Return of The Underworld

Chapter 105: Shameless men and women


This young man dressed very fashionable, with his hair dyed and hot like a golden poodle, and a gold chain that was thicker than a dog chain hung around his neck. He looked like a nouveau riche.

"Husband." Zhang Shan's eyes were silky, and she threw her head into Kuo Shao's embrace.

"Wife, haha." Kuo Shao hugged Zhang Shan with a look of excitement.

Regardless of the presence of others, the two actually kissed in the street with a lingering look.


Xiao Xun'er blushed with a small hand, and looked at Deng Jiuling nervously.

"Xun'er, let's go first." Deng Jiuling took Xiao Xun'er's hand and went all the way forward.

"Hey, wait for us." Zhang Shan was a little depressed, and quickly took Kuo Shao's hand.

"Husband, let me introduce you. This is my elementary school classmate and a good girlfriend—Xiao Xun'er." Zhang Shan first introduced Xiao Xun'er.

Deng Jiuling saw a toilet next to him, lit the cigarette and walked forward.

"Hello." Kuo Shao's eyes lit up and enthusiastically shook hands with Xiao Xun'er.

"Hello." Xiao Xun'er nodded, her expression indifferent.

Xiao Xun'er has a natural beauty, brilliant intelligence, and seemingly approachable, but in fact, like Zhang Ya, he is also very proud.

Deng Jiuling is good enough, and once a hero saves the beauty, Xiao Xun'er naturally falls in love with Deng Jiuling.

But other ordinary men, they are coveting their own beauty, with some wretched thoughts in their hearts, Xiao Xun'er will naturally not give them a good face.

Seeing Xiao Xun'er not cold or hot, Kuo Shao didn't care, she still smiled handsomely: "Student Xiao, although I am a freshman, I also have a group of brothers in school. If you have anything to do in the future, I will cover you. "

"Thank you." Xiao Xun'er nodded, her tone was neither lukewarm nor cold, and the contempt at the corner of her eyes flashed away.

Zhang Shan is a woman who worships gold, and she looks down on Deng Jiuling, which makes Xiao Xun'er a little unhappy.

Now that Zhang Shan's boyfriend looks like a nouveau riche, and he is still a gangster, Xiao Xun'er feels increasingly uncomfortable.

If it weren't for a good family background, and considering that Zhang Shan is her elementary school classmate, Xiao Xun'er would really like to leave.

"By the way, Xun'er, you talk, I'll go to the bathroom." Zhang Shan smiled and turned to leave.

Suddenly, there was only the slim Xiao Xun'er on the side of the road, and Kuo Shao who was unruly.

Seeing no one around, Kuo Shao suddenly grabbed Xiao Xun'er's hand and said with a smile: "Student Xiao, how about being a junior for me? 20,000 yuan a month."

"You... let go!" Xiao Xun'er's pretty face changed, a little angry.

"What pretend to be!"

Kuo Shao smiled and sneered: "To tell you the truth, Zhang Shan has helped me find several beauties, and every time I feel good, I will give them a sum of money."

"But you are the only one who really makes me want to pack."

"Student Xiao, you followed me. How about this Porsche as a gift for you?"

After that, Kuo Shao looked anxious, ready to pull Xiao Xun'er, go to the Porsche for a refreshing time.

Kuo Shao used to do similar things a lot, and even Zhang Shan was an accomplice.

Zhang Shan is a gold worshiper. As long as Kuo Shao satisfies her vanity, Zhang Shan doesn't mind who Kuo Shao plays with.

As for Deng Jiuling


Neither Kuo Shao nor Zhang Shan paid close attention to Deng Jiuling.

It’s just a poor sling, this young man is so cool for your girlfriend, what can you do

Although Ben Shao is a freshman, I only reported today, but Ben Shao has many brothers at school and he is afraid of Mao!

If you, Deng Jiuling, don’t know each other, Ben Shao can’t kill you!

