Return of the Soldier King

Chapter 20: Drive away tigers and devour wolves


When Liu Mang tried his best to release Fatuoli No. 9 Prison, a kidnapping incident shocked the Yang City police.

The daughter of Qin Tianhai, chairman of the Qin Group, was kidnapped!

The police dispatched hundreds of police officers and even invited the "Blood Killer", but not only was it of no avail, but they also suffered heavy losses.

"How is it possible? How could these kidnappers be so terrifying? They even killed each other and were helpless!" Jiang Haitao, a comrade from the Yang City Patrol Bureau, looked gloomy and full of anger.

Jiang Haitao became angry, and his subordinates instantly fell silent.

Suddenly, a police officer covered in blood rushed in and said in horror: "Director Jiang, it's too scary, too scary. Those kidnappers are too scary, we can't even break into the Qin Group building."

"What? You haven't rushed in yet?" Jiang Haitao's face became even more gloomy.

If such a heinous kidnapping occurs in Yang City under his jurisdiction, if he cannot solve it as soon as possible, it will make people doubt his ability.

"Director Jiang, there's no way we can break in. We've already lost hundreds of brothers, and even... five of them died in bloody killings." The police officer looked miserable.

Those kidnappers were too cruel, armed with AKs and shot and killed without any scruples.

He had never seen such a horrific scene.

"What? Hundreds of our brothers died, and five people died in the bloody killing?" Jiang Haitao felt his head sink and he sat down on the chair.

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He had long heard that the kidnappers were extremely ferocious, but he did not expect them to be so terrifying. Not only did they not achieve any results after going out to kill them, but they also lost five lives in vain.

"Comrade, what should we do now?" the police officer shook his head and said. Thinking of the terror of those kidnappers, even though he was in the patrol station, he still felt frightened.

The terror of those kidnappers was something he had never seen before in his life.

"We are not even a match for bloodshed. What else can we do? Unless we blow up the Qin's Building." Jiang Haitao shook his head bitterly, feeling powerless.

But is this possible? Totally impossible.

Not to mention the impact and losses caused by blowing up the Qin's Building, the preparation time alone was enough to give him a headache.

"No, comrade, there is no need to blow up the Qin's building. There is one person who can deal with those kidnappers!" Suddenly, there was a sound.

"Who?" Jiang Haitao suddenly turned around.

A middle-aged man stood up from his seat and said in a solemn voice: "That's the one who was just imprisoned in the Ninth Prison yesterday..."

"Are you talking about Liu Mang?" Jiang Haitao said in a solemn voice before the middle-aged man finished speaking.

"Yes, that's him. Yesterday, he injured hundreds of police officers and killed them in succession. As long as he takes action, those gangsters will die." The middle-aged man said with certainty.

"Yang Bin, call the bloody Captain Chen to go to the Ninth Prison to arrest him!"

Jiang Haitao was silent for a moment, then his face hardened, he slammed the table, and agreed to the middle-aged man's plan to drive away the tiger and devour the wolf.

"Okay!" The middle-aged man nodded and quickly walked out of the patrol station.

Fifteen minutes later,

, a black military truck engraved with two bloody intertwined swords drove quickly towards the Ninth Prison, then swerved wildly and stopped directly in front of the prison's entrance.


As soon as the car stopped, several micro-attacks were pointed at the black military card.

"For blood-killing work, why don't you call your warden out quickly!"

A tall, beautiful girl in uniform with an upright look opened the car window, shook a red-headed document in her hand and shouted coldly at the armed guard at the door.

Bloody killing

Looking at the ferocious bloody double blades on the black military card, and then looking at the red-headed document in the hand of the beautiful woman, a gatekeeper suddenly broke into cold sweat on his forehead, and immediately reported the situation in a panic.

Soon, in less than two minutes, the warden and a group of prison guards hurriedly ran down from the office building.

After listening to Chen Jiao's brief explanation of the situation, the warden not only did not feel embarrassed at all, but felt relieved and said bitterly: "Captain Chen, I have long hoped that you would take him away. This man, we The prison can’t afford it.”

