Return of the King

Chapter 2027: Vote for Peach


Fan Jianming lowered his head and took a look at her hair, and found that there were bruises and bruises everywhere at the roots of the hair. It seemed that the head was really hurt.

Fan Jianming unbuttoned her shirt again and found bruises on her abdomen, back and waist.

Fang Yadan raised his eyes and glanced at Fan Jianming, and asked feebly: "I'm all hurt like this, do you still eat my tofu?"

Originally this was a joke, but Fan Jianming couldn't laugh at all.

He said to the secretary of the ambassador who came in with him: "I want to heal her alone."

Upon hearing this, the secretary nodded and left, then closed the door.

After Fan Jianming got up and locked the door behind him, he said to Li Qianqian through the airborne voice transmission: "My wife, Fang Yadan is really injured. It is estimated that there is blood congestion in the brain. I will use the inner alchemy to help her treat it."

Li Qianqian actually knew that Fang Yadan was seriously injured, and also knew that except for Fan Jianming who used the inner alchemy to treat her, she would definitely not get better in a short time.

In addition, after hearing what her grandmother said, Li Qianqian knew that Fan Jianming would definitely heal Fang Yadan's injuries after checking Fang Yadan's injuries, but Li Qianqian did not intend to stop it.

"What do you mean?" Li Qianqian also pretended to be angry with the airborne sound transmission: "If you want to play with a woman, tell me in advance, am I sincere?"

"No, my wife, didn't you say that it's okay to have relationships with others, but can't you hide something from you?"

"Bah! You stinky high school student, just deliberately ignored you!"

Fan Jianming knows that Li Qianqian's last sentence "Ignore you" means that she agrees.

Of course, even if Li Qianqian disagreed, Fan Jianming had to persuade her to agree. After all, Fang Yadan was injured because of her grandmother.

Moreover, after such a long period of running-in, Fan Jianming immediately grasped Li Qianqian's temperament and personality. Under this circumstance, Li Qianqian would never object except for pushing the boat along the river and borrowing the donkey from the slope.

Fan Jianming took off his clothes first, and then took off Fang Yadan's clothes.

At the thought of working with Fan Jianming, Fang Yadan got goose bumps all over his body.

It's just that she is really in pain now, and she has no interest in that aspect at all.

When Fan Jianming picks her up

, She wanted to shake her head, but she really didn’t dare to move her neck, it hurts as soon as she moved, so she said stiffly: “You are no one anymore. When you can do it, you can’t see people. !"

Fan Jianming wanted to laugh when he saw her like that, but he still held back, and deliberately teased her: "I just want to give you an unexpected surprise!"

Fang Yadan looked at him dumbfoundedly: "Surprise you, if you take my life away, I will not let you be a ghost!"

Fan Jianming hugged her to the bathroom and put her down. Fang Yadan leaned her face on Fan Jianming's shoulder. Although it was no problem to stand on two legs, her body pain was unbearable above the waist, so she could only close her eyes and lean against Fan Jianming.

Fan Jianming turned on the faucet, washed every part of her, then wiped it clean, took it to bed, and then rushed on it.

Fang Yadan stared at Fan Jianming with wide eyes, and asked feebly: "It's really tricky! Do you still have any sympathy?"

Fan Jianming smiled and said, "Do you still remember the inner alchemy?"

"Remember what's the use, I can't practice it!"

"It's okay, this time you can run at my pace."

Fan Jianming continued to deliver the pure Yang Qi in his body to Fang Yadan while he was doing things.

Fang Yadan felt the pain in her body disappeared for a while, and her whole body seemed to be in a state of numbness.

After another while, she felt herself sweating.

The trauma on the body seemed to be photographed by wandering outwards.

Soon, she felt that she had returned to normal, and later she could fully cooperate with Fan Jianming, twisting her body in accordance with his rhythm.

"I'll go!" Fang Yadan asked in surprise: "Do you have the function of saving the dead and healing the wounded?"

"What do you think?" Fan Jianming said, "I'm not in a hurry for a while, no matter how beautiful you are?"

Fang Yadan tentatively said: "If by any chance my addiction is hooked up, what will you do if I am stuck in this life?"

"Then take you away!"

Fang Yadan didn't expect that he promised so happily: "Really? Don't tease me to cooperate with you, forget everything after finishing the work, right?"

"Of course not." Fan Jianming said: "I originally wanted you to marry Zhang Guodong, but

Then give him a green hat for a lifetime. "

"What now?"

"He doesn't deserve you!"

Fan Jianming was outraged by Zhang Guodong. He originally planned to stop worrying about Zhang Guodong's past, but this time his arrival was unexpectedly unkind. Fan Jianming didn't want him to have another chance to touch Fang Yadan.

Fang Yadan asked again: "Isn't it said that ordinary people can't be pregnant with your seed?"

Fan Jianming said, "Then you can practice hard and make yourself a non-ordinary person!"


Fang Yadan became excited suddenly, turned over, and actually sat on Fan Jianming...

Li Qianqian took the shower for her grandma, changed her body into clean clothes, and immediately washed her clothes for her in the bathroom.

Grandma looked at her so virtuous, she was very happy.

Seeing that Fan Jianming had been out for a long time again, he just wanted to ask Li Qianqian, but after hesitating, he still didn't speak.

Through today's events, her impression of Yadan has completely changed.

The cannibal's mouth is soft, and the hand is short, not to mention Fang Yadan just saved her life.

Thinking that Fan Jianming hadn't been here for such a long time, the two must be whispering.

Grandma sighed and thought: It's up to them to decide on young people's affairs. My old lady can't control it.

The government officials, after returning to the temporary headquarters, waited for a long time and did not see Fan Jianming.

Norma's father immediately called Norma, and Norma told his father the true situation here.

When Norma's father heard this, he immediately brought all the officials to visit. Norma hurriedly stopped him and said that he was on the way back now.

She quickly called Fan Jianming again.

Fang Yadan and Fan Jianming were on Xing's head. After seeing that it was Norma's call, they didn't want Fan Jianming to answer them.

Fan Jianming told her that now is the time of war, how can she not answer the phone? Besides, officials are still waiting for him to go to the meeting, this matter cannot be delayed.

Fang Yadan couldn't help but just picked up Fan Jianming's cell phone, opened it for him, and put the cell phone to his ear.

When he heard that government officials were coming to visit, Fang Yadan felt that he couldn't impress everyone.

Although she was not over yet, she took the initiative to step down from Fan Jianming and asked Fan Jianming to return to the headquarters quickly.

(End of this chapter)