Return of the King

Chapter 2037: The enemy has acted


Fan Jianming was full of faith in the final victory of this war, although he dared not say that he was full of confidence.

He believed that with the blessing of God, he could finally win the war.

But he wasn't sure, could this be another destiny of fate, maybe God just arranged a failure specially to hone his xinxing?

In particular, it was discovered that the entire aircraft carrier formation was always shrouded in a kind of filthy hostility, which made Fan Jianming very worried, or there may be some evil god, at this moment, standing on the side of country V.

If Fan Jianming's abilities can't work, then there will be no suspense about the outcome of this war.

That's why he has to prepare for the funeral again.

Of course, he didn't want everyone to be shrouded in a pessimistic atmosphere of failure before the war, and he should not regard his pre-war political will as a radical rule because of the impulse of those generals.

Once the sea and air are defeated across the board, and these ground troops are still fighting desperate resistance, I am afraid that it will not only be the failure of this war, but also the destruction of the entire race.

This was the last thing Fan Jianming wanted to see, so he announced the end of the meeting cleanly, and then took the lead to leave the meeting place and ran to the side to eat.

Li Qianqian, Norma, and Leah left with him. Wellington, Shangguan Youran and Melanie also returned to their temporary residence rooms, but none of the other officials and generals left.

Norma's father exchanged glances with Nonglie.

Norma's father said: "Everyone, there is one thing that everyone must make clear. Your Excellency, the Supreme Chief, does not despise everyone, let alone doubt everyone's loyalty. His arrangement is reasonable."

"Let's not talk about his leadership and commanding ability, even his personal ability, I am afraid that most people here are obvious to all."

"As he said last time, if he really had an accident in this war, and if several successors he chose had problems one after another in this war, then who would dare to guarantee the rest of our lives? I can surpass the abilities and wisdom of the Supreme Chief, organize our ground troops and resist the powerful

What about the enemy? "

Nong Lie then echoed: "The battle that has just ended today tells us that modern warfare relies on technology, wisdom, and strategy, and courage is far from enough."

"If you wait until the top official said that those people have had an accident, and if the remaining people have to resist to the end with a moment of courage, the final outcome, I am afraid, will really be the destruction of the entire country and the genocide."

Norma's father went on to say: "So here I want to say that you don't even have to wait for the successor. As long as the Supreme Chief has an accident, the rest of us here must prepare to negotiate compromises with the enemy in order to preserve the seeds of our nation. "

Nong Lie also said: "People who have fought with the highest officials in country S in the past know that he has often said that there is a famous saying in the East, "Remain in the green mountains, not afraid of no firewood."

"In the past few days, he sent a large number of our students to the East in order to preserve the green hills of our nation. Even if this war fails, when those students return to China, they will surely shoulder the responsibility of our nation's revival. "

"So under the last resort, what we have to do is not to fight to death, but to learn to protect ourselves. What I am talking about here is not the individuals here, but the masses of the people."

The two of them spoke in turn, so that everyone's originally very excited and nervous emotions were relieved.

Nong Lie added: "There is one more thing, please rest assured that if we have to accept the defeat of this war through negotiations, we will not be held responsible."

"I am getting older. If I can live to that day, I will come forward in the negotiation of surrender."

Norma's father said: "And me!"

Although they are talking about the possibility of surrender in the future, they feel very tragic.

No one laughs at them, but more admiration and love.

The Secretary of Defense said at this time: "Well, everyone, what the Supreme Chief and the two lords just said is only a kind of record of the war. As far as the plan of the Supreme Chief is concerned, as long as we all work together, I don’t think The final failure belongs to us.


"So please cheer up everyone. Next, we will deploy the ground forces well. Just like the Supreme Commander said, even if there is a compromise in the future, it is by no means an unconditional surrender."

"Resistance is necessary, but we must not pay the price of the extinction of the entire nation. If that day comes, even if it is for compromise negotiations, we will fight for the entire country and the nation, even if it is a fraction of the benefits. It's an account of history and the future."

"Remember, no matter what the situation is, as a soldier, it is always meaningful and valuable for us to fight for the motherland!"

Everyone is no longer entangled in what is going on. They have asked the Secretary of Defense to immediately formulate a deployment plan and go all out to prepare for future ground resistance.

When Fan Jianming and the others were eating, Li Qianqian couldn't help but use the airborne voice transmission to ask: "Are you really sure that our ability can't deal with the enemy's aircraft carrier?"

Fan Jianming nodded, and replied with a voice transmission: "Otherwise, I would have given Norma and Leah a golden pill earlier. Will we still have to fight this battle? You, Shangguan, Norma, Leah and me? Five people can solve the battle!"

Li Qianqian smiled slightly: "I think no matter whether it works or not, you should give them the golden core. Even if the war fails, you can at least save their lives. I am afraid that the future **** country will depend on their sisters."

Fan Jianming also smiled and said: "Lea is okay. Not only did the people of V country dare not move her, because of her existence, even this building has become safe. As for Norma, time is too late."

Norma and Lia were sitting opposite, Li Qianqian reached out and pinched Fan Jianming's lap: "You are a stubborn ghost! It's okay, the enemy may launch an offensive when you have dinner, you can go to her room to get things done. ."

"Really?" Fan Jianming looked at Li Qianqian with slanted eyes.

Li Qianqian stomped Fan Jianming's instep with her heels, gritted her teeth and twisted her hard: "Really, go to hell, you!"

At this moment, Fan Jianming felt a chest tightness.

Leah was eating and looking at her laptop, and suddenly shouted: "No, the enemy aircraft carrier formation is moving!"

(End of this chapter)