"What's going on?" Chen Jiao asked coldly.

"Captain Chen, even the floor of our special cell is covered with steel sheets. I don't know how he did it. He actually pried open a piece of iron sheet alive without tools, and then used this piece of iron sheet directly on the ground. In the middle of the night, he dug out more than two meters of the three-meter-thick cement wall. If we hadn't discovered it earlier, we wouldn't even know where he was now!"

"What? Such a thing could happen?" Chen Jiao was shocked.

She also just arrived in Yang City last night. After arriving in Yang City, she heard her subordinates telling about Liu Mang. She originally thought that her subordinates exaggerated Liu Mang's abilities, but when she heard the warden's words, she instantly felt Liu Mang's feelings. Mang is scarier than imagined.

"Yes!" The warden nodded affirmatively. After discovering that situation in the middle of the night last night, he was almost frightened. So much so that after controlling the situation later, he didn't dare to sleep.

Chen Jiao stopped talking and followed the warden to a separate cell in the death area.

After discovering that Liu Mang was trying to escape in the middle of the night last night, he was restrained and placed in solitary confinement.

After arriving at the door of the prison cell, Chen Jiao looked curiously towards the iron door window.

A man was sitting on a chair, and a resolute but pale face caught her eye.

"His hand..." Suddenly, Chen Jiao was slightly startled. She found that Liu Mang's hand was full of flesh and blood. After thinking about it for a moment, she instantly understood why Liu Mang's hand was like this.

After suppressing the shock in her heart, Chen Jiao shouted coldly: "Are you Liu Mang?"

Hearing this voice, Liu Mang glanced at him and did not answer. He was in no mood to answer.

"Damn it!" Seeing that Liu Mang dared not answer her, Chen Jiao was secretly angry.

As the captain of a blood-killing unit, few people dared to disrespect her.

After taking a few deep breaths, Chen Jiao suppressed her anger and shouted coldly again.

"Liu Mang, do you want to be released from prison?"

"Get out of prison?" Liu Mang's eyes flashed with a flicker.

Of course he wanted to get out of jail. In the middle of last night, he almost succeeded, but unfortunately he was discovered by the prison guards at the last moment.

"Yes, there is an opportunity now. It's up to you whether you can seize it or not!" Chen Jiao said in a deep voice.

"Oh, a chance? If I, Liu Mang, want to leave, do you think this broken cell can stop me? I don't need your chance!" The corner of Liu Mang's mouth raised an evil and domineering tone.

Who does this woman think she is, giving him a chance? He does not need it. Of course, there was some element of anger in his words. He is a big man, why does he need a little woman to give him a chance

"Huh, of course I know this cell can't stop you. But do you dare to leave? If you dare to leave, you will be a fugitive, and your father..."

"Stupid woman, shut up!"

Before Chen Jiao could finish speaking, Liu Mang's face showed a terrifying and fierce light, and he rushed towards Chen Jiao like a ferocious tiger. The terrifying murderous aura instantly filled the entire cell, causing the cell to make a terrifying shaking sound.

He heard the threat from Chen Jiao's voice.

As Liu Mang pounced, Chen Jiao felt a storm-like murderous intent sweeping over her, causing her to take several steps back.

At that moment, she seemed to see a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, rolling up a huge wave of blood!

She had known that this person was terrifying, but she never expected that he would be so terrifying that even a bloody squad leader like her could not help but feel horrified.

After secretly exhaling, Chen Jiao calmed down: "Liu Mang, as long as you help us complete this task, you will be free, even..."

Before Chen Jiao finished speaking, Liu Mang shouted coldly: "Get out!"

"You..." Chen Jiao's face turned pale with anger and her chest trembled wildly.

She never thought that Liu Mang would be so difficult to invite, let alone that Liu Mang would dare to tell her to get lost.

If she could, she would kill this hateful man with one shot.

"Captain Chen, can you let me do it?" Just when Chen Jiao was considering whether to kill Liu Mang with one shot, a voice came.

"You? Deputy Director Yang?" Chen Jiao frowned slightly.

The speaker was a middle-aged man, the man Jiang Haitao called Yang Bin.

