Return of The Underworld

Chapter 102: The junior carries the flag


Wang Boyi, a graduate of Tunghai University, 25 years old.

This person was originally a gangster, and relying on his family's money, he donated a building to the school and only then got a college diploma.

Wang Bayi, the eldest son of the Wang family, was originally a big gangster in this area. When he was young, he relied on a fierce force to chop down 18 streets and fight for hundreds of millions of dollars.

But if you come out, you have to pay it back after all.

Many years ago, Wang Bayi's eldest son was hacked to death on the street. Only then did Wang Bayi wake up, wash his hands in the golden basin, and retreat from the rivers and lakes.

Wang Boyi, when he was in junior high school, it was when "Young and Dangerous" was all the rage, the young man's head became hot, and he once again walked the old way of Wang Bayi.

But regardless of martial arts or courage, Wang Boyi is not as good as the old man.

But Wang Bo is literate and an undergraduate, and several officers under his command also have business acumen.

Wang Boyi included several streets near the university town into his sphere of influence. The backbone of his younger brothers were all college students, but they were educated local ruffians.

Such a number one person is generally mixed in the outside world, but in the university city area, he is an absolute brother, and is honored as "Uncle" by college students.

After listening to Ouyang Xueqi's explanation, Deng Jiuling frowned slightly and said speechlessly: "Counselor, would you let me be a gangster?"

"That's not necessary."

Ouyang Xueqi shook her head and said with a smile: "Wang Boyi likes to pretend to be ostentatious, and also like to make friends with people who can pretend to be."

"But the problem is that I don't like pretending to be coercive?" Deng Jiuling had a black line on his face.

"So, after discussing with my grandfather, I decided to make you a pretender, so that it can attract Wang Boyi's attention."

Patting Deng Jiuling on the shoulder, Ouyang Xueqi said tortuously:

"Young man, work hard, I am optimistic about you."

After speaking, Ouyang Xueqi gradually walked away with a silver bell-like laughter.

The intense and busy military training has officially begun!

Under Ouyang Xueqi's spur, Deng Jiuling couldn't keep a low profile.

Deng Jiuling took away his head to demonstrate walking, running, and martial arts, each time it aroused excitement and screaming from all the beautiful girls.

"Damn, pretend to be a crime."

"Mom, this kid doesn't pretend to be dying."

Those seniors who wanted to seduce their sisters, seeing almost all the beautiful girls, all greeted Deng Jiuling with coldness, and all of them were sour and refreshing.

At noon on the last day of the military training, when Ouyang Xueqi announced the end of the training, the freshmen cheered.

Deng Jiuling went to the cafeteria for dinner with Xiao Xun'er and Zhang Ya.

With the net worth of three people, of course, there is no shortage of money, and it is perfectly possible to go outside the school to eat a small stir.

But the second female military training was too exhausting, and she was not that kind of delicate girl, so she naturally didn't want to leave school.

Deng Jiuling was caught between the two girls and stepped into the canteen.

Wherever he went, the seniors cast envy eyes.

"Left hug and right hug, the blessing of all people, tsk tsk."

"Damn, the freshman and sophomore school flowers are all taken up by this kid, so why?"

Deng Jiuling lined up in the sorrow of all the seniors, preparing to cook a meal.

"Brother, come ahead of me."

"Come to me, Oppa, the male god."

Yes, even in a line, there are so many beautiful girls to make room

Deng Jiuling couldn't help but said: "The quality of college students today is really high."

However, when Deng Jiuling sat down and was about to eat.

In the rear, a group of young people dressed like washing, cutting and blowing, sluggishly killing Matt, coaxed in.

"Step aside!"

"Did you go away, didn't you see Brother Leopard coming? Grass!"

Several younger brothers cleared the way, pointed at the students, and shouted sharply.

Wherever these young people go, everyone retreats, lest they cause trouble.

However, in just a few seconds, multiple windows in the dining hall were already empty.

Right now is the prime time for lunch. People were still surging just now, but now everyone is standing in the distance and dare not come over.

Even some of the cafeteria chefs who were serving meals were shaking their hands while holding the spoons, and their eyes were horrified.


These young people, one by one, dyed and ironed the trendy hair of various colors, with various skull necklaces on their necks, and tattoos on their arms. They looked awkward.

However, these young people who slammed into the sky spontaneously lined up in two lines, like courtiers, looking back respectfully.

Behind him, a young man with a length similar to Zhang Yishan, with silver earrings hanging from his ears, wearing big slippers, came over.

"Brother Leopard."

"Brother Leopard."

"Brother Leopard."

Wherever the young people went, one student after another bowed and bowed in awe.

Even a few faculty members who were eating in the cafeteria stood up and bowed to salute, and said respectfully, "Brother Leopard."


At this moment, there are hundreds of people in the cafeteria, but everyone is welcoming this young man!

Like a king!

Smoking is not allowed in the cafeteria, but Brother Leopard took out a cigarette spot and walked all the way to the dining window.

"Brother Leopard."

The washing, cutting, blowing and huddling standing in two rows bowed down and saluted.


Brother Leopard nodded, arrogantly, put the lunch box in the dining window, and pointed out a few dishes at random.

"Brother Leopard, please." The canteen master smiled and slapped the food, and handed it respectfully to Brother Leopard.

