Return of the Soldier King

Chapter 180: What Chen Jiao is afraid of


At this moment, Chen Jiao stared at Liu Mang hatefully, with an expression as if she wanted to eat Liu Mang.

However, now she was so weak that she didn't even have the strength to stand up.

If the poison was not detoxified, not only would she be unable to move, but she would probably be in a coma for forty-eight hours.

When she thought about being in a coma for forty-eight hours, and then looking at Liu Mang next to her, she couldn't imagine what would happen after she was in a coma.

After taking a deep breath, Chen Jiao glared at Liu Mang and said, "Detoxify, quickly detoxify with me!"

"That's what you said! Don't act mean to me later." Liu Mang glanced at Chen Jiao, then put a basin of cold water on the ground to Chen Jiao's head, and then fell down suddenly.


The whole basin of water poured directly from Chen Jiao's head, and in an instant, Chen Jiao turned into a drowned rat.

The next moment, a frightening and angry sound of two hundred decibels sounded from Chen Jiao's mouth: "Asshole, you go to hell!"

As soon as the shout rang out, Liu Mang saw a long leg sweeping over.

"Officer Chen, you are repaying a favor with a grudge!" Seeing Chen Jiao's sweeping kick, Liu Mang shook his head helplessly, then stretched out a hand and held Chen Jiao's ankle, making her unable to move.

"Asshole, let me go!" One of her feet was held by Liu Mang. Chen Jiao was angry and angry, and her eyes almost burst into flames.

"I can let you go, but don't do anything to me again!" Liu Mang said calmly.

After hearing Liu Mang's words, Chen Jiao said one word at a time: "Okay, I promise you, I will never do anything to you. So let me go quickly!"

The expression on his face when he spoke was as if he wanted to kill Liu Mang.

Upon seeing this, Liu Mang quickly let go of Chen Jiao and then took a few steps back.

"Asshole!" Seeing Liu Mang quickly take a few steps back, Chen Jiao became extremely angry. She glared at Liu Mang fiercely and immediately walked towards Shanmao and the others who were lying on the ground.

Then they faced San Mao and others with their big feet.

After venting her anger, she took out the handcuffs and took Shanmao back to the police station.

When they arrived at the Laojie Police Station, Chen Jiao put Shanmao into the detention room and hurriedly walked upstairs in the station.

This building only has three floors. The first and second floors are office areas, and the third floor is rooms.

Seeing Liu Mang going upstairs, Liu Mang also followed him upstairs.

"Hey, why are you following me? Are you looking for death? Believe it or not, I will kick you downstairs." Seeing Liu Mang lazily following him, Chen Jiao cursed angrily.

"Oh, I saved you, why don't you give me a glass of water?" Liu Mang glanced at him and said softly.

"Huh, no water!" Chen Jiao snorted coldly and went upstairs again.

As she went upstairs, Liu Mang saw a tempting scenery below.

"So round!" With the beauty in front of her, Liu Mang couldn't help but sigh slightly as he couldn't help but see her.

Really round? Liu Mang's sigh was heard by Chen Jiao in front, and she turned her head in confusion. As soon as she turned her head, she saw Liu Mang staring blankly at her buttocks, and her whole face suddenly turned red. He scolded Liu Mang angrily: "You bastard, where are you looking?"

"I didn't do it on purpose, do you believe it?" Liu Mang didn't panic after being caught by Chen Jiao, and said calmly.

"You..." Seeing Liu Mang's serious look, Chen Jiao felt ashamed and angry. She was so angry that she kicked Liu Mang.

However, because she was too excited, her foot slipped. Not only did she fail to kick Liu Mang, but she screamed in surprise and threw her whole body towards Liu Mang.

Seeing this situation, Liu Mang had no choice but to stretch out his big hand and hug Chen Jiao tightly.

In an instant, Chen Jiao was held tightly in Liu Mang's arms, and her small waist was tightly held by Liu Mang's big hands.

At this moment, Liu Mang realized that Chen Jiao's waist was as slender as a willow. Liu Mang doubted whether he would break her waist if he applied a little more force.

"Tsk, tsk, it's really hard to believe that this figure is a member of the bloody massacre!" Liu Mang secretly praised Chen Jiao's waist as he hugged her.

While Liu Mang secretly appreciated the softness of Chen Jiao's slender waist, Chen Jiao slowly opened her eyes. She thought she was going to roll down the corridor.

But when she opened her eyes, she realized that she was being held in the arms of that hateful bastard, and that bastard's hands seemed a little dishonest.

Feeling the warmth from Liu Mang's hand, Liu Mang pinched Liu Mang's waist fiercely.

