Return of the Phoenix Queen

Chapter 182: maze


While walking, Qin Lin suddenly felt that his right hand was empty. He quickly turned his head and found Ning Jiuwei squatting under a tree, holding his head with both hands, looking extremely painful.

"Jiuwei, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Lin suddenly ran over in a panic, squatted down, and asked softly.

After a full quarter of an hour, the pain in Ning Jiuwei's head eased slightly. She raised her head, looked into those worried eagle eyes, and said softly: "I have regained my memory."

"Really? Jiuwei, then you remember me?"

Qin Lin heard Ning Jiuwei's words and asked happily. Although he kept saying he didn't care, how could he really not care? Those good and bad things are all their memories.

Ning Jiuwei looked at Qin Lin's happy look and suddenly felt a little guilty. She said, "I just remembered that when I was young, there was a man who often took me to the mountains and forests to collect herbs. I remember his name was Chu Tianyi, and he still remembered me. My mother’s name is Long Yurong, but I still don’t remember the rest.”

"That's it, it doesn't matter. No matter what, it's a good sign. It means that your memory is recovering, and you will remember it sooner or later." Qin Lin was disappointed in his heart, but did not show it, and comforted him with a smile.

"I'm sorry for making you happy in vain." Ning Jiuwei said with guilt in her heart.

Qin Lin shook his head, and when he heard the footsteps getting closer, he said, "Memories will always come back. Take your time. Let's get out of here now."

Ning Jiu nodded slightly, his eyes suddenly turned to the slightly collapsed fallen leaves, and said, "Qin Lin, look there, it must be a trap, and it will be a big pit."

"Why?" Qin Lin asked with a frown.

"Because the fallen leaves have collapsed, it means that the net below is very loose. The larger the pit, the more likely it will collapse. This must be a trap prepared to capture large animals." Ning Jiuwei analyzed.

Qin Lin nodded when he heard Ning Jiuwei's words, and then said, "Then let's wait in the tree now?"

"Yeah." Ning Jiu nodded slightly.

As soon as the words fell, Ning Jiuwei felt an arm hit her waist, and her feet left the ground in an instant. In the blink of an eye, the two of them were on the highest branch of the tree. If they didn't look up, there would be no one there. found.

"If we don't run away, would it be better if we stayed in the tree?" Ning Jiu asked with a smile.

"Of course it's no problem for ordinary people, but you forgot, there is Song Xiang here, a martial arts practitioner who is extremely sensitive to these disturbances." Qin Lin said with a smile.

The two people were talking when they saw a group of people running in the direction of their feet.

Looking at the team, there should be twenty people. Ning Jiuwei made a rough calculation and found that the big pit should be able to accommodate a few of them. Thinking of this, she took a small stone and quickly smashed it on the ground.

"what sound?"

"It seems to be coming from over there, let's go over and have a look."

Hearing the sound, more than twenty people immediately cheered up and quickly came to the direction of the falling stones.

Five steps, four steps, three steps, two steps...

Ning Jiuwei watched the movements of a dozen people, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she counted silently in her heart. She watched one of them step onto the edge and said, "One step."

As the words fell, before the people on the ground could react, they instantly felt that they had lost their balance. The movements of their hands were faster than the brain could react, and they grabbed their companions beside them.

Like a chain reaction, one by one, more than twenty people finally fell into the huge pit hand in hand, looking up stupidly at Ning Jiuwei and Qin Lin sitting in the tree.

"Where are they?"

"be cheated."

"What can we do there? We can't climb up."

"Isn't there a signal flare? Send the signal flare quickly."

Hearing the conversation of several people below, Ning Jiuwei's expression changed slightly. Unexpectedly, they still had flares in their hands. What should they do? If the flares were sent out, they really wouldn't be able to escape.

However, before Ning Jiuwei could worry for a second, Qin Lin stretched out his hand without changing his expression, and white dust fell from his hand, falling under the influence of the wind, and soon fell to the ground.

"This is it?" Ning Jiuwei was a little stunned, what is this thing, how come it works so well.

Qin Lin raised his lips and smiled, then said: "This is the Xiaoyao Powder prepared by Qi Lexuan. It can make people fall asleep quickly. It seems to be quite effective."

"Qi Lexuan?" Ning Jiu frowned slightly, why did the name feel so familiar.

"She is your best friend, but maybe you don't remember it now." Qin Lin said.

Ning Jiuwei nodded slightly, and in his mind he seemed to think of a girl in yellow, who seemed to be less than ten years old, but had a very bad attitude. Could this person be Qi Lexuan

... ... ..

I thought that after solving a small number of pursuing soldiers, they would go easily, but they never expected that the most tragic thing happened. They got lost in the mountains and forests.

Half an hour later, Ning Jiuwei looked at the branches of the tree with obvious white circles in a daze, and turned to look at Qin Lin. She couldn't believe that she would get lost in the mountains.

Qin Lin's eagle eyes narrowed slightly, his slender fingers attached to the traces they had just scratched, a trace of light flashed, and he frowned and said: "Formation."

"What?" Ning Jiu asked with a slight frown.

"There is something strange in this forest. Someone must have set up a formation here, so we can't get out. I'm afraid the pursuers behind us have also lost their way." Qin Lin said.

Hearing Qin Lin's words, Ning Jiuwei frowned and asked, "Then what should we do? I don't know any formations at all."

"I know a little bit about it, but whether I can solve it or not depends on luck."

After Qin Lin finished speaking, he looked at Ning Jiuwei and asked, "Are you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of? Isn't this journey dangerous enough?" After Ning Jiuwei finished speaking, she couldn't help but smile.

"Then come with me." Qin Lin nodded and then said.

Ning Jiu nodded slightly and followed Qin Lin, but found that every time he took three steps, he would take two steps back. This was a test. It seemed that this formation was really difficult. I don't know if it was. Who set it up.

As Qin Lin walked, his face became more serious. He had never seen the layout and intricacy of this formation. Now it seems that he can only explore it by himself. Fortunately, this is just a confusing formation, not a murderous one. Formation, otherwise it will be over.

Could it be that there is something mysterious hidden in this mountain? Otherwise, why would a maze be set up? What exactly was being hidden, and who was the person who did all this