Return of the King

Chapter 50: Unreasonable


Li Qianqian stunned Fan Jianming a few words, just want to see him look embarrassed. Unexpectedly, Fan Jianming was not only expressionless, but also seemed to be a bit calm about it, as if he was really a rich man.

Li Qianqian felt both boring and disgusting.

I thought: This product is not only cheap, but also learned how to put a pen!

Li Qianqian put away her smile and said coldly: "Are you with my dad at noon?"

"He made an appointment with me."

"You told him everything between us?"

"I don't think there is any need to hide it from him."

"Then do you know? After my dad returned to the ward, he didn't plan to have an operation."

"So, you asked me to come here to ask the teacher?"

Li Qianqian smiled disdainfully: "Xingshi dare not take a crime, and there is no need for it. After all, that is my father, and it has nothing to do with you."

"Then talk about things related to me. Are you planning to get a marriage certificate with me? If so, you can go now."

"What do you mean by guilty? Taking advantage of people's dangers to fall into trouble, isn't it what a man should do?"

At this time, the waiter walked over, put their coffee on the table, and then said "slowly", only to retreat and leave.

Li Qianqian glanced at the waiter, then sneered at Fan Jianming and said: "Look, I have never seen anyone scared a waiter like this. People treat you as a big money, can you be in front of me, Also show that kind of big money atmosphere?"

Li Qianqian is also a brain-disabled. Since she has not seen any rich person and can scare a waiter into this way, there must be a reason why the waiter has such an expression of nervousness or even fear after seeing Fan Jianming. .

She didn't analyze it carefully, but she used this to make fun of Fan Jianming. Fan Jianming couldn't help but sigh in her heart, thinking that she really has no eyes, how could she have a crush on this kind of stuff for so many years?

Fan Jianming asked impatiently, "What do you want to say?"

"What kind of garlic? You know that Fang Yadan's 600,000 yuan is very important to me, and you know the conditions she offered. At this time, I will go to get a divorce certificate. It looks like a man, as if he doesn't want to intimidate me. Actually It's just a villain, don't you want to drive me to death?"

"OK, I take back what I just said. Please tell me, what is the matter with me today?"

"My father will have an operation tomorrow, and I will take care of him every night for the next week. I don't have the time or the mood to do that kind of thing with you."

"What kind of thing?"

"Let’s pretend, didn’t I tell you? I happen to be in danger now. If I don’t do that tonight, I’m afraid I’ll have to wait until next month."

Fan Jianming sighed for a long time and asked: "You still love Zhang Guodong, right?"

"Does this have anything to do with you?" Li Qianqian sneered dismissively: "We are just a deal, and it has nothing to do with love, so don't think too much!"

"I mean, you love Zhang Guodong so much, does Zhang Guodong really love you?"

"It's starting to be cheap again, haven't you? I said that it's cheap, and now we are talking about you and me, and it has nothing to do with others.

Li Qianqian thought that Fan Jianming would definitely say that if Zhang Guodong loved her, he would not take into account the opposition of her parents.

Therefore, Fan Jianming will definitely say that Zhang Guodong's parental objection as a guise is that he doesn't really love her.

Next, Fan Jianming will definitely let her die.

The moment Li Qianqian showed her marriage certificate to Zhang's mother, her heart was already dead, but she didn't want to hear Fan Jianming sow discord, let alone hear anyone speak ill of Zhang Guodong.

Zhang Guodong is Li Qianqian's first love, and the two have been in love for so many years, and they have reached the point of mutual affection.

Because of this, Li Qianqian will not give Fan Jianming any opportunity to slander Zhang Guodong.

Fan Jianming smiled: "Why are you so sensitive when you mention Zhang Guodong? What I want to say is, if you confirm that Zhang Guodong really loves you, I can fulfill you and let him marry you as his wife."

Li Qianqian was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled contemptuously: "With you? Wearing a set of famous brands, you really think of yourself as a character?"

Fan Jianming didn't plan to care about Li Qianqian's cynicism. After all, he figured it out. He had been bullied since childhood. It is normal for Li Qianqian to look down on him. Besides, none of his classmates could look down on him.

Of course, except for Wang Wei and Li Limin.

Coupled with the matter of obtaining a marriage certificate, Fan Jianming felt that he was also very hot-headed, and he was inexplicably named Fang Ya.

Dan's way.

For Li Qianqian, for the sake of her father, she had to humiliately sign the alliance under the city and accept a man she originally despised. No matter what she did for this, Fan Jianming felt that she was not at fault.

Even if Li Qianqian is not the goddess Fan Jianming has secretly loved for many years, even if it is just an ordinary classmate, Fan Jianming feels that he should stretch his hand when the other party needs help, let alone a mere six hundred thousand, it is not a problem for him at all.

Fan Jianming said blankly: "So you still affirm that Zhang Guodong really loves you, then you still hope that he can marry you? Well, as an old classmate, I will work hard to help you fulfill this wish."

Li Qianqian didn't believe her ears a little, and looked at Fan Jianming with a puzzled look.

Fan Jianming continued: "Everything you did to save your father made me feel admired. Isn't it six hundred thousand? Fang Yadan's account, I will pay for you, you don't need to sell your money for this little money. Body. A body without emotion, you just want to sell it, but I don’t want to buy it yet."

Li Qianqian blinked at Fan Jianming, unable to believe that everything he said was true.

"Well, if there is nothing else, you can go. I will buy the coffee."

Li Qianqian was blinded for a long time, and suddenly smiled: "You are cheap, how do I feel that you have learned to act without knowing other skills in the past few years when you have been abroad?"

Fan Jianming asked in astonishment: "What kind of play?"

"What do you tell me to pay Fang Yadan's account for me? If I'm not wrong, the 600,000 Fang Yadan gave me is yours? Fang Yadan likes Zhang Guodong, you like me, just because I am in a hurry to spend money, you can discuss it. Yes, let her force me to submit in the name of borrowing money from me. In this case, you can get what you need. She can get Zhang Guodong, and you can get me. Isn't it? Now it's awe-inspiring and pretending to be a good person in front of me? "

I'll go, it seems that it is really difficult for people to really want to do a good thing?

"Then you mean—"

"Tell you again: marry me, no problem; give you a child, no problem. Again, we are just a deal, there is no need to set me up, the delusional performance is awe-inspiring, let me be grateful to you, And then throw yourself into your arms without hesitation? I'll hehehe!"

(End of this chapter)