Return of The Underworld

Chapter 12: Rise to fame


"Jie Shao has been working out since he was a child, why is this kid?"

"Wait for a good show."

Killing Matt and the rooster laughed with contempt.

"Deng Jiuling, in front of this young man, you will always be just a spare tire!" Hua Jie raised his middle finger.

In full view, Deng Jiuling bent over and lifted the heaviest barbell.

"Snatch 80 kg!"

"Clean and clean 85 kilograms!"

"The total score is 165 kg!"

"Congratulations to Deng, who became the champion of weightlifting this year!"

The next moment, the excited and trembling voice of the new teacher resounded throughout the audience.


Hua Jie's face stiffened with a smile, and the toothpick in his mouth snapped to the floor.

Killing Matt and the rooster looked at each other, shaking their faces.

The audience was dead and silent.

"God, this kid is so strong." Wu Tingting opened her mouth slightly, with an incredible expression on her face.

"I knew that Brother Nine would definitely do it." Xiao Xun'er said with a smile in her beautiful eyes.



Throwing the barbell casually, Deng Jiuling put his trouser pockets in his hands, and walked away.

Only a group of students were left with big eyes and small eyes, and countless alpacas rushed past in their minds.


Looking at the barbell on the ground blankly, Hua Jie suddenly wanted to cry.

Can't pretend to be a force, but pretend to be a fool


A touch of tears gradually appeared in Hua Jie's eyes.

Five minutes later, on the playground.

Deng Jiuling began to prepare for the exercise.

"Who is this kid? Haven't seen it?"

"The scumbag from the first grade of high school seems to be called Deng Jiuling."

"I'm so thin, I dare to challenge push-ups."

A group of sports special enrollment students whispered and pointed.

Suddenly, Murong Chu and an unusually sturdy man who was nearly 1.8 meters tall and walked over side by side.

"Young Master Chu."

"Brother Long."

The sports students gathered around and greeted the two respectfully.

"Deng Jiuling, do you really dare to come?" Murong Chu's eyes were cold.

"You can come, why can't I?" Deng Jiuling asked back.

"Sorry, I'm not here to participate, I'm a judge." Murong Chu said proudly.

"Chu Shao can do 999 push-ups in one breath, known as'Thousands of People Slash', how can he participate?" The sports student named Long Ge said disdainfully.

"Deng Jiuling, you have never passed physical education for three years in high school. Do you still want to participate? I advise you not to be embarrassed." Murong Chu looked disdainful.

While speaking, Murong Chu's gaze glanced at the back inadvertently.

In the rear auditorium, Xiao Xun'er and Wu Tingting were sitting side by side, and the two women were waving at this side.

However, Xiao Xun'er's gaze flashed over Murong Chu gorgeously, and was firmly locked on Deng Jiuling.

"Huh!" In this scene, Murong Chu's smile stiffened, a little annoyed.

"It turned out that Murong Chu came to pretend to be forced." Deng Jiuling was a little funny.

"Teacher, this kid has too poor physical performance and is not eligible to participate." Seeing the physical education teacher coming over, Murong Chu said suddenly.

"Student Deng, you reported 18 projects in one go. Do you really think you are Ultraman?" Long Ge laughed.

"Walk around, don't make trouble if you don't have the ability." The physical education teacher waved his hand, indicating that Deng Jiuling could get out.

"You don't give me a chance, how do you know that I can't?" Deng Jiuling said lightly.

"Hey, are you still enthusiastic?" The physical education teacher opened the folder and said with disdain: "Let's say you just lifted weights. Can you make the top 10?"

"Don't talk about the top ten, I don't think he has enough passing weights." Long Ge raised his middle finger.


All the sports students burst into laughter and looked at Deng Jiuling contemptuously.

The school broadcast suddenly sounded, and the host’s excited voice suddenly resounded throughout the school: "Please pay attention to all students. Now we announce a heavy news. Although this sports meeting has just begun, some students have already broken the weightlifting school record. He is Gao. Class One-Deng Jiuling, classmate Deng!"


Listening to the radio sound blankly, the audience was silent and deadly quiet.

"Who just said that Deng Jiuling was rubbish?" The physical education teacher suddenly wanted to kill.

Just now everyone looked down on Deng Jiuling, thinking that Deng Jiuling's sports performance was scumbag.

Now that the radio sounded, everyone was speechless, their faces were slapped, and their hearts were filled to the extreme.

"What's so great, even if you can break the school record, can you break the market record?" Long Ge said sourly.

As soon as the voice fell, the school broadcast sounded again: “According to big data analysis, classmate Deng Jiuling broke the record of college students in the city and even in the province with a total weightlifting score of 165 kg.”


This voice was like a slap in the face, Long Ge's face turned black, and he was extremely depressed.

Peat, even if it broke the school record and the city record, it actually broke the provincial record

Damn, it's so shocking!

"Teacher, am I eligible to participate now?" Deng Jiuling said lightly.

"Yes, of course." The physical education teacher smiled awkwardly.

"Weightlifting depends on explosive power, push-ups depend on long-lasting, Xiaolong, you must do it, I think you are first." Murong Chu patted Brother Long on the shoulder and gave a thumbs up.

"Don't worry, Shao Chu, I'm also the head of the third-year sports department at any rate. I really don't believe it!" Long nodded, provocatively looking at Deng Jiuling.

