Return of The Underworld

Chapter 116: Bart dinner


Mr. Bart, in fact, is not surnamed Bar, but because he has an excellent business vision, he has taught many younger generations to become talents, so he is very famous in the East China Sea.

It is Murong Lie, a business legend in the East China Sea, who was fortunate enough to be mentored by Mr. Bart. This is how he leapt into the dragon and gained his current status.

Every year at the Bart dinner, celebrities from all over the East China Sea want to attend.

But the number of Bart dinners each year is only 300 people.

The Zhang family is the daughter of Zhang Jiacheng, the richest man in the seaport area, and she naturally has many places.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Deng Jiuling appeared in a suit and leather shoes, holding an invitation letter from Zhang Ya, at the door of the Tianlong Club.

The Tianlong Club is a five-star hotel, but it is not the best hotel in Donghai Province.

But Mr. Bart has a habit, that is, the venue of the annual dinner will not be the same.

Several of the top hotels in the provincial capital have held Bart dinners.

So this year's Bart dinner, Tianlong Club was randomly selected.

Zhang Ya wants to accompany his father Zhang Jiacheng, so I may not go to the banquet tonight.

Xiao Xun'er wanted to accompany Deng Jiuling, but when she received a call from her aunt Xiao Ruyu, she could only leave depressed.

So in the end, Deng Jiuling came to the banquet alone.

In this regard, Deng Jiuling said-it doesn't matter.

Anyway, idleness is also idleness, and it doesn't matter if Deng Jiuling comes to join in the fun.

Mr. Bart and Xu Canghai are contemporaries, and his status in the business world is not inferior to Xu Canghai's status in the military.

Such a big person, what he really wants to preach at the dinner, is naturally worthy of others to listen to.

The invitation letter was handed over, and immediately there was a lady of etiquette with big legs in a cheongsam, respectfully welcoming Deng Jiuling into the hall.

The Bart dinner is held once a year, and only 300 people are invited each time. Guests who can come here are either rich or expensive, so the courtesy ladies must naturally be respectful.

Even before leaving, Miss Etiquette secretly stuffed her mobile phone number and a card with the room number in the pocket of Deng Jiuling's pants.

Deng Jiuling: "..."

Yes, the current girl is really realistic enough.


Stepping into the hall, I saw celebrities like clouds, those elites and ladies, gathered together in small groups, forming a small circle, and talking on their own.

Deng Jiuling wore not bad today, a suit of seven wolves, which cost more than one thousand yuan.

But the problem is that the celebrities present are the worst celebrities who wear a set of tens of thousands of yellow flags, and the slightly better celebrities are all in Armani.

Therefore, in such a comparison, Deng Jiuling has only two words in the eyes of those celebrities-Diaosi.

A sling is just a sling, and a net worth is worth 2,000 yuan. Who will take care of you

Deng Jiuling didn't care about this, and sat on his feet alone, waiting quietly.

Soon, Xia Jie and Brother Leopard came along with a group of second generations.

"Hello, Master Jie."

"Brother Xia Jie, have you eaten today?"

"Oh, isn't this Master Jie? You have become handsome again."

Wherever Xia Jie went, the bosses and celebrities came over and greeted Xia Jie enthusiastically.

Like a star!

Xia Jie dangling a cigar, wearing a top white Armani suit, triumphant, walking and waving, as if paying tribute to the fans.


In the presence, there are many second-generation college students who have followed their fathers and come to learn more. They talked a lot, and they all looked at Xia Jie enviously.

Among them, the gold worshiper Zhang Shan, wearing a red cheongsam with split ends, wobbled her white legs, and walked towards Xia Jie with a smile.

"Husband." Zhang Shan opened Yubi, smiling charmingly, and took the initiative to give Xia Jie a French wet kiss.


After being kissed by the beauty in public, Xia Jie's smile grew thicker: "Sister, you did a great job last night. From today, you are my female ticket."

"Thank you husband, Yaoyao." Zhang Shan's eyes were silky, and her smile became brighter.

Although there are still three hundred people at the Bart Night Banquet, the actual number of people present is not only three hundred.

These three hundred people refer to the people who can eat with Bart, only three hundred people.

But in fact, in order to set off the excellence of these celebrities, many beauties and ladies will be invited to the dinner. They don't need invitation letters.

For example, Zhang Shan is a group of freshmen from Tunghai University to gain insights.

Those beauties who came with Zhang Shan all looked envious, and felt Zhang Shan hugged her golden thighs.


Speaking of which, Zhang Shan also felt that she was too lucky.

First he dumped Zhang Yang, and then he found the more powerful Xu Wenlong.

After being dumped by Xu Wenlong, Zhang Shan met Zhang Long, a top young man.

However, Zhang Long was interrupted by Deng Jiuling, and Zhang Shan immediately left Zhang Long.

Just last night, in the dimly lit small bar, Zhang Shan was dragged to the bathroom by a young man after she was drunk.

After finishing the work, Zhang Shan realized that this young man was indeed the best senior of Tunghai University—Xia Jie!


Xia Jie only wanted Zhang Shan to have fun, but Zhang Shan had too much effort, and Xia Jie, who was cool, didn't want it.

So Xia Jie decided to accept Zhang Shan as his girlfriend, and kicked it away when he got tired of playing.

Zhang Shan disagrees with this, anyway, Zhang Shan doesn't like Xia Jie, she just satisfies her vanity and shines in front of others.

