Return of the Phoenix Queen

Chapter 106: Argument in court



Ning Jiuwei's eyes, which were originally closed, opened instantly when she heard the voice coming from her ears. She saw Qin Lin sitting on the edge of the bed wrapped in white cloth. It seemed that the wound was involved due to his movements.

Seeing Ning Jiuwei's eyes open, Qin Lin's eyes seemed to be filled with stars, and he said with some self-blame: "Did I disturb you?"

"Yes." Ning Jiuwei looked a little pale, looked at Qin Lin and nodded with a smile.

Qin Lin raised his hand and stuffed the pillow behind Ning Jiuwei, helped her sit up, and said, "Drink the medicine, it's just fried."

Ning Jiuwei looked at the bowl of dark medicine in Qin Lin's hand, frowned slightly, raised her hand and poured it into her mouth, and then asked: "How are your injuries?"

"It's okay, but you, do you know how worried I am, huh?" Qin Lin looked at Ning Jiuwei and said, putting the bowl on the table.

"I don't know, tell me?" Ning Jiuwei looked at Qin Lin, her phoenix eyes a bit delicate.

Qin Lin's heart skipped a beat when he saw Ning Jiuwei's smile. He picked up her hand and put it on his chest. He leaned down, took her slightly white lips, and nibbled them gently. .

Ning Jiuwei also began to respond, and the temperature between the two gradually increased. After a long time, Qin Lin let her go, with suppressed emotions in his eyes.

At this time, Ning Jiuwei's cheeks were rosy, her red lips were dazzling, and she looked as charming as silk. This appearance made Qin Lin's suppressed desire grow even more.

"Jiuwei, it's time for us to get married." Qin Lin said with a slightly hoarse voice and a bit of lust.

Ning Jiu smiled, but suddenly saw blood oozing from Qin Lin's left shoulder, and hurriedly said: "Qin Lin, your wound is open."

"It's normal for the wound to crack. If he does some strenuous exercise before the injury is healed, I think he doesn't want his arm anymore." Qi Lexuan opened the door and walked in, her face a little red and she said.

Hearing Qi Lexuan's words, Ning Jiuwei turned her head and looked at the food in her hand. She immediately lowered her face and said, "Qi Lexuan, tell me, were you eavesdropping outside the door just now?"

"I didn't. I was listening openly. You two were just mixing things up and didn't see me." Qi Lexuan put down her things and said calmly.

"How is Shen Jiang?" Qin Lin's voice returned to its former coldness.

Qi Lexuan glanced at Qin Lin with some surprise, and sighed again at his indifference. Even though he knew he was being eavesdropped, he could still talk to her so seriously, as if nothing happened. It was amazing.

"Oh, he's still in a coma, but his fever has gone away, so there shouldn't be any danger to his life." Qi Lexuan said while suppressing her smile.

After hearing Qi Lexuan's words, Ning Jiuwei and Qin Lin looked at each other, and both found that the other's eyes were relieved. Since Shen Jiang can live, it means that the history of the past life can be changed, then they will definitely have a different life. ending.

Ning Jiuwei looked at Qin Lin and said, "I think according to Emperor Qingchen's temperament, he would never attack Ying City rashly when he had just ascended the throne and was facing internal and external troubles. This matter should be a little strange."

"It's my father. This matter is the condition for him to help Di Qingchen win the throne." Qin Lin said with a serious face.

If it were before, Qin Lin would definitely be angry, but now it seems that he is relieved that he is not his biological son, and it seems that no matter what he does, it is not strange.

"How did you know?" Qi Lexuan asked in surprise.

Qin Lin looked up at Qi Lexuan and said, "Qin Yue told me in a letter. He also specifically asked me if you...were injured."

"Huh? How could this lunatic be so kind-hearted all of a sudden?" Qi Lexuan blinked, rolled her eyes and said.

But Ning Jiuwei understood what Qin Lin meant. It turned out that Qin Yue actually liked Le Xuan. Unexpectedly, Qin Yue had a good taste.

… … .

In the court hall, the emperor sat on the dragon chair, looked at the ministers in the hall, and asked with a gloomy look: "What do you all think of this incident in Yingcheng?"

"Your Majesty, I thought that Emperor Qingchen attacked Dali as soon as he took the throne. He was really shameless and seriously injured the fourth prince. This is unforgivable. I think we should start a war to dampen Daliang's spirit." General Zhenxi Jing Yu stood and took a step forward, speaking with a firm voice.

Song Qi, the Minister of Punishment, also stood up, nodded and said, "I think what the general said is true. If I still swallow my anger at this time, I am afraid it will make people think that there is no one in Dali."

"Your Majesty, although Emperor Qingchen went too far in this matter, the princess was named Queen of Daliang after all. It shows that there is still room for change. I think we should negotiate for peace." Cheng Qing, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, stood up and said the opposite. Views.

At this time, the chief assistant Zheng Lin also came out and said: "I agree with what the minister said. Once the two countries go to war, the people will suffer. What's more, the national treasury is empty now and it is really impossible to provide military pay."

"My son also thinks it makes sense. Now that the people are stable, if a war suddenly breaks out, how should we explain to the people? Peace is the best way." Qin Que nodded and said.

On the contrary, Qin Yue's face suddenly turned cold and he said: "That's nonsense. In this situation, it is clear that Di Qingchen doesn't take Dali in his eyes. Wouldn't negotiating a peace at this time be a slap in the face? What do you people still have in your hearts?" Do you have the righteousness of family and country?"

"What's more, regardless of anything else, the King of Zhenbei and his fourth brother narrowly escaped death on the front line. You keep saying you want to give an explanation to the people, but have you ever thought of giving an explanation to Zhongliang of Dali?" Qin Yue looked at Qin Yue. Que, with obvious anger in his voice.

In the past, when he and Qin Que fought against each other, even if it was a fight between princes, he would not feel sinister no matter what Qin Que did. After all, seizing the heir would undoubtedly mean the winner or loser.

But today's Qin Que makes him feel very sick. In the face of a powerful enemy, he is still thinking about how to defeat his opponent, without caring about the country or the country. This man has been blinded by power.

Qin Que's face turned livid after being scolded by Qin Yue, and he was about to get angry when Qin Su stood up and said in a gentle voice: "Third brother, your words are really serious. Although this matter should be counterattacked, it is even more important. Considering the situation of the country, now that Dali’s national treasury is empty, how can we have military pay?”

"As for the fourth brother, he fought on the battlefield and narrowly escaped death. Both my father and I and my sixth brother are worried. When he comes back, my father will have an explanation. What do you think, third brother?" Qin Su? After speaking, he looked at Qin Yue and asked.

Qin Yue looked at Qin Su who spoke softly in front of him. His words were neither soft nor hard. Even though he knew that what he said was wrong, he had no way to refute. All his words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't go up or down. It was really uncomfortable. tight.

The emperor's eyes moved between the three people. Seeing that the time was almost up, he said, "This matter is indeed embarrassing for me. I will stop here today and talk about it tomorrow."

"Father, my fourth brother and King Zhenbei are still in Yingcheng, and Yingcheng currently has less than 30,000 troops." Seeing this, Qin Yue hurriedly said.

After hearing Qin Yue's words, the emperor looked at the various expressions of the ministers and said: "Pass the message and ask Lao Si and Shen Jiang to come back immediately. Jing Yu, you and 50,000 troops will go to take over and withdraw from the court."