Return of the Soldier King

Chapter 201: Chance


Seven o'clock direction, 330 meters!

Can you determine the enemy's location based on the sound of a gunshot

If anyone heard Liu Mang's words, they would probably be shocked beyond measure.

It's terrifying to be able to accurately judge the enemy's position with just a single gunshot. It’s simply appalling!

While Liu Mang made this judgment in a low voice. The devil's penis shrank violently, and he roared angrily: "Drink blood, you are seeking death!"

He had been refusing to let Yinxue shoot, but he never expected that Yinxue would actually fire. This made him extremely angry.

"I..." Hearing the demon's angry scolding, Drinking Blood's face turned pale, and he felt a little annoyed. He never thought that he would make such a fatal mistake out of fear.

"You've been exposed! Just pray to the God of Death that he won't shoot you in the head!" the devil said coldly.

There is one kind of person who dies the fastest in this world, and that is stupid people.

He was just worried that his position would be exposed by drinking blood and shooting. So he kept reminding Yingxue, but he didn't expect that Yingxue would finally fire.

He has no mercy for such stupid people. Such stupid people deserve to die!

"I... I've been exposed? Impossible?" After hearing the demon's words, Drinking Blood's expression changed and he said in disbelief. Although he had fired a shot just now because of nervousness, it was hard for him to imagine that Liu Mang would discover his hiding place.

"Haha, do you think the God of Death screams in vain? As soon as your gun fires, your position has been exposed. Not only can he determine the direction you are in, but he can even determine the distance between you and him. He can even imagine You look like you are lurking!" The devil's voice seemed unusually cold.

Only a sniper of his level knows the dire consequences of missing a shot.

"Is it that scary?" After listening to the demon's words, Drinking Blood's heart trembled, and a cold air rushed up from the soles of his feet to his forehead. He didn't expect that someone of Liu Mang's level could be so terrifying.

"Hmph, I just hope he won't shoot easily!" Mo Leng snorted, his eyes narrowed into a line, staring at the pile of rubble where Liu Mang was.

He knew very well that Liu Mang had already deduced the location of Drinking Blood. He was waiting for the moment Liu Mang fired. As long as Liu Mang shoots, Liu Mang will definitely reveal his figure. Even if Liu Mang only showed a brow, it was enough for him. He will definitely press his index finger and fire the bullet when Liu Mang shoots!

Even if he doesn't hit Liu Mang, he will still be injured.

"Mo, can I retreat now?" Hearing Mo's words, Drinking Blood's whole body became cold. He thought about escaping.

"Oh, retreat? If you dare to retreat, you will die faster!" the devil said coldly.

It's okay if he doesn't move when drinking blood. If he moves, it will only give Liu Mang a better chance.

After listening to Mo Senleng's words, Drinking Blood suddenly became silent and felt extremely desperate.

... ...

Mo's guess was good. Liu Mang did know the location of Drinking Blood. He could kill Drinking Blood at any time with one shot. But, he was still thinking about how to shoot.

Because, he has deduced that there is a terrifying killer named Mo.

He knew very well that as long as he showed up slightly, the devil hiding in the dark would definitely shoot.

Once that kind of terrifying killer shoots, the danger is too great.

Suddenly, Liu Mang's eyes narrowed slightly. He thought of an extremely dangerous method.

He took a deep breath, then quickly raised his head, and then quickly put his head back again.

puff! As soon as his head retracted, a deep voice suddenly sounded, and a bullet grazed his scalp and hit a tree in front of him.

"What a terrifying reaction speed. The strength of this killer has surpassed the killer list!" Looking at the bullet on the tree trunk behind him, Liu Mang's eyes narrowed slightly.

Just now, it was just a preliminary test on his part, but in this test, his head was almost shot through by a bullet.

It was the first time he encountered such a terrifying killer! He never imagined that there was such a terrifying killer in this world!