It is Xia Jie who dumped Zhang Shan in the future. With Zhang Shan's beautiful appearance, why worry that there will be no better

At this moment, Zhang Shan is like a princess, triumphant, raising her head proudly, sweeping across the country.

Zhang Shan's gaze quickly fell to the corner, Deng Jiuling who was drinking tea quietly.

"Husband, I was bullied." Zhang Shan nestled her head in Xia Jie's arms, her eyes filled with tears.


Xia Jie was furious when he heard that, and said, "Wife, who is so tired of life that I dare to bully you?"

"That's it!" Zhang Shan stretched out her jade finger and pointed at Deng Jiuling, with a spiteful expression on her face.

Zhang Shan was slapped in the face by Deng Jiuling several times, and her heart was full of resentment.

This time Zhang Shan would use Xia Jie's hand to severely suppress Deng Jiuling.

Xia Jie is the No. 1 bully in Tunghai University. If he wants to trample on anyone in school, he will kneel!


Under the eyes of everyone, Xia Jie walked up to Deng Jiuling and slapped it on the table with a slap:

"Smelly boy, I haven't settled the account with you yesterday, so how dare you come to die today?"

As soon as these words came out, the bosses and second generations who were talking to each other were talking about it, and they all felt that Deng Jiuling was going to be tragic.


Immediately there was a group of bodyguards in suits and leather shoes, standing beside Xia Jie with a sneer, hugging their arms, with sharp eyes.

However, in the face of Xia Jie's threat, Deng Jiuling was holding a teacup and said indifferently: "Go away."

While speaking, Deng Jiuling did not raise his head, and directly ignored Xia Jie.


This scene shakes the audience.

Xia Jie is the nephew of the vice president of Tunghai University, and is a senior carrying the flag. What is your Deng Jiuling

Just to put aside these identities, just talk about Xia Jie's status in society, that is also the account manager of a top consortium!


Before graduating, Xia Jie was already a manager of a top consortium. This is not just about relationships.

This shows that Xia Jie is in the business world, he is also the pride of the sky!

Such a big man, Deng Jiuling Nima, you are so stubborn, you are not doing death, so what is it


In an instant, Xia Jie felt terrible anger.

But thinking that today is Bart’s dinner, there will be many big people coming soon, and Xia Jie has suppressed the impulse to go wild on the spot.

"Deng Jiuling, you are so dead. After the banquet is over, Ben Shao special will prevent you from seeing the sun tomorrow." Pointing to Deng Jiuling, Xia Jie said harshly.

However, Deng Jiuling didn't respond to Xia Jie's reaction. He still closed his eyes while tasting the tea cold, and did not keep his eyes on Xia Jie for 0.01 second.


Xia Jie was born with a golden key when he was a child. How has he ever been disobedient

Nima, you Deng Jiuling shit and shit, you are just a scumbag, you can fight at best, what else can you do

It is that you can defeat Zhang Long, but you have no power and no power, you are just stunned!

Today's celebrities are like a cloud, you are just a couple, what are you

Just when Xia Jie couldn't bear the anger in his heart and was about to go wild, a group of people walked in.

Xia Jie's eyes lit up after seeing the incoming person clearly, and all her saliva flowed out.

But it turned out that Zhang Ya was here.

Zhang Ya was originally a sophomore at Tunghai University, and she is very beautiful.

Today Zhang Ya wore a very sexy evening dress with a low neckline split, matched with white high heels, and exquisite and charming makeup, which instantly became the focus of the audience.

Even Deng Jiuling, who has known Zhang Ya for a long time, has evil fire boiling in his heart, and his mouth is a little dry.

It's so sexy!

Zhang Ya is the noble lady of the Hundred Billion Family. Her smiles are full of elegance and charm. Her big white legs and the trembling neckline make people can't help swallowing drool.

Like a princess!

Where Zhang Ya went, the gray-haired bosses also smiled and greeted Zhang Ya with a smile.

"Miss Zhang Ya, can I invite you to do a dance?" Xia Jie blew the hair on the bridge of his nose coolly, and walked over handsomely.

Xia Jie is worth a lot of money, has a strong background, and he is very handsome, and Zhang Ya can be regarded as a talented girl.

In previous Bart dinners, Xia Jie would invite Zhang Ya to dance, and Zhang Ya would not refuse.

Xia Jie dances well and Zhang Ya is graceful and graceful. Every time I watch this pair of golden boys and girls dance, it is a visual feast in the eyes of celebrities.

In the eyes of everyone, this time will be no exception.

However, to everyone's astonishment, Zhang Ya shook her head and said elegantly and coldly: "Sorry senior, I already have a partner."


Hearing this, the smile on Xia Jie's face froze, and a monstrous light burst into the tiger's eyes: "Who is it?"

"It's Deng Jiuling, Mr. Jiu." Zhang Ya smiled slightly and announced the answer.

"Mr. Nine? Who is this?"

"We have this number in the provincial capital?"

"I do not know."

The celebrities talked a lot, and they were a little surprised.

Among the crowd, only Zhang Shan looked resentful, staring blankly at Zhang Ya who was walking towards Deng Jiuling, her heart filled with sourness.

"God, this... it's impossible!" Xia Jie's eyes widened, a little broken.

Nima, this... Isn't it too ridiculous

Under everyone's eyes, Zhang Ya, like a beautiful butterfly, walked to Deng Jiuling curvaceously.

Then, Zhang Ya’s pleasant and charming voice echoed the audience like a lark:

"Mr. Nine, I wonder if you can show your face and dance with me?"