Return of the Phoenix Queen

Chapter 177: Token


After dawn the next day, Mei Luoxue had breakfast and couldn't wait to go to Zhiyang Palace to look for Ning Jiuwei, not only for Ning Jiuwei's escape, but also for Qin Mo's death last night The matter made her very confused.

Obviously everything was fine yesterday, why did Di Qingchen suddenly lock up Qin Mo, and heard that he was planning to execute him? Mei Luoxue's first reaction was that it was related to Ning Jiuwei, because apart from Ning Jiuwei, there was no one else. Any reason for Qin Mo to die.

"Is your mother-in-law up?" Mei Luoxue looked at Qin'er who was guarding outside and asked.

Qin'er looked at Mei Luoxue, shook her head and said, "My mother-in-law was bitten by a poisonous snake yesterday. The poison is still lingering and she is still sleeping. Please wait a while before coming back."

Hearing Qin'er's words, Mei Luoxue turned her head and glanced at the bamboo branches, and then asked in confusion: "Poisonous snake? There are poisonous snakes in the palace, and they even bit the empress. What on earth is going on?"

"I don't know much about this matter. I only know that my wife almost died yesterday and she is still recuperating now." Qin'er said.

Not getting any useful information from Qin'er, Mei Luoxue still had some doubts in her mind. Could it be that what happened yesterday was really related to Qin Mo, so Qin Mo was locked up.

"Qin'er, who is outside?"

Ning Jiuwei's voice came out from the room, with a trace of laziness as if she had just woken up. After Qin'er heard it, she glanced at Mei Luoxue, and then walked in quickly.

"Your Majesty, it's the Imperial Concubine who has arrived. The slaves are afraid of disturbing the Imperial Concubine, so they are asked to go back first." Qin'er said.

"No need, go and invite the imperial concubine to come in, serve a pot of good frozen oolong, then go back and rest, and leave the rest to Zihua." Ning Jiuwei said.

Ning Jiuwei had already heard from Bai Hua about what happened last night. Although Qin'er didn't save her voluntarily, she still saved her in the end. How powerful this snake venom is, she knew what sequelae would be left if she didn't take a good rest. Not good.

Hearing Ning Jiuwei's words, Qin'er's eyes flashed with disbelief, and then she felt moved. No master had ever thought so much about his servants.

"Why are you still hanging around? Go quickly, don't keep the imperial concubine waiting."

Ning Jiuwei took the clothes handed over by Zihua and put them on herself, while speaking to Qin'er. In fact, she was actually looking forward to seeing Mei Luoxue. At least arrange Xiao'er properly first.

Qin'er nodded quickly, turned around, opened the curtain, walked out, and introduced Mei Luoxue into the outer hall. Then she turned around and soaked a pot of frozen oolong in dew. Then she turned and left the hall. She also felt a little sleepy. , that snake venom is really not something to be covered with. Mei Luoxue was sitting there drinking tea while waiting for Ning Jiuwei, and Ning Jiuwei walked out in no time.

"Your concubine came very early today, can you have breakfast?"

Ning Jiuwei was wearing a purple floor-length skirt today, with a bow of the same color tied around her waist. Her whole person had a hint of girlish agility. Although her face was a little pale, it did not affect her beauty.

Mei Luoxue nodded and said, "I've already eaten. I was too impatient today and bothered the Queen. Please have your meal first."

"It doesn't matter. It's the same as eating it later. Let me put it away first. I also have something to tell you. Let's come in and talk." Ning Jiuwei glanced at Zihua, and then said to Mei Luoxue.

After hearing Ning Jiuwei's words, Mei Luoxue naturally understood. She nodded and followed, leaving the bamboo branches in the outer hall and entering the inner hall. The place was smaller and it was easier to talk.

Mei Luoxue was about to speak, but Ning Jiuwei didn't say anything. She raised her hand and opened all three windows. This was to prevent the partition walls from having ears. If someone was really eavesdropping, they would be able to see it immediately.

"There is a peacock feather cloak here. You put it on first." Ning Jiuwei felt the wind blowing in from the window and hurriedly handed the cloak to Mei Luoxue and said.

When Mei Luoxue was blown by the cold wind, she suddenly became excited. Without any excuse, she picked up her cloak and covered it outside. Then she felt the warmth, raised her head and asked, "Is Qin Mo's matter related to you?"

"It's related. Yesterday, a lot of poison appeared in my dormitory in the middle of the night. Needless to say, it was Qin Mo who did it. So, it was logical that Di Qingchen checked it out." Ning Jiu said indifferently. said.

Hearing Ning Jiuwei's words, Mei Luoxue frowned as expected, and became more and more impressed with Ning Jiuwei. Just because Ning Jiuwei was in danger, he could kill the princess of a country. deep feelings.

As for herself, Mei Luoxue couldn't help but reveal a wry smile. If she had fought with Qin Mo against Ning Jiuwei, she would have ended up like this. It was really sad.

"After Qin Mo dies, you will have your own harem. I don't think Di Qingchen will accept concubines anymore. Your status, whether you are the queen or not, is very stable." Ning Jiuwei said again.

Hearing Ning Jiuwei's words, Mei Luoxue frowned and asked with a rather surprised look: "Are you doing all this for me?"

"It's a little favor, although you may not accept it." Ning Jiu said with a smile.

Seeing Ning Jiuwei like this, Mei Luoxue also smiled and said, "I accept it, otherwise Qin Mo's poisonous snake keeps staring at me, and sooner or later I will fall for her. Thank you."

"Everyone gets what they need, not to mention that she was originally targeting me, so she was trying to avenge myself." Ning Jiuwei said.

Mei Luoxue smiled and did not answer. Instead, she took out a golden token, handed it to Ning Jiuwei, and said, "This is the token for the ladies in my palace to leave the palace. Take it, I’ll leave the palace at Hai hour tonight.”

"Where's Xiao'er? Is there any way to send Xiao'er away?" Ning Jiuwei squeezed the token tightly and asked.

"Well, I have contacted Ximen. There are people from my father there who can send Ning Xiao out safely. Don't worry." Mei Luoxue nodded and said.

When Ning Jiuwei heard Mei Luoxue's words, she felt relieved. As long as Bai Hua could take Ning Xiao out of the city, even if she was captured, at least she wouldn't have to marry Di Qingchen.

As for Qin Lin, Ning Jiuwei sighed. Qin Lin would come to her, right? If not, there would be Bai Hua. He must have a way to find Qin Lin. When the time comes, leave Daliang and everything will be over.

"Queen, this is your last chance. Think about it again. Are you really planning to leave? The Emperor has done a lot for you. He really loves you." Mei Luoxue suddenly said again. He spoke to persuade.

"I've thought about it, I've thought about it a long time ago." After Ning Jiuwei finished speaking, he nodded firmly.