Return of the King

Chapter 2026: Leaving Life and Forgetting Death


When Fan Jianming picked up his grandmother and Fang Yadan, he already felt that their body temperature was there. After coming out, Fan Jianming hurriedly carried them to the car that Shangguan Youran and Melanie drove.

Because that car is the biggest.

At this time, the Eastern Ambassador ran over, ignoring the dirt on his face and hands, and the dust on his body, and said to Fan Jianming: "Your Excellency, go to our embassy, right?"

Fan Jianming nodded, and said leisurely to the Shangguan who was following him: "Hurry up and drive!"

Li Qianqian also hurriedly got in the car.

After the rear door was closed, Fan Jianming pressed his grandmother and Fang Yadan's foreheads with his palms, and injected a purple gas into their bodies.

The Eastern Embassy was very close. Just when the car stopped in front of the embassy, grandma and Fang Yadan woke up.

When the two were about to wake up, grandma mumbled: "Fang girl, Fang girl..."

Fang Yadan also opened his lips softly, and whispered, "Grandma, grandma..."

Fan Jianming and Li Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief when they saw them slow down.

After the car stopped, the Oriental ambassador rushed over. Fan Jianming immediately hugged his grandmother and winked at Li Qianqian, which meant that she was in charge of Fang Yadan.

Li Qianqian immediately picked up Fang Yadan and followed Fan Jianming into the Eastern Embassy.

Under normal circumstances, Fan Jianming will try to avoid going directly to the embassy of the East. As far as the embassy of the West, the East, another big country and the country of W is concerned, if it is politically necessary, he should choose the embassy of the country W.

The problem is that when she sees her grandmother in a coma, when she is fully awake, she will feel much better when she sees people from the East all around her.

In addition, grandma and Fang Yadan are covered in dust, I am afraid it will be more convenient to organize them at the Eastern Embassy.

Sure enough, after grandmother woke up completely, she felt better when she saw the faces of Asians all around her.

She held Fan Jianming's hand tightly, and said to Li Qianqian: "My child, there are so many guests at home, please entertain me quickly!"

Li Qianqian smiled and said: "Grandma, this is the Eastern Embassy, we are the guests!"

The ambassador smiled and said, "Madam, what you said is wrong. You and your Excellency are guests, but the old man

Our eastern citizens, coming to the embassy is equivalent to going home! "

"What embassy?" Grandma said with a puzzled look: "When are we in Minshan, what embassy is there?"

It seems that she was in a coma just now, and she was confused, thinking it was in the country.

Before Li Qianqian told her the truth, grandma suddenly regained her mind: "Oh, just...Where is Fang girl?"

Li Qianqian smiled and said: "Fang Yadan is lying in the next room! Grandma is still in good health, don't look at Fang Yadan's youth, she is not as sober as you are!"

"That's because you don't know the situation." Grandma turned to Fan Jianming and said, "Ming'er, if it wasn't for Fang girl, grandma's old life would be gone."

It turned out that when the enemy bomber flew over, Fang Yadan ran out with his grandmother on his back, supported by the guards.

After they ran outside the door, the enemy's plane had already flown past.

Everyone saw that there was no one, and this returned to the villa.

Fang Yadan was going to help her grandma upstairs, but her grandmother meant to say that since she went downstairs, she would take a rest downstairs.

But before long, there was an explosion over the capital.

The hesitation bomber carried too much ammunition, so the explosion caused by it could be heard even dozens of kilometers away from the seashore.

Grandma was about to get up and take a look outside. Fang Yadan hurriedly helped. They just got up when they suddenly saw three guards rushing in one after another.

"The enemy plane is coming, the enemy plane is coming, fast into the basement!"

Seeing a plane that was about to crash down here, the three guards did not expect to escape for their lives, but prepared to let Grandma and Fang Yadan hide in the basement at the first time.

Because it's too late to run out!

Due to the different languages of the two sides, Fang Yadan and grandmother did not know what the other was saying.

Seeing that neither grandma nor Fang Yadan understood what he was saying, the guard didn't care so much, and directly pushed grandma and Fang Yadan into the basement.

The two guards at the back could have run out. Seeing that the guard was too slow when pushing grandma and Fang Yadan, he hurried over to help.

Who knew that with the harsh whistling sound of the plane falling, a loud bang was heard soon, followed by the shaking of the earth and the violent rotation of the sky and the earth.

The sound of collapse.

The innermost guard looked out of time. When his body was already crumbling, he tried his best to push grandma and Fang Yadan down the stairs leading to the basement, but he was hit by the collapsed roof.

Originally, the two guards at the back still had hope of surviving, because although they were also shaken down and the roof above their heads collapsed, there was still a gap between their bodies and the beams of the house.

Who knew that the falling plane carried too much ammunition, followed by several explosions, and finally the whole building was completely destroyed, with no gaps below.

When Fang Yadan was pushed down by the guard, he didn't care about herself. He only heard her yell "Grandma", and immediately rolled down with her arms around her head.

Grandma's face was pressed against her chest, and Fang Yadan's head hit the ground, making a "boom" sound.

After they rolled to the basement, they heard several loud noises. Even the basement collapsed.

In addition to the door, the basement had external ventilation windows, which were all blocked.

Fang Yadan had fainted at that time.

Grandma was protected by her, although she didn't hurt anything, but she was dizzy by the violent explosion.

In addition, the basement that was bombed had only a small space, and grandma quickly suffocated because of breathing difficulties.

After the grandmother described the thrilling scene, she immediately pushed Fan Jianming and said: "I'm fine, you still go to see Fang girl, she can't have an accident. In order to save my old woman, she took her young life, no It's worth it. At that time, we will not be able to explain to her family!"

Li Qianqian hurriedly let Fan Jianming over, so she helped her grandma to the bathroom to wash well.

Moreover, the ambassador's wife and secretary both brought their own clothes and prepared to change them for grandma and Fang Yadan.

Fan Jianming saw that his grandmother did not have any problems, immediately turned to the next door, and saw Fang Yadan still lying in her arms with his eyes closed.

Fan Jianming walked over and asked, "Yadan, how is it?"

Fang Yadan opened his eyes and looked at Fan Jianming. It seemed that he couldn't even turn his neck, but gently raised his lips and said, "It hurts! The bones all over his body are falling apart, especially the head, it hurts!"

(End of this chapter)