He is the deputy comrade of Yang City Patrol Bureau.

"Captain Chen, you take a rest first. I'll come. I guarantee that this prisoner will come out obediently." Yang Bin nodded and said again.

"Okay!" Chen Jiao took a step back.

Seeing this, Yang Bin walked to the window where Chen Jiao was before and said in a deep voice: "Liu Mang, I am Yang Bin, deputy bureau of the Yang City Patrol Bureau. I think you should remember me!"

"Is that you?" Liu Mang looked over.

Five years ago, Yang Bin often had dinner with his father, but he didn't remember it.

"Yes, it's me. Now, we need your help. If you can help, you can regain your freedom." Yang Bin said again.

"Oh? What are you doing that makes a comrade like you come to the prison to beg me!" A cold look flashed in the corner of Liu Mang's eyes.

Five years ago, when the Liu family was still prosperous, Yang Bin called him nephew. But now he has become the indifferent Liu Mang!

This is human nature!


A sneer flashed across Yang Bin's lips, then returned to normal, and said in a deep voice: "Liu Mang, a terrorist organization kidnapped Qin Momo, the daughter of Qin Group Chairman Qin Tianhai, we..."

"What did you say?" Before Yang Bin finished speaking, Liu Mang suddenly interrupted him.

"Qin Momo was kidnapped!" Yang Bin glanced at Liu Mang and said in a deep voice again.


As soon as Yang Bin finished speaking, the chair Liu Mang was sitting on exploded in an instant. At this moment, Liu Mang's eyes became crazily red.

Qin Momo was his true love, and someone actually kidnapped her, which undoubtedly offended him.

The next moment, Liu Mang yelled: "Open the door!"

"Captain Chen, you can open the door now!" Yang Bin turned back and looked at Chen Jiao.

Chen Jiao glanced at Yang Bin in surprise, then waved her hand, and a group of prison guards and four members of Blood Killing gathered around.

When the cell was opened, the prison guards and Blood Killing members who had been waiting for him swarmed over without hesitation, and quickly and roughly added another set of titanium alloy handcuffs to Liu Mang.

After the prison guards brutally handcuffed Liu Mang, Chen Jiao walked up to Liu Mang and said, "Liu Mang, although Comrade Yang has already told you the mission just now, I have to reiterate it..."

However, before she finished speaking, Liu Mang glanced at her coldly: "Stop talking nonsense and let's go!"

At this moment, Liu Mang's heart was concerned about Qin Momo. How could he be in the mood to listen to Chen Jiao's 'nonsense' again.

"Asshole, you..." Being interrupted again by Liu Mang, Chen Jiao trembled with anger and instantly had a gun in her hand.

"I don't want to talk nonsense to you, I just want to save people!" Liu Mang looked at Chen Jiao coldly. Completely ignoring the gun in her hand.

Liu Mang admitted that this woman, whom Yang Bin called Captain Chen, was very beautiful. She looked even more dashing and heroic in her uniform. Even Liu Mang could imagine her soft figure in her uniform.

If it wasn't for Qin Momo, if the situation wasn't extremely urgent, he wouldn't mind looking at this beauty a few more times.

However, Qin Momo was kidnapped by a terrible kidnapper and was in danger at any time. He did not pay any attention to this beauty. Even if the woman in front of him stripped naked and stood in front of him, he would automatically ignore her.

"Captain Chen, it's more important to save people!" Seeing the tense situation between Liu Mang and Chen Jiao, Yang Bin also spoke up to smooth things over.

"Huh!" After hearing Yang Bin's words, Chen Jiao could only give Liu Mang a fierce look and spare Liu Mang for the time being.

She swore that Liu Mang would look good in the future.

More than ten minutes later, Liu Mang got on a helicopter that had been prepared.

"Momo, wait for me. I'm coming!" Sitting on the helicopter, Liu Mang whispered, his eyes were extremely cold, and his whole body was constantly exuding a terrifying murderous aura.

Qin Momo, one of the most important women in her life. Who dares to hurt her, he will not allow her to suffer any trauma.