Return of the Phoenix Queen

Chapter 109: Return to Beijing


Ning Jiuwei looked at the city gate in front of her, smiled at Qin Lin, who was also riding a horse next to her, and said, "We are back alive."

"Yes." Qin Lin nodded, with a smile in his eyes.

Several people entered the city gate and saw three horses, with a person sitting on each of them. One was white, one was purple, and one was blue. They were all handsome men. They were looking forward to flying, especially dazzling in the snow.

"Fourth brother, you are finally back. I have been waiting for you since dawn. Are you touched?" Qin Yue's eyes were filled with affection and he smiled wantonly.

Qin Su looked at Qin Lin and said, "Fourth brother is Dali's hero this time. Second brother comes to admire your style, do you mind?"

After hearing Qin Su's words, Ning Jiuwei and Qin Lin looked at each other, then turned to Qin Que, who was wearing a blue robe, and said, "Didn't the sixth brother also come to admire the style?"

"Of course not. I heard that the fourth brother was seriously injured in the battle in Yingcheng. I was worried about him and came here to wait, but I didn't expect that the two royal brothers were here." Qin Que said with a smile.

Qin Lin reined in the horse's reins, cupped his hands and said, "I didn't know that when I came back this time, it would be such a big event. I'm sorry for bothering my brother."

"It doesn't matter. My father has prepared a dinner for you today, and fourth brother must be there." Qin Que said with a sneer.

After hearing Qin Que's words, Qin Lin turned his eyes and nodded and said, "This is natural."

Qin Su turned his eyes to Ning Jiuwei, who had not spoken for a long time, and said, "This must be the legendary Miss Ning. She is really a charming person."

"Second Master, thank you." Ning Jiuwei looked at Qin Su, a trace of hatred flashed in her eyes, and disappeared completely in an instant.

"I'm a little tired from galloping all the way. If there's nothing else to do, let me go first." Qin Lin said, gently holding the horse's belly and moving forward.

Qin Yue, who had been silent all this time, followed closely on his horse and shouted: "Wait for me, I have something else to ask you."

"Le Xuan is in the carriage, do you want to go in and accompany her?" Ning Jiu turned her head slightly, looked at Qin Yue behind her, and asked with a hint of joking in her voice.

"This stupid girl can't even ride a horse?" Qin Yue asked with a voice full of disgust, staring at the carriage.

Ning Jiu smiled and said, "That's not true. We encountered an ambush on the road. Le Xuan was injured in her arm and came back by car."

"Injured? Is it serious?" Qin Yue asked in a nervous voice.

"What does Yan's seriousness have to do with you, you damn bitch?" Qi Lexuan opened the carriage and cursed angrily.

After hearing Qi Lexuan's words, Qin Yue's voice was a little relaxed and a little teasing, and he said, "I still have the energy to curse, but it seems I won't die."

"Crazy, get out of here, get away." Qi Lexuan opened the sedan and threw a book out of it.

Qin Yue sat on the horse and dodged very flexibly. While dodging back, he turned back and said: "You are so violent, be careful not to get married in the future."

"I am willing, but if you want to take care of it, get out of here right away, without stopping." Qi Lexuan said with a cold snort.

Ning Jiuwei watched the two people noisy and couldn't help but smile and whispered: "These two are a good match. They are happy friends. If they are really together, I'm afraid they will suffer a lot."

"Are you envious?" Qin Lin looked at Ning Jiuwei with a bit of emotion in his voice.

"What's there to envy? Everyone has his own way of life, not to mention I like your arrogance and awkwardness." After Ning Jiuwei finished speaking, she looked at Qin Lin with crooked eyebrows.

When Qin Lin heard Ning Jiuwei's answer, the corner of his lips curved up with a brilliant smile, and he said softly: "Jiuwei, my temper is destined not to be as popular as Qin Yue's, but I will use my own way to pamper you for the rest of my life. , protect you forever."

"I believe it." Ning Jiu nodded slightly and said with a smile.

… ….

At the dinner, Ning Jiuwei and Qin Lin entered the hall and were surrounded by many people. They greeted each other with a sense of reverence.

Ning Jiuwei also came to the dinner this time, not because of anything else, but because the emperor had issued an imperial edict to marry the two of them, and now she was attending the dinner as the fourth imperial concubine.

Ning Jiuwei took a general look and found that most of these people were supporters of Qin Lin in his previous life. Now it seemed that the greetings from these people were from the bottom of their hearts.

But there was one person who made Ning Jiuwei's eyes light up. Her eyes were fixed on the face of Song Qi, the Minister of Justice, the corners of her lips curled up, and she shouted: "Sir Song, long time no see."

"Uh... I don't know who this girl is..." Song Qi looked at Ning Jiuwei standing next to Qin Lin. Although he didn't know her, he couldn't ignore her and asked cautiously.

Ning Jiu smiled and said, "I was in Tianlao five years ago thanks to Mr. Song's care, but it seems that Mr. Song doesn't recognize me anymore."

After hearing Ning Jiuwei's words, Song Qi's mind flashed with fragments. After a long time, his eyes widened and he said in shock: "Is it you?"

Ning Jiu smiled and said nothing, but Song Qi was covered in cold sweat. After she left Tianlao, Qin Lin not only set up this little ancestor in the main hall, but also later found a reason for the family of Zhu Fu, the Minister of Household Affairs, to copy it. Beheaded.

He didn't understand why Qin Lin was so angry before, but now it seems that it was all because of Ning Jiuwei in front of him. Now he is very glad that he gave up punishing Ning Jiuwei at the last moment and left a way to survive. .

"The Emperor has arrived~"

Everyone was talking in high spirits when the eunuch's shrill voice came from the hall, and then a bright yellow figure appeared at the door of the hall.

"Long live my emperor."

The emperor wore soft-soled boots with auspicious clouds and dragon patterns on his feet, and wore a gold dragon crown on his head. He slowly walked up the steps, raised his hands and said, "Everyone, please get back on your feet. Today's dinner is for the fourth son to cleanse himself from the wind and dust. You can do whatever you want." "

Ning Jiuwei looked at the emperor and saw that although he was smiling, the smile did not reach his eyes, which showed that he did not like this banquet very much.

A banquet was filled with singing and dancing, but it was extremely dull. Ning Jiuwei scanned the entire hall with some boredom, but his eyes collided with Mu Chenfeng opposite.

Looking at those delicate phoenix eyes, Mu Chenfeng's black eyes flashed with softness. Although he knew that this person was his sister, he couldn't control it in his heart.

"Brother, what are you looking at?" Mu Yunxiao's voice sounded in his ears.

Mu Chenfeng looked away, lowered his head to drink the wine in his glass, shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

On the other hand, Shen Rongxi said to Mu Yunxiao: "Brother, are you thinking about Ning Jiuwei? Let me tell you, the Chinese New Year is coming soon. Go and invite her back. After all, we are a family, and there will be trouble there. "

"This is exactly the reason. I heard dad said that he came back alive this time because Jiuwei saved dad. I think she doesn't hate us that much. I will go find her after the dinner is over." Mu Yunxiao nodded.

Mu Chenfeng didn't speak the whole time, just drank quietly. Jiuwei was his sister and would always be in the future, but his feelings could only be buried.

Not far from Mu Chenfeng, Qin Que stared at Mu Chenfeng's wine glass, then glanced at Shen Rongxi beside him, with a wanton smile.