"Hiss! Little Pepper, you are trying to commit murder." Liu Mang couldn't help but gasped when Chen Jiao pinched him, and quickly let go of his hand. He quickly felt like a piece of meat was falling off his waist.

"Who told you to take advantage of me!" When Liu Mang let go, Chen Jiao quickly turned around and ran upstairs like a frightened little rabbit. His entire face was as red as a ripe apple, and his heart was pounding.

She didn't expect that Liu Mang, who 'hated' her, would catch her. She thought Liu Mang would deliberately let her roll downstairs. Thinking of Liu Mang's magnificent chest, her heart suddenly pounded. But when she thought of Liu Mang's restless hands, she felt a little embarrassed. If she hadn't run so fast, would this bastard's hands be touching down

"This little pepper is really ruthless." Looking at Chen Jiao running upstairs, Liu Mang took off the clothes around his waist and immediately saw a red patch on his waist.

After shaking his head, Liu Mang walked upstairs again.

However, as soon as he reached the door of the third floor, he heard Chen Jiao's distinctive scream. Before he could react, Chen Jiao ran out of the house, jumping up as if she had been frightened by something. The whole body hung directly on his neck.

"Is this...?" Feeling the fragrance coming from Chen Jiao's body and the softness coming from her chest, Liu Mang suddenly felt a sudden wave of intent, and subconsciously dragged Chen Jiao's hips with his hands.

It's as delicate as tofu and as elastic as cotton.

"There are rats, old rats..." Chen Jiao was frightened and had no energy to pay attention to these details. She was tightly stuck in Liu Mang's arms and kept screaming.

"Old... mouse?" After hearing Chen Jiao's words, Liu Mang was stunned. Shui Sha, the leader of the bloody killing team, is actually afraid of mice

Chen Jiao hugged Liu Mang's neck tightly and said heartily: "Yes, please help me kill the mice. Why are there mice here?"

"Little pepper, I really can't imagine how you got into the bloody killing!" Liu Mang couldn't help but shook his head after hearing Chen Jiao's words.

The blood-killing squad leader is actually afraid of mice. If word of this spreads, it will probably shock the entire Yanxia.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Hurry up and kill the mice for me!" Chen Jiao growled angrily after hearing Liu Mang's words.

"That's fine. But are you sure you're still hanging on to me and letting me hunt mice?" Liu Mang frowned, and then the hands that were dragging Chen Jiao moved slightly.

"Ah, you bastard, you scoundrel!" Sensing the strange feeling coming from her butt, Chen Jiao became angry and immediately punched Liu Mang in the chest.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

"There's a rat!"

Seeing Chen Jiao getting angry, Liu Mang had an idea and suddenly shouted.

Hearing Liu Mang's voice, Chen Jiao trembled all over and immediately hugged Liu Mang's neck tightly.

Is this little pepper really afraid of mice? Feeling the trembling Chen Jiao in his arms, Liu Mang was convinced.

However, Chen Jiao was not someone who was easily deceived. She instantly realized that she might have been deceived, and immediately gave Liu Mang a hard look, pushed Liu Mang, and quickly distanced herself from Liu Mang.

However, to be on the safe side, she hid behind Liu Mang with a blushing face, pushing Liu Mang with both hands, trying to get Liu Mang to enter the house and kill the mice.

"Little pepper, please don't make such a fuss, okay? You've made me scared." Seeing Chen Jiao on guard and trembling behind him, Liu Mang suddenly felt speechless.

As soon as Liu Mang finished speaking, Chen Jiao mocked: "Hmph, you are a grown man, and you are still afraid of mice?"

"You are only allowed to be afraid, but I am not allowed to be afraid?" Liu Mang's heart froze.

"You are even afraid of mice, are you a man?" Chen Jiao said with great contempt.

"Little pepper, the criterion for judging whether a man is a man is not whether he is afraid of mice, but whether he has chicks! Do you understand?" Being despised by Chen Jiao again, Liu Mang felt that it was necessary to educate Chen Jiao about relevant knowledge.

"Humph, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is!" Chen Jiao glanced at Liu Mang and said disdainfully.

Seeing Liu Mang's disdainful gaze, Liu Mang became a little angry. He glared and said, "Little Pepper, I feel it is necessary for you to confirm whether I am."

As he spoke, Liu Mang loosened his belt.

"You dare? If you dare to take off your pants, I will shoot them down!" Seeing Liu Mang pull off his belt, Chen Jiao's face turned red, and then she gave a sweet shout, took out her pistol, and aimed at a certain part of Liu Mang's body!