Return of the Phoenix Queen

Chapter 186: Ink white


"Senior, what is this?"

On the outskirts of the capital, Qin Lin looked at the jade plaque in his hand and felt cold to the touch. The two characters "Huangfu" were faintly written in the center of the jade plaque, and the five-clawed dragon flying in the sky was carved around the jade plaque. On the side of the carriage, a man with white hair slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were as calm as a dry well, filled with the warmth of the world and the vicissitudes of the world.

This old man's name was Mo Bai. He was the one he met when Qin Lin fell off the cliff. He was proficient in Qimen Dunjia. He had set up the formation in the forest, but he didn't expect it to be broken by Qin Lin.

So when Qin Lin fell off the cliff, Mo Bai rescued him and cured Qin Lin's old illness. After learning that his mother was He Lanxue, he gave Qin Lin unprecedented help.

"This thing you are holding is the Yugui of Huangfu Shaohua, the founding emperor of Daliang. Although it cannot be said to be commanding the world, there is absolutely no problem walking sideways in Daliang. After all, the eight great lords in the capital today, although They don’t interfere in the court, but they are loyal to the Huangfu clan and there is no reason to let Emperor Qingchen run amok."

Mo Bai's voice full of vicissitudes of life rang out in the carriage, giving people a sense of firmness for no reason.

Qin Lin frowned, played with the jade guide in his hand, and asked with a frown: "Huangfu Shaohua? Isn't the royal family in Daliang named Emperor?"

"Oh, if Huangfu Shaohua had changed his surname in time and lived in seclusion, I am afraid that the rise of this great beam would have been long gone. When your maternal grandmother and your maternal grandfather fought in Kyushu, the Huangfu clan was not the strongest. It's a pity. Huangfu Shaohua was too cunning, and after King Qi was destroyed, he handed over all Yanzhou to Dali, retreated behind the scenes, changed Huangfu's surname to Emperor, and lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests."

"Although your maternal grandmother had a cold temper, she did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, so she let Huangfu Shaohua go. But I didn't expect that after your maternal grandmother left, Yanzhou would be in chaos. Huangfu Shaohua contacted the eight major clans and established a The Daliang regime established itself as emperor in Yanzhou, and this is how Daliang became today."

As Mo Bai spoke, his eyes were full of melancholy. How long had it been? Eighty years ago, when he watched He Lanxi step by step from a downcast princess to the throne of the queen. What she did Everything she did was for the common people. She was deeply loved and became the first Qinghuang Empress in Kyushu to dominate the world. He could see the sadness in her.

But he didn't expect that in the hands of his daughter He Lanxue, in just a few decades, it had already declined to this point. He only had the love of his little daughter in his eyes, talking about the family, the country, the world, and He Lanxuan, who was even more angry.

As a descendant of General Zhenguo of Dali, he is not at all as brave and fearless as General Sixuan. On the contrary, he is not as good as Qin Lin. He has not been involved in world affairs for many years. Now that he knows the situation of the world, he wants to find a way to help Qin Lin control Daliang. Keep your belly in check, this is the last thing he, the founding prime minister, can do for Dali.

Qin Lin didn't expect that Daliang would have such a story. Then all of this happened after his mother came to power. However, in just over twenty years, Daliang became a country that could oppose Dali. In ten years' time, Kyushu will change its dynasty.

"After entering the capital, you go directly to the Zhao family in the east side gate. The Zhao family is the head of the eight great clans. After a while, he changes his appearance and only says that you are the biological son of Emperor Juntian and Zhao Min. This token is left to you by Emperor Juntian. Yes, your name is Huangfu Chen, and the Zhao family will gather the nobles to force Emperor Qingchen to step down from the throne." Mo Bai said.

Qin Lin heard Mo Bai's words and said, "Old sir, I want to go to the palace first. Only then can I feel at ease knowing whether Jiuwei is fine."

"You... that's all. The Helan family has always been in love. Your mother is a clear example. She doesn't love the country but the beauty. If your grandmother's father could have married more concubines, he wouldn't have ended up with just one. She is the only one left to continue the royal bloodline." Mo Bai waved his hand and said.

... ... ... ... ..

Di Qingchen sat on a chair and looked at the furnishings in the room. It was a festive red. Even the gauze tent was a red gauze tent with golden dragon handles hanging at both ends, which made a smile appear on his lips.

"Finally it's not a dream anymore."

As he spoke, Di Qingchen poured wine into his own glass and tasted it carefully, his eyebrows gentle.

At this time, there was a jingling sound on the left, which made Di Qingchen couldn't help but turn his head, and his eyes suddenly flashed with surprise. The person who came was Ning Jiuwei, who had just taken a shower.

She was wearing a red dress that swept the floor, highlighting her proud curves. Her waist-length hair was spread wetly behind her, like a red lotus that had just broken through the water, charming and charming.

As Ning Jiuwei walked, she took a pure cotton handkerchief and wiped her hair. When she saw Di Qingchen's gaze, she frowned almost inaudibly and sat on the bed without saying a word.

Di Qingchen stood up suddenly, put the wine glass on the table, and said, "My body is covered with dust. I'll go clean it too."

When Ning Jiuwei heard his words, she didn't move. She just watched him leave the room. Then she slowly stopped wiping her hair, and slowly reached under the red pillow on the bed, where she lay quietly. A sharp silver hairpin with a poisonous needle inside.

Feeling the cold temperature of the silver hairpin, Ning Jiuwei's heart calmed down. It didn't take long, so just wait a little longer.

... ... ... ... ... ..

In a palace in the palace, He Lanxuan raised his hand and knocked the little eunuch delivering the food unconscious to the ground, and helped Long Yurong, who was already extremely hungry, to walk outside along the underground passage.

In the past few months, He Lanxuan and Long Yurong found that their internal strength was still unable to recover. After many studies, they discovered that Ruanjin San was consumed in three meals a day.

In addition, this palace is a maze-like building that can only be entered but not exited. Therefore, in order to find out the passage out, the two people worked hard and finally discovered the passage through which the young eunuch left half a month ago.

Now that they know how to leave, the two of them naturally have to find a way to leave. The first thing to do is to get rid of the Ruanjin San in the body. Otherwise, they will probably be caught back if they are halfway through.

For this matter, the most direct way Long Yurong and He Lanxuan came up with was to not eat. They didn't eat for three days, and finally dragged their tired bodies out along the passage.

"Which palace is this?" Long Yurong asked softly.

He Lanxuan shook his head, and then said: "Catch the palace maid later and let her lead the way. Otherwise, if we run rampant in the palace, the chance of being discovered is too high and it will be too dangerous."

"Our queen is so lucky to have such great favor from the emperor."

"Yes, during the conferment ceremony today, the imperial edict actually said that we should be regarded as equals and queens. That means we should be treated as equals. Our Daliang has never had such a statement, let alone Daliang, not in the whole world. of."

"But what do our queens think? The emperor is so kind to her, why would he want to run away? I really don't deserve the emperor."

"It's not worth it. Our emperor just likes the queen. Besides, now that we are married, the queen will definitely not do stupid things again. That Qin Lin is also dead, so nothing will happen to her."

... ... ..

After hearing the words of several palace maids, Long Yurong turned her head, looked at He Lanxuan, and asked, "Did you hear what they just said?"

"Qingchen still didn't listen to the advice and married Jiuwei after all." He Lanxuan shook his head and sighed.

"The last sentence, they said Lin'er died, it must be Qingchen's doing. In order to get Jiuwei, he actually killed his brother." Long Yurong said, tears falling.