Return of the King

Chapter 54: Burnt Vomiting blood


Fan Hongsheng had to admit that Zhou Yaping did excel in that aspect. That's why after Fan Hongsheng's fortune, although he played with many young women, many of them were never married, he had a soft spot for Zhou Yaping. , And eventually married her.

Although Fan Hongsheng did not know that she was married and had children, the women who had given birth to children were definitely different from those who had never given birth to children. However, Zhou Yaping was able to convince Fan Hongsheng that she had never given birth to a child, and it was a wonderful thing. It's amazing.

What's more, Zhou Yaping has been helping him manage the Paradigm Group for so many years, and its courage and methods are not comparable to ordinary women.

Fan Hongsheng believed that as long as she played a little trick, coupled with her charm, his son would definitely not be his opponent.

Although he was extremely angry, Fan Hongsheng felt that Zhou Yaping's remarks were correct. At the present moment, he must not die. He must help his son to successfully take over the Fan Group.

So he kept chanting in his heart: Amitabha, Amitabha!

In fact, he has never believed in Buddhism, and he typically belongs to the kind of Lord who doesn't burn incense and temporarily embraces Buddha's feet.

Zhou Yaping brought the second peeled lychee to Fan Hongsheng's mouth. Fan Hongsheng did not open his mouth anyway. He felt that if he wanted to eat this lychee, he would definitely be choked to death.

Zhou Yaping smiled and stuffed the lychee into her mouth. While eating, she said, "Hong Sheng, maybe this is karma? For you, a woman who has played with a lot in the past is now her own woman. , Has also been played by many people, and even added his own son. It is true that evil is rewarded, and good is rewarded. It is not that it is not repaid, the time has not come!"

When Fan Hongsheng heard it, his old face immediately turned red.

Zhou Yaping smiled slightly: "Don't be excited, calm, calm! I'm just saying this now, Xiao Ming has agreed to move back to our house."

Fan Hongsheng wanted to control his emotions, but Zhou Yaping couldn't bear it anxiously. Although he didn't scream, he still hummed coldly.

Zhou Yaping repeatedly stabbed Fan Hongsheng, although he didn't want him to be mad to death, but he didn't want him to recover quickly.

Zhou Yaping’s idea is that it’s best to make Fan Hong angry as a vegetative, always lying in **, can’t get up, can’t speak, and then she can show her charm to the fullest and think about it.

You can play Fan Jianming.

Zhou Yaping said again: "Hong Sheng, you should actually want to drive a little bit. You are like this now. I can't find satisfaction with you, so I will naturally seek comfort from other men, instead of looking at me and Huang Hanbin and others. , It would be better to accept the matter between me and Xiao Ming calmly, the so-called fat water does not flow into outsiders’ fields!"

Shameless, bitch, why didn't I see you earlier?

Fan Hongsheng kept cursing in his heart, but he couldn't speak.

Zhou Yaping is a cleanliness person. She just peeled two lychees, she got up and washed her hands in the bathroom, then walked out, stood at the foot of Fan Hongsheng’s bed, and said to Fan Hongsheng, “Hongsheng, let’s make an agreement. Well, as long as you acquiesce in the relationship between me and Xiao Ming, I will help him to secure the top position of the chairman of the Fan Group, and I will give him whatever he deserves, provided that you lie down on the ground and live forever. After the rest of your life, don't make any more moths with me."

Fan Hongsheng looked at her with a sneer and thought, maybe Li Limin hadn't told Fan Jianming about her red apricot going out of the wall. If Fan Jianming knew about it, I'm afraid...

After all, they have been a couple for many years. After seeing Fan Hongsheng's cunning eyes, Zhou Yaping immediately understood what he was thinking.

"Do you think Xiao Ming still doesn't know about my red apricot going out of the wall, and it's even less clear that I caused your stroke?"

Fan Hongsheng was stunned.

Zhou Yaping smiled and said: "When he bit me with sharp teeth in order to avenge my hatred of driving him out of the house, I told my red apricot out of the wall and kicked you on the ground and had a stroke. he."

Fan Hongsheng stared at Zhou Yaping with wide eyes, expecting her to continue. Fan Hongsheng wanted to know Fan Jianming's attitude.

Zhou Yaping actually made a grimace at Fan Hongsheng: "Facts have proved that my choice is correct, because I know that paper will not contain the fire after all. Sooner or later he will know about it. It is better for me to tell him in person, but he...hee Hee, you know."

When Fan Hongsheng heard it, it looked like a frustrated ball. He already realized what was going on.

Zhou Yaping continued, "Xiao Ming took all his anger and hatred... but it turned out that I became a real woman."

Hearing this, Fan Hongsheng couldn't help it anymore. He turned on his side and spouted a mouthful of blood on the ground.


"Tsk tusk, look at you, you are so old, why are you so impulsive? I told you a long time ago that you have to pay attention to your body, even if it is for your precious son, you have to live well? "

Fan Hongsheng knew that Zhou Yaping was angry with him, and he also told himself in his heart: Don't be angry, don't be angry!

However, he couldn't hold back after all, with a "poof" and spit out another mouthful of blood.

Zhou Yaping shook her head, first wiped the blood on her lips with a napkin, then took out the mop in the bathroom, dragged the floor clean, and then returned to the bed.

"Hong Sheng, I advise you to control your emotions. If Xiao Ming knew that you were pissed off by his behavior, how guilty he must be? Maybe after you die, he will indeed anger me. , Or even strangle me alive, in that case, he will have to resist his life. You have been dying for years, is it necessary to kill all the family because of the little self-esteem in your heart?"

Fan Hongsheng has been telling himself not to be angry or excited, but Zhou Yaping has been spurring words, and still using that kind of earnest tone. If it weren't for his son, Fan Hongsheng would have died out of anger at this time.

"I have already told Xiao Ming, from now on, I will come to accompany you every night, so you have to cooperate well, don't let him think that you are full of hatred for me, if you are in a hurry, I will tell He, you already know that he bullied me, now there is only one thought, that is to die immediately, guess what will happen to him?"

Fan Hongsheng immediately persuaded himself: Don't be angry, don't be angry, she just wants to piss Laozi to death, Laozi must live!

He did not know that everything Zhou Yaping said was made out of nothing, and he has been compiling the story that Zhou Yaping thought in his heart.

Obviously, Zhou Yaping actually hopes that everything she just described will really appear someday in the future.

Therefore, when Zhou Yaping left and Fan Jianming came in, Fan Hongsheng looked at his son with guilt in his eyes, but he did not dare to express his anger towards Zhou Yaping. At this moment, Fan Hongsheng had only one thought in his heart. As long as you can stand up, you must die with Zhou Yaping. One is to ensure that Fan Jianming can smoothly control the Paradigm Group, and the other is to completely cover up the scandal between Fan Jianming and Zhou Yaping.

(End of this chapter)