"Almost!" While Liu Mang's face was extremely solemn, Mo's eyes flashed with reluctance. Liu Mang's head only flashed away before he retracted it. Most people wouldn't even notice that Liu Mang had appeared, but the devil, who was staring in Liu Mang's direction, did. And pressed the trigger of the sniper rifle at an unimaginable speed.

The sniper rifle in his hand was a sniper rifle that he had modified himself. The trigger was extremely sensitive, and the bullet would be ejected with just the slightest touch of his finger. However, Liu Mang's speed was too fast, causing him to not really hit Liu Mang's head.

"Mo, you... did you shoot?" It wasn't until he heard Mo's unwilling voice that Yin Xue realized.

"Well, I almost hit his head. However, his reaction speed was too fast." The devil responded in a low voice, and then he began to adjust his breathing and get ready again!

Hearing the demon's answer, Drinking Blood couldn't help but take a breath of air. He had just noticed Liu Mang's appearance, let alone shot him.

It wasn't until this moment that he seemed to truly understand how big the gap was between himself, Mo and Liu Mang.

However, just as he was shocked by how terrifying the devil and Liu Mang were, another deep voice came from his headset.

He immediately understood that it was the devil who had fired again.

However, just as he came to his senses, he heard the demon frowning and cursing again.

He knew that it was the depressed sound made by the devil because he failed to hit Liu Mang.

But while Mo was cursing in depression, Liu Mang laughed, a bit cruelly.

I have to admit that the devil's marksmanship is very terrifying. Both shots grazed the scalp of his head. If he had slowed down even a little bit, his head would have been pierced by the demon's bullet.

However, he was not scared by this, but laughed. If someone is around him, they will hear a number coming out of his mouth - 'two'.

Two means that the demon fired two shots!

"Very good, continue!" Liu Mang whispered, and then his head suddenly popped up again, and then quickly retracted.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

At that moment, another bullet passed by his head.

The devil's marksmanship is very accurate and stable. After three shots, a streak of blood appeared on Liu Mang's scalp. It was the bloody mark caused by the bullet rapidly scratching through the scalp.

Bang bang bang! Dull bullets sounded every once in a while.

Gradually, Liu Mang's smile widened.

"I am very satisfied with your performance. I hope you will continue to maintain it. There is still one last bullet in your gun. When the last bullet is fired, it will be the time when you drink blood and die!"

At this moment, Liu Mang's hand was tightly holding the sniper rifle. His eyes seemed to flash with a cold light of substance.

The reason why he took the risk of sticking his head out to lure the demon was to create an opportunity to kill the blood drinker. And this opportunity is the shortest moment when the demon's bullet is fired and he is ready to change the bullet.

Although that moment was short, it was enough for Liu Mang. It was enough for him to complete the sniping action from raising the gun, aiming, shooting, and closing the gun!

Exhale heavily, then inhale steadily.

Three seconds later, Liu Mang suddenly stuck his head out, and then quickly retracted his head.

At this moment, a bullet flew over as he expected. It also passed through his scalp like before.

However, as soon as this one grazed his head, he suddenly raised the sniper rifle in his hand that had been prepared for a long time. As fast as lightning, he aimed at the foot of a big tree three hundred meters away.

That's where the blood drinker is hidden!

"Not good!" As Liu Mang aimed his gun at Drinking Blood, the demon who had finished firing the last bullet and was about to change bullets was startled and let out a deep roar.

At this moment, he seemed to wake up from his sleep. He suddenly realized why Liu Mang kept raising his head to give him the opportunity to shoot!

The part of Liu Mang's head that pops out is not much, just about a finger. He didn't have to shoot, but he was afraid that Liu Mang would kill Yin Xue, so he fired. Of course, the most important thing is that he doesn't want to miss any opportunity to kill Liu Mang!

However, Liu Mang's reaction was too fast. Not only did he not kill Liu Mang, but he gave Liu Mang an opportunity to snipe and kill the blood drinker!

At this moment, he knew he was wrong.

He knew that he had fallen into Liu Mang's trap!

Liu Mang was waiting for the moment when he finished shooting.