"The game time is 5 minutes. Whoever has the most push-ups per unit time is the first." The physical education teacher explained.

"The school record set by Shao Chu is 999 push-ups in five minutes, which is amazing."

"Although Long Brother is not as good as Chu Shao, he can at least do 600 push-ups in one breath."

"Brother Long, come on!"

Amidst the cheers, Long Ge lay on the ground and began to prepare.

However, there was a discordant voice that followed the wind from the audience: "Brother Nine, come on."

Following the reputation, everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Xun'er with fluttering hair.

"Humph." Murong Chu's face grew gloomy when he saw this.

"Chu Shao don't worry, I must kill this kid." Long Ge said through gritted teeth.

"Start!" The physical education teacher whistled.

"one two Three… "

Murong Chu and a group of judges began to count the candidates.

The object of Murong Chu's count is Deng Jiuling!

As time went by, Murong Chu turned from his initial dismissiveness to serious gaze, and then became a little amazed.

Time, in one minute and one second, keeps passing by.

"Time is up!" The physical education teacher whistled suddenly.

The judges held up signs and showed their statistics one by one.

"Brother Long, 700!"

When one of the judges held up the sign, the audience was boiling.

"Brother Long, you are really good, under Chu Young Master, you are the first person!"

"Congratulations Long Brother, congratulations, congratulations, great."

Amidst the cheers, Brother Long looked at Deng Jiuling triumphantly: "Hehe, I like to challenge the limit, unlike someone who just brags and brags."

"Hey, Chu Shao, why don't you raise the placard?" the physical education teacher suddenly asked.

At this moment, Chu Shao's face was constantly changing, he took a sullen breath, and slowly raised the sign: "1000".

What? 1000


Looking at the sign blankly, the audience collectively petrified.

"Is it really a thousand people cut?" Long Ge's face was hot, and he wanted to find a place to get in.

Although Murong Chu is known as Thousands of People Slash, but only 999 push-ups.

However, Deng Jiuling had one more push-up than Murong Chu, a full 1,000, breaking the school record created by Murong Chu.



With one foot on the wooden sign, Murong Chu slammed the door and left.

Afterwards, the host’s excited voice echoed through the school broadcast: "The second school record was born. He is the holder of the third grade one—Deng Jiuling, classmate Deng."

"It turned out to be Deng Jiuling again, my God!" Wu Tingting was shocked in the audience.

"I knew that Brother Nine would be able to do it, hehe." Xiao Xun'er smiled sweetly, her beautiful eyes curved into a cute crescent shape.

"Young Master Chu, don't worry, this kid is lucky. I don't believe in so many sports, he can be the first!" Hua Jie walked over and said to Murong Chu unhappy.

"Huh." Murong Chu stood in the corner smoking a cigarette, his face gloomy and terrible.

However, as time went by, the black on Murong Chu's face became thicker and thicker, and finally turned into a hideous look.

"Congratulations to Deng Jiuling for breaking the school record for sit-ups!"

"Congratulations to Deng Jiuling for breaking the long jump school record!"

"Congratulations to Deng Jiuling, for breaking the record for pulling-ups!"

In the school broadcast, the host kept announcing Deng Jiuling's impressive record with an excited and trembling voice.

"My God, who is this Deng Jiuling who actually took 17 school records in one go?"

"No, and some projects have broken city and provincial records, too exaggerated, right?"

"I'll take it, this kid is really a scumbag in the first grade of high school? It's unscientific."

Deng Jiuling is on fire!

Through the school broadcast and the school's BBS, Deng Jiuling had already become popular throughout the school by the end of the afternoon.

However, the little fat man's face was full of hesitation, and he looked at Deng Jiuling from time to time.

"Pang, just say something if you have something, what are you doing while hiding it?" In the lounge, Deng Jiuling looked speechless.

"Boss, although you have won 17 events in a row, you have offended Murong Chu. Wait for the swordsmanship competition later, I'm afraid..." the little fat man said in a whisper.

Murong Chu, the absolute arrogant of Tiannan No.1 Middle School, even if you look at the entire Donghai Province, he is also the top ten god against the sky.

Murong Chu's family is in a good family. He has been practicing swordsmanship since he was a child. He once represented Donghai Province in the national youth fencing competition and won the third prize.

Third in the country, how strong do you say he is

Such a arrogant, Deng Jiuling actually wants to compare swords with him

Do you think Xiaopang can't worry about it

"He forced him to be strong, and the breeze blew the hills; he ran by him, and the moon shone on the river!" Deng Jiuling said lightly.

"Oh, so good." The little fat man couldn't help sighing slightly when he heard the words.

Ten minutes later, Kendo Hall.

When Deng Jiuling stepped into it, there were already crowds in the audience.

Swordsmanship competition is the last event, and it is also the most intense and dangerous event.

On the ring, Murong Chu is wearing protective gear and holding a long sword.

"Start!" the referee shouted.

Damn it! Damn it!

Murong Chu leaped into the air, his sword was like snow, but in just ten seconds, he knocked the kendo coach to the ground.

"Acceptance." Standing with the sword, Murong Chu took off his helmet, revealing a handsome and proud face.

"Chu Shao, you are the unparalleled champion in kendo, admire it." The kendo coach left the field with shame on his eyes.

"Who else is coming up?" Murong Churu's spirit swept around, his gaze finally fell on Deng Jiuling.