Return of the Soldier King

Chapter 206: A divorce plan?


"Misunderstanding! Absolutely a misunderstanding!"

Hearing Liu Mang's words, Wang Haidong nodded quickly.

To be honest, he felt extremely frustrated right now. He had lived for nearly sixty years and had finally managed to achieve a high and powerful position. Who would have expected that he would be threatened by Liu Mang, a young man who looked to be in his twenties. This was definitely the most aggrieved time for him in so many years. .

However, despite being extremely frustrated, he still had to endure it.

Because Liu Mang's identity is too special, if Liu Mang goes to investigate him in the name of demon hunting, the consequences will be disastrous.


Liu Mang sat on the table, tapping his fingers on the table with a relaxed expression. The slightly rhythmic tapping sound made Wang Haidong's heart beat with this inexplicable rhythm.

Liu Mang didn't speak!

The scene suddenly produced an inexplicable pressure.

Although only a few seconds passed, Wang Haidong felt as if a century had passed. There was a trace of cold sweat on his forehead.

"Mr. Liu, this is really a misunderstanding!" Looking at Liu Mang again, Wang Haidong said again with some difficulty.

"Since it was a misunderstanding, then I, Uncle Li, didn't kill anyone, right?" Liu Mang finally spoke.

Wang Haidong opened his mouth, then nodded fiercely and said, "No, no. Mr. Liu's uncle is a good and law-abiding citizen in Yang City. How could he do something illegal and criminal like murder?"

Liu Mang finally smiled: "Can I, Uncle Li, be let go?"

"Of course, of course!!" Wang Haidong nodded and said, "Mr. Liu can take your uncle away at any time!"

"In that case, I would like to thank Commander Wang." Liu Mang said with a smile.

"Hey, Mr. Liu, you're welcome. We're all on our own!" As Wang Haidong's attitude softened, the tense atmosphere between Liu Mang and Wang Haidong disappeared instantly, and in the blink of an eye they became intimate again.

In a harmonious manner.

Liu Mang glanced at Wang Haidong, then Liu Mang put his hand into his pocket and said at the same time: "I have always had a clear distinction between grudges and grudges. I will never forget who treats me well or helps me. This time Commander Wang can try his best to help me." I, I’m very grateful, it’s a small thing, please accept it!”

As he spoke, Liu Mang took out a black diamond card from his pocket, placed it on his desk, and then pushed it in front of Wang Haidong.

"No, no, Mr. Liu is too polite, it's just a small matter!" Wang Haidong's eyes narrowed when he saw the diamond card. With his decades of experience, he could tell at a glance that there was at least 20 million on the card.

At this moment, he couldn't help but rate Liu Mang higher. I thought that Liu Mang would only use his power to bully others, but he knew how to give a slap first and then a red date.

Seeing the black diamond card, Zhang Tianpei, who had never spoken a word, also secretly took a breath. Unexpectedly, Liu Mang would come up with a soldier first and then a courtesy. I admire Liu Mang even more in my heart. This made him more determined to follow Liu Mang.

Liu Mang glanced at Wang Haidong with a smile, and then said: "I told you, I have a clear sense of grudges. Commander Wang is willing to help me, so I won't let your help go in vain. This card will be regarded as my funding for the security office!" "

"Okay!" Wang Haidong responded in a low voice, then stretched out his hand and took away the diamond card, and then said in a deep voice: "Mr. Liu, to be honest, our Security Office is about to form a special team, and I was worried at first. Regarding funding issues, I never thought that Mr. Liu would be so generous and help us a lot!"

"Haha!" Liu Mang laughed. He had to admire Wang Haidong's adaptability.

After a while, Liu Mang looked at the time and said quietly: "Commander Wang, I think it's getting late too, so I won't disturb you! Should I..."

Hearing this, Wang Haidong understood instantly, and then whispered: "Mr. Liu, since Li Hui is your uncle, you can take him away now!"

"Thank you very much."

"Mr. Liu is too polite!"

With Wang Haidong's instructions, Liu Mang took Li Hui away easily.

Just after Liu Mang and Zhang Tianpei left the security office with the unconscious Li Hui, Wang Haidong's originally smiling face turned cold. Then he took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Junke, as you expected, the man named Liu Mang came to forcibly arrest someone!"

"Okay. Very good! Thank you for your hard work, Brother Haidong!" A deep voice came from the other end of the phone. That person was naturally Zhang Zetian's father, Zhang Junke.

