Return of the King

Chapter 7: The Real Brother


Fan Jianming walked forward along the edge of the community and turned a corner before seeing the eight characters "Prosperity Pearl Sales Center" on the head of the sales department of the community.

Let me go, what happened to Duan Yunbo, who actually demolished my house?

Fan Jianming smiled bitterly and shook his head. He was about to walk into the lobby and asked the sales lady where the street was, but saw that on the very edge of the row of facades, it seemed that a small restaurant had opened, the kind of cooking at the door. A street shop where guests dine inside during the day and outside at night.

A familiar figure was leaning on the wok at the door, frying intently.

Wang Wei?

It was the only one in the class who had never played Fan Jianming and eventually became his friend's old classmate!

Fan Jianming walked over and found that it was quite lively. There were a total of eight tables and six tables with people sitting, but they seemed to be migrant workers. They should be workers on the construction site of the community.

Wang Wei kept his head down and cooking, and saw a figure standing in front of him, and immediately turned his head and shouted: "Li Limin, here is a guest!"

Li Limin? Fan Jianming was stunned for a moment: Is my tablemate? they……


Li Limin ran out of it in response, and when she saw Fan Jianming, her smile suddenly solidified, and her pretty face was flushed.

I go, are they married?

This kind of small shops are usually mom-and-pop shops. Fan Jianming can basically be sure that his deskmate is married to his only good friend, but he is not happy, but rather embarrassed.

When he was studying, no female classmates put Fan Jianming in his eyes, only Li Limin wrote a note to him.

But at that time, Fan Jianming only had Fang Yadan and Li Qianqian in his heart, and didn't pay attention to Li Limin at all, so he ignored her note.

"What are you doing while standing stupid? Hurry up and greet the guests to go in?"

Wang Wei, who was very busy, whispered at Li Limin, and at the same time he turned his head and glanced at her inadvertently, only to find that she looked at the guests in a daze with a strange expression, and then turned around.

"Fuck, Fan Jianming?"

Wang Wei hurriedly turned the pot twice, and after putting the dishes on the plate, he immediately rushed out and hugged Fan Jianming tightly.

Fan Jianming was hugged by him, his chest was hot, his nose was sore, thinking about his classmates

He almost burst into tears with those goods in the group.

Li Limin hurriedly tilted his head, carrying the food that Wang Wei had just cooked, and after it was delivered to the guests' table, he quietly looked back at Fan Jianming, and a small heart was beating wildly.

Fan Jianming was the first and only man she had a crush on.

"Smelly boy!" Wang Wei punched Fan Jianming. "It's been a few years since I went abroad, and I haven't heard of it at all. Did I forget my buddy if I got rich?"

Fan Jianming was moved in a mess. He didn't want to pretend in front of Wang Wei: "I made some money, but not much, you and Li Limin..."

"Oh, she is my wife now!" Wang Wei turned and shouted at Li Limin at this time, "What are you doing in there? Come out quickly, why, I am embarrassed to see "You at the same table"?"

Fan Jianming gave him a push: "Stop it!"

Wang Wei smiled and said, "Don't tell me, my wife has a very good impression of you."

"What nonsense," Fan Jianming flushed, "Isn't she under your influence?"

"Really not, I am not afraid of your jokes. Before marrying me, she had a crush on you. Who told your kid to never look back?"

"Wang Wei," Fan Jianming said sternly, "If you want to talk like this again, our brothers won't be able to do it."

Wang Wei smiled slightly: "I really didn't lie to you, do you know how I got together with her? When we were demolished, your grandma was not in charge, and Li Limin saw me helping your grandma move, and she came over too. Help. We sent your grandma to the nursing home, and we often go to see the old man together again, so that I can get along with her."

When Fan Jianming heard it, tears burst into his eyes, and he knelt on his knees with a thump.

At this time Li Limin also came out. The couple supported Fan Jianming at the same time and asked in unison: "What are you doing?"

Fan Jianming has been abroad for seven years. He has no idea how many scenes of artillery fire and blood and rain. He has left countless scars on his body, but he has never shed tears.

But today, facing Wang Wei and Li Limin, he not only shed tears, but also knelt down with gratitude.

Fan Jianming once vowed that he would only kneel down on his grandmother and mother all his life. However, Wang Wei's understatement made him feel

What is the real brother.

For his grandmother, he felt that both Wang Wei and Li Limin could bear his kneeling!

Fan Jianming shed tears. He just wanted to say something, but he couldn't say what he sobbed.

"Hey! I said that Fan Jianming, who has been abroad for so many years, has grown so strong, how can he cry like he did in the past?" Wang Wei gave Fan Jianming a push, "Hurry up and sit down, I will fry two Good food, our, the three of us have a good meal!"

Fan Jianming nodded, walked to the shop and sat down without saying a word.

"Hey, go and accompany me!" Wang Wei gave a wink to Li Limin. When Li Limin was about to turn around, Wang Wei stopped her again, "Hey, look at him in that way, he must not mix well abroad. You must not ask him about his situation abroad, lest he is embarrassed."

"Got it."

"Also, their house was demolished, and grandma is in a nursing home again. There must be no place to live at night. You can keep him in our house later."

"Ah I……"

"What's the matter with you? Don't forget, you are at the same table."

"No, I'm not good at staying, it's you who want to stay."

"What do you know, isn't it all like this these days? Brothers say that the wife is sad at this level. I want to keep him. He must think you disagree. He will stay only if you speak up."

Li Limin nodded.

"Also, be careful when you speak. Don't let him feel that we know that he has no money. Anyway, if the child is not at home, you just say that we like fun and hope he stays."

"I know."

After Fan Jianming sat down on one of the tables inside, his emotions had just been controlled, but the song "My Good Brother" was sang again on the TV on the wall.

Fan Jianming burst into tears again when he sang "When you need me, I will spend time with you, my dear brother, you have pain in my heart", Fan Jianming burst into tears again.

He always thought that only those who were born and died with him in Country S are brothers. Only today did he know that in his hometown thousands of miles away, among a group of shit-like classmates, he still has a good brother forever.

"Here!" Li Limin sat down opposite Fan Jianming, took out a handkerchief and handed it to him, whispering, "Why are you crying? I am not afraid of embarrassment for such a big person?"

(End of this chapter)