing stand, all the phalanx played in the Eastern style. All this is due to Dong Mingxia and those Eastern veterans.

The rightmost row of each phalanx, the pacesetters in the queue, are all veterans from the east.

The reason why the military parade was postponed for two hours is that these veterans temporarily taught everyone to play right.

In addition, Dong Mingxia trained a lot of soldiers before, so the whole team's forward kick is still look like.

It was the first time I saw the troops belonging to my own country, appearing magnificently on the TV screen, and the two people who joined the *** boiled over.

Even those refugees who supported the former warlords and fled back to China not long ago began to hesitate after seeing the live broadcast.

From the atmosphere of the military parade, they felt the dignity of their country. Some people began to communicate in private whether they should continue to contribute to the former warlord’s arms.

Especially with the troops armed by the former warlords who pretended to be against the water before, some officers and soldiers were confused: Who are they fighting for?

What appears on the TV screen now is the real motherland, and those soldiers are the real guardians of the motherland.

Isn’t fighting against them fighting against the motherland?

The current peace oasis federation is taking the road of people’s zeal. If the warlords return with the help of foreign forces, they will not only restore the monarchy, but also the state will return to the previous era of ***

Are you fighting for your own country’s republic, or are you fighting for the restoration of the monarchy and returning to the *** era?

The nationals of country W were also excited after seeing the live broadcast.

They really hope to add the national flag of their own country in addition to the country S and N after the national flag of the peace oasis **** country!

The Minister of National Defense of Country V noticed that the far right side of the team was all the faces of Dongfang. He frowned and asked the intelligence officer: "What's the matter, has Dongfang sent a ***?"

The intelligence officer explained: "There should be no. According to the information we have, these Orientals are all veterans of a construction company in the East. There should be no more than a few hundred people."

The Minister of National Defense nodded: "That's good! If the East sends a large number of ***, it will be in trouble."

An officer said: "The so-called ***, isn't it a mercenary?"

"It's really ignorant!" The Minister of National Defense glared at him: "The mercenaries in the Western world fight for money, and the *** in the East fight for ideals and feelings."

"More than seventy years ago, the Eastern ***, weapons and equipment were not as good as the federal army, but they defeated the coalition of 16 countries, not only in the past, even now, where is there? Can a country defeat a joint military or a multinational force?"

"No, absolutely not. Except for the *** in the East, no army of any country can do this!"

The officers present were silent. They had to admit that they knew too little about the Eastern soldiers.

In other words, their understanding of the East still stays in the semi-feudal and semi-*** era. The East after they have stood up, and the strong will and invincible spirit shown by the Eastern soldiers, because of the distortion and smearing of the Western world, Makes them have a huge misunderstanding.

However, they are now on the battlefield. What they have to face is a country led by an Oriental. The Minister of National Defense has to let his officers understand the will of the Orientals and the spirit of daring to win.

At this moment, four s-500 air defense missile systems appeared on the screen, and ten helicopters flew through the air.

The two people who joined ***, even the people of country W, cheered in front of the TV.

They are descended from the same root and ancestor, and have never seen their own nation possessing such a powerful army.

An officer of country V suddenly said: "Your Excellency, all their armed forces, or the most offensive weapons and equipment, all appeared in the military parade. If we make a surprise attack at this time, will it be like cutting off?

Like leeks, give them a ***? "

Another officer also said: "Yes, we only need to take off two groups of eight planes and we can completely wipe out their vitality!"

When the Minister of National Defense heard this, a murderous aura appeared between his eyebrows.

He picked up the phone and was about to ask the top official for instructions, but he hesitated again.

Another officer urged: "Your Excellency, the surprise attack at this time will definitely catch the opponent by surprise. If their missile systems and helicopters are all destroyed, and the soldiers on the scene are slaughtered again, what do they have to do without surrendering? "

"Yes, sir, our surprise attack now is the best chance to reduce losses. Their four air defense systems are now our targets. If we really want to find and lock them after the war, there is still a certain way. Difficulties."

"Sir, give an order?"

"Your Excellency, now is the best opportunity!"

Under normal circumstances, although the soldiers are pressing the border, if you want to start a war, you always find an excuse. It is best to use the local friction to escape the fire, and it is logical to start the war button.

After all, there is no reason or excuse to start a war simply and rudely, in terms of morality and politics, it will eventually stay true to the people.

Previously, the Secretary of Defense’s plan was to bring down the federal army in order to reduce its own casualties. Now the federal army has put all of its assets on the parade. For country V, it is indeed a fleeting opportunity.

How to do?

Contacting the top officials now may be suspected of shirking responsibility and possibly delaying the fighter planes. Once these planes and missile systems leave the scene, it will be much more difficult to find them and destroy them.

Moreover, after the read troops leave the scene, they will immediately enter the position, and it will be very troublesome to fight.

More importantly, calling for instructions not only delays time, but may also leak secrets.

The Minister of National Defense suddenly patted the table and dispatched, three aviation brigades, and immediately rushed to the military parade. "


Hundreds of commanders who watched the TV live, regardless of whether the Secretary of National Defense's order had anything to do with them, all stood up and answered in unison.

(End of this chapter)