This is Kuo Shao's self-confidence!

"You... let me go!" Being pulled by Kuo Shao towards Porsche, Xiao Xun'er was ashamed and angry, struggling desperately.

"Pretend to be a fart, Zhang Shan has only money in the eyes of that bitch. You are her best friend, are you still the same?"

Kuo Shao was a little annoyed, so he hugged Xiao Xun'er and walked all the way to Porsche.

In the bathroom, Deng Jiuling was stopped by Zhang Shan as soon as he came out.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for helping my husband, I wouldn't make this kid cheap."

Zhang Shan was disgusted in her heart, but on the surface she was frivolous, pretending to be unstable, and fell straight to Deng Jiuling.

If you change to another man, maybe you will really take advantage of the opportunity to wipe your oil or something.

But it is a pity that Zhang Shan met people, Deng Jiuling!

Damn it!

The next moment, Zhang Shan landed and fell a dog to eat shit.

And Deng Jiuling's figure has already gone far.


Seeing that Deng Jiuling didn't cooperate with him in "acting", Zhang Shan's expression changed, and she quickly got up to chase Deng Jiuling.

"Brother Nine, I... like you." Zhang Shan hugged Deng Jiuling from behind, and wanted to take the initiative to kiss Deng Jiuling.

This is flying to Yanfu, if you really want to change a poor hanging silk, maybe it will be cool not to be unnecessary.

But unfortunately, he is Deng Jiuling!


Deng Jiuling slapped his hand and Zhang Shan fell to the ground instantly.

"I'll come to you to settle the account later, huh!" Deng Jiuling looked disgusted, and strode forward.


At this moment, in front of Deng Jiuling's eyes, the life and death thin burst of red arrows, all the way to the side of the Porsche.

Deng Jiuling was not stupid, and instantly understood that something happened to Xiao Xun'er.


Deng Jiuling looked icy and strode towards the Porsche.

At this moment, in the Porsche, Xiao Xun'er was struggling desperately with her hands tied.

"Student Xiao, you'll feel bad right away, and you will call my eldest husband, haha!" Kuo Shao grumbled sharply, and was about to unbutton Xiao Xun'er's clothes.

"You... Beast, Brother Nine will definitely not forgive you." Xiao Xun'er looked desperate.

"Brother Nine? I'm not afraid of Brother Ten!" Kuo Shao laughed loudly, with a look of disdain.


As soon as the voice fell, the door cracked instantly, and he was directly connected to the doorknob and was thrown aside.


A violent cold wind blows on his face.

A majestic young man appeared in front of Kuo Shao.

"Tear the door with your bare hands?" Kuo Shao stared wide, with a look of horror.

"Come down!" Deng Jiuling looked cold, lifted Kuo Shao like a chicken, and threw it to the ground.

Then, Deng Jiuling flew up and Kuo Shao broke a bone instantly.


In an instant, the screams resounded across the sky.

"Brother Nine." Xiao Xun'er's eyes were red, and she threw herself on Deng Jiuling's shoulder, crying softly.

"Xun'er, it's okay, be good, don't be afraid." Deng Jiuling comforted softly.

Xiao Xun'er was frightened, and under the comfort of Deng Jiuling, it took a few minutes before he recovered.

"Smelly boy, do you dare to beat my husband, I... call the police!" Zhang Shan walked over angrily, with an angry expression on her face.


As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Shan's face was already slapped in the face.

With the weight of this slap in the face, Zhang Shan directly screamed, and the whole person flew upside down and slammed into the trash can on the corner of the street.

"I never beat women, but you actually united with this scum, trying to persecute Xun'er, shamelessly!" Deng Jiuling's indifferent voice sounded afterwards.

"Xun'er, I... Nothing, don't listen to this kid's nonsense!" Zhang Shan got up from the trash can, clutching her hot face, and Zhang Shan was a little frightened.