"It's okay! But that kid is scary. If you deal with him in the future, you have to be careful!" Wang Haidong reminded, shaking his head slightly.

Although he had only been talking to Liu Mang for a few minutes, he could already feel Liu Mang's terror, as terrifying as a ferocious beast that could tear people apart at any time.

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Junke nodded and said: "Don't worry, I have already learned how powerful that kid is. However, no matter how powerful he is, he is only a human being with the naked eye. After a few cannonballs, he will definitely die. I am just afraid of him. That’s just my identity as the chief demon hunting instructor.”

Hearing this, Wang Haidong sneered: "Chief Demon Hunting Instructor? Haha, that's just a fake. If it weren't for Mr. Chen, he would be nothing!"

"So I have to get rid of his support!" Zhang Junke's cold snort came from the other end of the phone.

Hearing Zhang Junke's words, Wang Haidong was startled and said in disbelief: "Junke, you... do you want to touch Mr. Chen?"

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As soon as Wang Haidong finished speaking, Zhang Junke's hand holding the phone on the other end of the phone shook violently, and he quickly explained: "Brother Haidong, you can't say this nonsense. How dare I touch Mr. Chen? Give me ten I don’t dare to touch Mr. Chen. And even if I want to touch Mr. Chen, I can’t do it.”

"Then what did you mean by what you just said?" Wang Haidong breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Zhang Junke's words. He thought that Zhang Junke would take action against Mr. Chen, which would definitely shock the entire Yanxia.

"What I mean is to find a way to make Liu Mang lose Mr. Chen's trust and protection in him!" Zhang Junke said in a low voice.

"How to do it?" Wang Haidong asked in a serious voice.

"Oh, isn't he the instructor of the Demon Hunting Action Team? Then I will force him to become a 'demon'!"

"What do you mean?" Wang Haidong's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Hey, just keep irritating him, driving him crazy, and letting him expose his unrestrained, undisciplined, and unscrupulous nature. Force him to become a 'demon' who bullies others, is heinous, and harms the country and society!"

Hearing this, Wang Haidong seemed to finally understand Zhang Junke's plan, and said with some shock: "Do you want to drive him crazy and 'package' him into a terrorist who endangers the country and society?"

"Yes!" On the other end of the phone, Zhang Junke nodded heavily, and then said: "Brother Haidong, please send a report to Mr. Chen immediately, saying that Liu Mang is lawless and allows people around him to kill indiscriminately. He is innocent and unworthy of being an instructor of the demon hunting team."

After listening to Zhang Junke's words, Wang Haidong couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and sighed faintly: "Junke, if your trick succeeds, Liu Mang will not only lose Mr. Chen's trust and be deprived of his position as the chief demon hunting instructor, but he may also I was really forced to become a demon!”

Zhang Junke's intention is already obvious! It was to force Liu Mang to make some extraordinary moves by constantly causing trouble for him. These actions will be reported to Mr. Chen.

Once or twice, Mr. Chen might not care.

However, if it happens too often, it will inevitably affect Liu Mang's image in Mr. Chen's heart.

Once Liu Mang's image collapses in Mr. Chen's mind, Liu Mang is likely to be dismissed from his position as a demon hunting instructor.

Once Liu Mang loses this identity, Zhang Junke can kill Liu Mang without any scruples.

Sure enough, as soon as Wang Haidong finished speaking, Zhang Junke sneered: "Brother Haidong, you are right. What I want to do now is to discredit Liu Mang's image and make him lose Mr. Chen's trust. Finally, let him Forced to become a demon. When the time comes, no one will have any reason to stop me from killing him, including Mr. Chen!"

He wanted to kill Liu Mang immediately, but because he was afraid of Liu Mang's identity and Mr. Chen's majesty, he had to come up with this divorce plan.

I have to say, this trick is quite poisonous!

However, the two of them never expected that Liu Mang, who had already left the security office and rushed to the hospital in the car, would suddenly have a terrifying cold light in his eyes.

If the two of them were next to Liu Mang, they would definitely find a pair of headphones hanging from Liu Mang's ears.

And the sound coming from the headphones turned out to be the content of their conversation!

"Wang Haidong, Wang Haidong! Do you think I gave you that black diamond card so easily?"

Listening to the conversation between Wang Haidong and Zhang Junke, the corners of Liu Mang's mouth suddenly turned up with an extremely cold expression.