Return of the King

Chapter 77: make up the loss


Wang Wei gave him a white look: "Pull it down, what is a secret love? If you know it, can it still be called a secret love?"

"You're the one who got it down!" Fan Jianming rolled his eyes back at him: "Look at your wife now, is she a crush? Damn, I have nothing to do with her, look at her now. Yes, as if she and I really have a leg."

Wang Wei couldn't help but laughed, "I believe in my wife's character, but I don't believe in you."

"Then let me say something not to be angry with you. You know, I have only two women from being careful, one is Fang Yadan and the other is Li Qianqian. Besides, I have obtained the testimony from Li Qianqian now. Do you think I will die?"

Although Fan Jianming's words were a bit ugly, it was obvious that Li Limin was compared with Fang Yadan and Li Qianqian, and was not on the same level at all.

Wang Wei felt a little uncomfortable, but he also believed Fan Jianming's words.

Fan Jianming went on to say: "There is one more thing you have to figure out. Whether it is me or Li Lina, if you really want to do something sorry for you, it is absolutely impossible for you to feel it so quickly, a man who is cucked. It will always be the last one to know the truth. Just say my dad. I'm not afraid of your jokes. His current wife wore a green hat on him. The people all over the country knew that he did just know that, so he was hospitalized with a stroke."

"Forget it, forget it," Wang Wei was really embarrassed when he saw Fan Jianming taking his father out as an example: "As the saying goes, it's not a family, don't enter the same door, Li Lina and I are both straight-hearted people. , Allow her to treat you blatantly and not allow me to be jealous in person?"

When Wang Weineng said this, it was tantamount to resolving the misunderstanding in his heart. Fan Jianming heaved a sigh of relief: "Brother, thank you. If I don’t say anything today, I don’t know how I will face your husband and wife in the future. Also, don’t believe me, I really made a small fortune abroad. When I turn around, I’m going to help you get a big hotel. Don’t think I’m buying your wife!"

"You want to buy it, but you want my wife to sell it!" Wang Wei turned sternly and said: "Jianming, don't blame me for being wordy, Li Qianqian is really beautiful, but she is not suitable for you. I won't talk about the past, after all. She and Zhang Guodong are in a serious relationship. If you really don’t dislike it, then it’s also the bastard who looked at Mung Bean. But you

We have already received the marriage certificate, and they are still on the side of the road..."

Fan Jianming smiled inconclusively and took a sip of coffee.

"I'm not a curse. Your stepmother has already put a green hat on your father. Don't let this tradition go on, right?"

What Wang Wei said is true, not to worry about whether Li Qianqian is in charge or not to say whether she will be disconnected from Zhang Guodong in the future.

As the saying goes, people are terrible, even if there is nothing, the thought of walking on the street with all the insiders poking their backbones in the back, Fan Jianming couldn't bear it.

He sneered in his heart: Fang Yadan was right. No matter how bad Li Qianqian was, she would be considered a beautiful dress. Try it on for a while before telling it. If it doesn't work, throw it away. Anyway, Lao Tzu spent hundreds of thousands, which is worthy of her, at least much better than Zhang Guodong.

Thinking like this in his heart, Fan Jianming didn't dare to say it, especially to people like Wang Wei, lest he had prejudices about himself and would suspect that he and Li Lina were unclear in the future.

"I know what you said, not to mention her. Come," Fan Jianming held up the coffee cup: "Let's use coffee instead of wine. I will toast you."

Wang Wei also picked up the coffee cup and touched him. Ma Xiaomin walked to the left and smiled: "Two old classmates, this is a place to drink coffee. If you want to drink, I will treat you to the Red Lantern Hotel tomorrow!"

Although living in the same city, Wang Wei rarely interacted with his classmates, and didn't usually have much contact with Ma Xiaomin. He just smiled reluctantly when he saw her standing by her side.

Fan Jianming is different. He knows why Ma Xiaomin came, and when he was in the store, Ma Xiaomin gave him 5,000 yuan. Although he was cheated by Ma Xiaomin in the past, as a man, at least when facing Ma Xiaomin, He felt that he should not be too stingy.

Even if it is to be liquidated, it should be against her husband Chen Kai, not her.

Fan Jianming moved inside and said to Ma Xiaomin with a smile: "Beauty, please sit down, can you have something to drink?"

Ma Xiaomin sat down next to Fan Jianming, with one hand already on Fan Jianming's leg, and smiled brightly, his eyes were not only live, but also hooked.

"I said it's cheap. It looks like you have a good mix abroad. You are a famous brand, and you are chic in a California cafe. Whenever you can help me.

A poor girl? "

Ma Xiaomin had something to say, and the implication was to secretly demonstrate that Jianming, don’t forget, that the suit he is wearing now is still given by Ma Xiaomin.

Wang Wei, who was sitting opposite, could not see Ma Xiaomin's hand, and had already placed it on Fan Jianming's lap, but her unobtrusive gaze had already disgusted Wang Wei.

"Oh, sorry, my shop is closing. You talk, you talk."

Wang Wei got up and was about to walk towards the cashier. Ma Xiaomin shouted: "Are you going to pay the bill? I have already bought it."

"This... thank you." Wang Wei nodded towards Fan Jianming: "Then I'll go first. Call me if you have anything to do."


Fan Jianming wanted to send him off, but Ma Xiaomin sat outside and blocked the way. Wang Wei didn't plan to let him send him. He already strode towards the door.

"Beauty, why is this a coincidence?"

"What a coincidence? When I was fine, but I came here for coffee every day, but I didn't expect you to run here too. It seems that I don't know Taishan. I stuffed your money in the shop and made you laugh. ?"

"No, no," Fan Jianming smiled: "If you don't believe me, I will return home this time. Apart from Fang Yadan, Wang Wei and Li Lina, you are the fourth one to let me feel the past. I am absolutely grateful for those who are classmates."

Ma Xiaomin didn't know how good Wang Wei and Li Lina were to Fan Jianming, but it was spread among the classmates. Because of Fang Yadan, Li Qianqian had obtained the certification from Fan Jianming.

When Ma Xiaomin saw Fan Jianming for the first time, he had found that he was different from the past, but only from the physical appearance, he just felt that he was full of wildness than before, and that aspect must be very powerful.

Everyone says that when a man is rich, he will learn badly, and a woman will only have money when he learns badly. There is some truth to this, but it is not entirely true.

After Ma Xiaomin married Chen Kai, the couple ran a clothing store.

Without worrying about food and clothing, Ma Xiaomin's interest has already begun to pay attention to other men besides her husband. At this time, Fan Jianming appeared.

Ma Xiaomin has always felt that she owed Fan Jianming in the past, and coupled with a beauty like Li Qianqian, she would soon marry Fan Jianming, so her little heart became alive, and she wanted to find a chance to "make up" for what she committed on Fan Jianming. mistake.

(End of this chapter)