"Forgot to bring the money today, I will give it to you next time."

Brother Leopard touched his trouser pocket and shrugged. No matter how the canteen master reacted, he took his lunch box and left.

"Brother Leopard, you laughed. You are willing to come to the cafeteria for dinner. That is the glory of our school's faculty and staff."

The canteen master nodded and bowed to the back of Brother Leopard.

"How do I teach you on weekdays? Low-key!"

Glancing around, Brother Leopard shouted angrily: "Go, let everyone sit and eat, you're welcome."

"Don't you have long ears? Brother Leopard asks you to sit down!"

"Damn, sit down, don't make us Leopard brother seem to be confused."

Twenty or so washes and cuts blew and roared in unison, and the students dared to sit down.

Just because of Brother Leopard's existence, these students are eating, and they are also cautious not to speak loudly.

"He is a junior who carries the flag, special enrollment for sports, Wang Bao." Seeing Deng Jiuling a little displeased, Zhang Ya explained in a low voice.

"How can this school be like this? First, Chen Zihao, the second carrying the flag, and then Wang Leopard, the junior carrying the flag. Is this a school or a society?" Xiao Xun'er pouted, a little disgusted.

"No way, this world has never been fair, and what always pays attention to is that the strong is king."

Zhang Ya gave a wry smile and explained: "Wang Bao's father is the trustee of our Donghai University, and he is also one of the top three executive trustees."

"It is my father who is calling for the wind and rain in the harbor area, but for my studies and money, I have to have a good relationship with Manager Wang at school."

Chen Zihao's father, Mr. Chen, was nothing more than a local official in frontiers, and he could make Chen Zihao beat the wind and rain at school, overwhelm his sophomore year, and compare himself.

As for Brother Leopard's father, Wang Gang, he was one of the school's leaders, and the big leader was the object of many powerful parents.

Mr. Wang is a big man and he has a lot of opportunities, and he rarely appears in school.

Those who want to curry favor with the manager of the king will naturally go to favor the king leopard.

After a long time, Wang Leopard naturally called the wind and rain in the school, just like a king.

"Although Brother Leopard is stunned, he usually doesn't mess around at school, but he and his uncle are brothers, so you have to be careful with Brother Nine." Zhang Ya said softly.

"Uncle? Uncle again." Deng Jiuling frowned slightly and became interested in this mysterious "Uncle".

"Uncle" Wang Boyi pretends to be a crime, and the one who likes to make friends is also pretends to be a crime.

For example, "Brother Leopard" Wang Bao has more people than Chen Zihao. It is not surprising that he and his uncle became brothers.

"The counselor wants me to get close to my uncle. I'm worried that I can't find a chance to get close to him. Wang Bao is a breakthrough." Deng Jiuling looked forward to something.

Brother Leopard did not disappoint Deng Jiuling.

Under everyone's eyes, Brother Leopard walked all the way to this table holding the lunch box.

"Classmate, don't you mind if I do here?"

With a handsome smile on his face, after Brother Leopard said these words, regardless of the feelings of the three, Da Ma Jindao would sit down.

But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly resounded through the audience: "Who allowed you to sit?"

Following the prestige, everyone's eyes focused on Deng Jiuling.

"This kid, dare to challenge Brother Leopard?"

"It's that Deng Jiuling is a freshman carrying the flag, but how long have you been in school?"

"Brother Leopard is a junior carrying the flag, and he and Hou Ye are the brothers who drink blood and wine, and he is the first brother of the senior who carries the flag. That is also very polite with Brother Leopard.

The students talked and gloated.

Deng Jiuling made a big splash in military training. Although these seniors didn't dare to say anything on the surface, they were still very unhappy in their hearts.

Now that Deng Jiuling is going to be tough, the seniors are naturally very excited and ready to watch the show.

One is Deng Jiuling, a new freshman with a handle, and the other is a veteran junior with a handle, Leopard. The first collision between these two powerhouses will be so awesome

For a while, all the students were looking forward to it, and they all looked at Deng Jiuling's table.


With more than 20 scrubbers and blows, one by one he found out the swinging sticks around his waist, and brushed them all around Deng Jiuling.

"Smelly boy, Brother Leopard can sit at this table, it's green smoke from your family's ancestral grave, what are you..."


The little brother hadn't finished speaking yet, there was already a chopstick in his mouth.

The chopsticks were so powerful that they directly knocked out one of the little brother's front teeth.

Then, Deng Jiuling's indifferent voice sounded like a god: "Whoever is pushing, the next chopstick will cut his throat."


Too Nima is in my mouth!

Deng Jiuling carried the face of Brother Leopard in front of her junior year, and directly hit the face of Brother Leopard's little brother with a chopstick!

"This kid is done!"

"Last year, a freshman was also very awkward. He won against Brother Leopard in an off-campus video game city. He was interrupted the next day and was forced to drop out of school."

The seniors pointed and pointed, and they all felt that Deng Jiuling was finished.

as predicted!

Under the eyes of everyone, Leopard brother threw the lunch box in his hand on the table with a bang, and took out the swing stick on his waist.


With a flick, the swinging stick instantly soared by more than one meter, and it looked magnificent in the sun.

Then, Leopard sneered and raised his swing stick high.