Return of the King

Chapter 2043: Situation Sudden Change


His ancestor shook his head: "Fan Jianming's origin is not known to future generations like me. Perhaps we can find his clues from the ancient Eastern classic "Shan Hai Jing"."

"But now this is not the key issue. The key is your current situation. With the power of the world, you can't deal with him at all."

The Secretary of Defense looked frustrated: "Then what should I do?"

"Well, later today, the gods of other worlds will gather. While we are consuming Fan Jianming's power, you can attack the Federation. In that case, we can complement each other and get what we want. , The glory of the family will be magnified again because of you!"

What his ancestors said was all right. This world was originally a paradise where all saints lived together. Although they were not in the same time and space, they influenced each other.

If the realm of God is righteous, then there will be peace in the world.

If evil runs rampant in the God Realm, the world will also be dark.

The reverse is also true. When the righteous power of the human world prevails, it will also add energy to the righteous god of the gods, and when the evil forces are rampant, the evil gods of the gods will also be blessed.

The Minister of National Defense suddenly became excited, and when he wanted to say something to his ancestor, he was suddenly awakened by a sound. He opened his eyes and sat upright. It turned out that an attendant brought in his dinner.

The Minister of National Defense sat in his seat and did not move for a long time. He kept wondering whether the dream just now was true or not.

He rarely has such dreams.

In his memory, for the first time in his life, he dreamed of the ancestor who brought glory to the whole family.

As the ancestors said, the problem is that there is no definite time for the unified action tonight?

He didn't blame the attendant, because he knew very well that dreams were only dreams most of the time, maybe they were thinking by day and dreaming by night.

For now, Fan Jianming is undoubtedly his biggest and only enemy. Dreaming of him as an ancient god and an evil god is in line with the psychology of the Minister of National Defense at this time.

As for that fairy will appear in the dream, it is also the Secretary of National Defense's thoughts. This expedition to the Peace Oasis Federation, he has always been

In my heart, I hope to add a rich touch to the family glory created by this ancestor.

Although he couldn't be sure that the dream just now was true or false, he got a revelation from it. Faced with two setbacks, when the enthusiasm of the Union soldiers and civilians was soaring, it might be the best time to hit them by surprise.

Thinking of this, the Secretary of Defense instantly felt relaxed.

He ate his food and said to the attendant, let all the officers and soldiers have a good meal, and have a special mission tonight.

Everyone knew right away that the Minister of National Defense was preparing for an overnight raid.

After eating, he immediately organized a meeting for all the officers. The scene of the meeting was simply a copy of Fan Jianming's meeting.

The first thing they thought of was to use three to four o'clock in the morning to suddenly carry out indiscriminate air strikes when the people of the Federation were sleeping at their sweetest time.

It was only later that someone asked if the Federation would think that they would act at this point in time?

In the end, the Secretary of Defense decided to postpone the attack by one hour. When the Federation thought that they would attack again in the moonlight, they would choose to make a decisive action at dawn, when the Federation was exhausted. The decisive battle.

After the meeting, the Secretary of Defense ordered everyone, including themselves, to have a good night's sleep, and let the federal people prepare for war that may occur at any time!

After a day’s battle, coupled with a night’s rigorous formation, when the dawn arrives tomorrow, I am afraid that the exhausted federal people will only have to wait to be slaughtered.

However, not long after they were asleep, the gathering of evil gods already made Fan Jianming feel unprecedented pressure, as if the whole air had become muddy and dignified, so he hurriedly arranged.

Before the evil god rushed away like Fan Jianming, Li Qianqian and Shangguan leisurely, he let some of the evil gods control the meaning of the soldiers of State V in their sleep, leaving them half-awake and half-dreaming.

The same applies to the Minister of Defense.

The Minister of National Defense woke up from his dream, and the ancestor's voice sounded in his ear: "Child, you can act!"

At this time, the Minister of Defense, half of his consciousness belongs to him, and half of his consciousness is controlled by evil gods.

Controlled, he immediately issued an order to control the lights of all warships and set sail in the dark.

Over their heads, in another time and space, the Secretary of Defense did not know what happened. When they approached the Union Seafront, the Secretary of Defense ordered all fighters and bombers to enter a wartime state.

Fan Jianming and the others just witnessed the evil god being driven away by the righteous god, and the Minister of National Defense immediately ordered a batch of fighter jets to take off.

There are a total of twelve fighters in this group. Their purpose is to attract and search for all air defense systems and radars of the **** country, so as to provide safety guarantee for the indiscriminate bombing of bombers.

After the victory, Fan Jianming and the others, the four beauties hugged each other and cheered. Norma and Leah have returned to their original appearance, no longer a pair of stunning white blonde beauties with twins, but a black beauties. , A biracial beauty.

Seeing that the enemy's plane had taken off, Li Qianqian was full of disdain in her anger. She pinched her midday nap again, chanting a spell in her heart, and yelled at the plane: "Hit!"

Who knows there is no reaction at all.

Shangguan Youran, Norma and Leah were even more surprised than Li Qianqian!

It was no problem to deal with those evil gods just now, why is it still not effective when facing ordinary drivers?

Fan Jianming was also surprised. He felt himself for a while, only to realize that all the gold cores in his body had disappeared, and it was useless to run the inner alchemy.

Not only that, he could feel that the pure Yang Qi in his body and the Yin Qi collected from the women's bodies before had disappeared!

Shangguan Youran tried it: "My?god.? Why does my skill seem to disappear suddenly?"

Fan Jianming asked Norma and Leah again: "Where are you?"

Norma used her previous posture and shouted again to the sky: "God! Please give me strength--"

Everyone looked up to the sky, there was no movement at all!

Fan Jianming suddenly understood, but he couldn't explain it for a while, so he quickly said to Leah: "Immediately issue a combat order, and the S-500 system will deal with enemy fighters with all its strength. On the deck of an aircraft carrier."

(End of this chapter)