"Zhang Shan, because we are still classmates for many years, you really disappoint me." Xiao Xun'er said with an angry expression.

"Xun'er, send them to the Public Security Bureau. Such bad guys must be punished by law." Deng Jiuling said with a sneer.

"Xun'er, I'm sorry, I can't afford to lose it." After hearing this, Zhang Shan panicked and begged Xiao Xun'er.

"Forget Brother Nine, the big deal is that I broke up with her." Xiao Xun'er said angrily.

"Dog men and women." Deng Jiuling said bitterly.

"This Porsche is just an apologetic, is there any problem?" Deng Jiuling was indifferent like a god, overlooking the second generation lying on the ground.

"Yes, yes, what you said, Mr. Jiu." Kuo Shao gave out the car key with a panic on his face.


Deng Jiuling drove away, carrying Xiao Xun'er.

Only Zhang Shan and Kuo Shao were left, standing in place with a depressed expression.

"My husband, your dad is the leader of Qingfeng County, you can't persuade him," Zhang Shan said sullenly with a bitter expression on her face.


As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Shan's face was already slapped in the face.

"Husband, you... hit me?" Zhang Shan covered her hot face, her eyes widened and she looked incredible.

"I will not only beat you, but also sell you to Africa to play with black people!"

The more Kuo Shao said, the more angry he got, and he punched and kicked Zhang Shan.

Until it was enough, Kuo Shao glanced at Zhang Shan in disgust and left.

"What's the matter, it's less mad." Angrily walked back, the more Kuo Shao wanted to get more angry.

It turns out that this name is Kuo Shao, Zhang Yang in Qingfeng County's Ya Nei!

When Zhang Ya led a team to explore Lei Ze, he had a short stay at Qingfeng Hotel, and Zhang Yang was responsible for the reception.

At that time, Zhang Yang and Deng Jiuling had a conflict. Zhang Yang wanted to step on Deng Jiuling, but Deng Jiuling's head was blown by a beer bottle.

After that, Zhang Yang dressed up and took revenge, but Deng Jiuling kicked him off again.

Then the second generation of Donghai New Area, like a cloud, organized a group to travel in Qingfeng County, but they all respectfully called Deng Jiuling "Mr. Nine", and immediately made Zhang Yang scared.

Later, Zhang Yang went to ask his dad, and only then did he understand that Deng Jiuling's force, overwhelming the three cities, was directly related to Zhang Yulong, the mayor of the harbor area.


Since then, Zhang Yang has completely cut off his plans for revenge.

Unexpectedly, today, Zhang Yang wanted to find a girl Shuang Shuang, the girl Nima is actually Deng Jiuling's woman.



"Ben Shao this Porsche, I only bought it for three days now, damn!" Zhang Yangxin was dripping blood, knowing that his car would not come back.

It was Zhang Yang's father who made the move. That is also the existence of tragedy. Zhang Yang is a fart

These truths, Zhang Yang left angrily, Zhang Shan naturally did not know.

At this moment, standing by the side of the road, Zhang Shan's short skirt was fluttering and slim, with an angry expression on her face.


Suddenly, a Bentley luxury car worth more than 5 million stopped in front of Zhang Shan.

The window of the car opened, revealing a cool smiling face: "School girl, how can I get to Boyuan?"

"Senior, I'm going to Boyuan too, let's drop by." Zhang Shan's eyes lit up and she pointed at Shuai Erdai.

"Okay, please." Shuai Erdai nodded, eyes full of excitement.

"Hmph, the old lady dumped Zhang Yang, but she caught up with the more powerful Young Master Kuo. This time she must kill that kid."

Sitting in the car, Zhang Shan deliberately rubbed her big white legs and began to seduce the handsome second-generation.

On the other side, Deng Jiuling drove a Porsche and finally arrived at his destination.

On the door plaque of the courtyard in front, it reads-"Bo Yuan!"