Return of the King

Chapter 28: Escape


Liu Yunkun was panicked now, he quickly asked a few brothers to help him from his illness, walked into the aisle, and first called Leopard.

After all, Zhang Guodong’s illness next to him, although Liu Yunkun was mixed with Zhang Guodong when he was young, but now he is mixed in society, and Zhang Guodong is a teacher at school. The two have changed from former close friends to nodding acquaintances. The contacts in the society, the two obviously changed positions.

Before the little bastard called, Liu Yunkun had been vowing in front of Zhang Guodong that Fan Jianming must be driven out of Jiangcheng, and he was told to leave on his knees.

After receiving the call from the bully, Liu Yunkun could only call Leopard for further confirmation. At the same time, he wanted to avoid Zhang Guodong. He didn't want to lose face in front of the former boss.

Leopard can become the boss in one road. In addition to daring to fight, he also emphasizes loyalty, so he can convince the brothers.

In terms of age, Liu Yunkun is two years older than Leopard, but in society, he mainly relies on strength, so Liu Yunkun usually calls Leopard by his name.

He actually called Leopard for two purposes. First of all, to verify what the gangster said, if it was true, and secondly, he wanted Leopard to come forward and speak nice things in front of Jiang Zhichao.

What was beyond Liu Yunkun's expectation was that the leopard, who had always attached importance to loyalty, stopped talking to Liu Yunkun and let Liu Yunkun settle the matter after proving that what the gangster said was true.

Leopard knew in his heart that just for himself and his brothers, Jiang Zhichao even ignored the face of his Jiangcheng boss and knelt down to Fan Jianming in the street. Now Liu Yunkun provoked Fan Jianming again. How could he dare to make Jiang Zhi go beyond interceding?

In case of a disagreement, Jiang Zhichao knelt down to Fan Jianming again, and the leopard owed Jiang Zhichao's love, and he would never pay for it in his entire life.

Of course, there is another factor. Regardless of the fact that Leopard is young, he can be considered as a person with a city government if he can be mixed to the present level.

Although Jiang Zhichao knelt down, he was really moved, but Leopard thought he was acting.

Even if Jiang Zhichao’s story in Country S doesn’t have any water, Leopard feels that since Fan Jianming can mix to the horrifying level, he must have his own uniqueness. Kung fu is probably secondary, and the most important thing is to be human.


Since Fan Jianming could use such a powerful force to save Jiang Zhichao's life, in the situation just now, Jiang Zhichao only had to say two good things, and Fan Jianming would definitely not be reluctant, and there was no need to kneel in public.

But Jiang Zhichao knelt.

It looks like he has lost face, but in fact it makes people feel that his righteousness is like a mountain, and he has bought the hearts of both the Leopard brothers and Fan Jianming.

Leopard felt that Jiang Zhichao acted too much, so after receiving a call from Liu Yunkun, he was reluctant to ask Jiang Zhichao to be killed, and he wanted to see how Jiang Zhichao would settle this matter without showing up. ?

Liu Yunkun didn't know what to do, thinking that the leopard was scared by Fan Jianming. Now he was even more panicked. He quickly let a few brothers leave. In case Fan Jianming hit him, it would be too late to apologize.

After the brothers left, Liu Yunkun called Fan Jianming. Jiang Zhichao unexpectedly picked up the phone and admitted to his face that Fan Jianming was his boss. This incident could not have been turned over.

Liu Yunkun had the desire to die. He never dreamed that Fan Jianming could save Jiang Zhichao's life abroad, and his kung fu was so powerful. It seems that he kicked two ribs at the entrance of the hospital. It's not luck.

Liu Yunkun's legs were already weak. If Jiang Zhichao stood in front of him at this time, he would immediately plop and kneel to the ground.

Now Jiang Zhichao is still waiting for his answer. Liu Yunkun said tremblingly: "Super...Uncle, I have been with Brother Leopard for many years. Brother Leopard is also your good brother. For the face of Brother Leopard, your old man will be spared. Is it me?"

"It's not that I forgive you. It depends on the mood of my boss. I heard that you still want to drive him out of Jiangcheng?"

"No, no, Fan Jianming and I are actually classmates, and that sentence was a joke with him."

"Did you call Fan Jianming?"

"Oh, no, it's Brother Fan, Brother Fan!"

Jiang Zhichao said coldly: "You don't need to be wordy with me here, anyway, my boss is in a bad mood, and I don't care what you do next, as long as my boss is happy, this matter will be turned over, otherwise..."

"Yes, yes, yes, I'll beg Fan again, I'll beg Fan again."

Jiang Zhichao handed the phone to Fan Jianming. Fan Jianming just "heed", and Liu Yunkun pleaded with tears.

: "Brother Fan, you spare your life, this time you are going to let me go. I, Liu Yunkun, will be a cow and a horse for you in my life, and I can do anything for you. Ooo——"

Fan Jianming's heart softened all of a sudden.

How can I say that Liu Yunkun is also an adult now, and he is still a little boss in the society, standing there is also a man, and he burst into tears.

Although this burst of crying can't wash away the humiliation that Fan Jianming suffered during his student days, he really couldn't bear Fan Jianming's reluctance to beat the dog under such circumstances.

"Liu Yunkun," Fan Jianming asked incomprehensibly: "There is one thing I never understood. When you were studying, you always bullied me. I haven't provoke you for so many years. How can you hate me so unforgettable? Seven years? If you don’t meet, you will fight as soon as you meet. What's the matter?"

"I'm sorry, Brother Fan, it's Liu Yunkun who has eyes and no beads, and has a heart and soul, and provokes you..."

"It's useless to talk less, answer my question."

"Brother Fan, you just forgive me? I...I..."

"You don't want to say so?"

"I said, I said, wasn't it because of Li Qianqian? At the beginning, she and Zhang Guodong were good, I kept thinking about it, but I didn't have the chance. This time I heard that she got the marriage certificate from you under Fang Yadan's coercion, so... "

"Aren't you already married, why did you even think of hitting her?"

Chen Lingling, who was sitting behind, heard the words, her eyes flashed again.

"I'm sorry! Brother Fan, I'm just whimsical and daydreaming. Don't worry, I won't think about her again in my life. Brother Fan, you have a lot of adults, let me go this time? Woo——"

Fan Jianming shook his head: "I knew this before, why did you do it in the first place? Take a good look at the doctor and heal your injuries. If you have anything to say after you leave the hospital!"

"Huh?... Oh, thank you Fan, thank you Fan!"

After hearing Fan Jianming hung up the phone, Liu Yunkun collapsed to the ground suddenly.

Although Fan Jianming stayed behind and had to wait until he was discharged from the hospital, he would not come today after all, especially Jiang Zhichao would not show up. Liu Yunkun was finally relieved.

If Jiang Zhichao and Fan Jianming come over and humiliate him in front of Zhang Guodong, he can really find a place to sew them down.

Jiang Zhichao's car had reached the entrance of the hospital. He stopped and asked Fan Jianming, “Now What?”

(End of this chapter)