Return of The Underworld

Chapter 136: Amstel


On the provincial road in the afternoon, a *** appeared suddenly.

Jingle Bell!

The young man rode forward, turning into afterimages all the way, fast forward.

No way, Deng Jiuling is learning a driving school, but he hasn't got his driver's license yet, so it is not convenient to drive by himself.

The place Deng Jiuling is going to is too secretive, and what he is going to do is also confidential and cannot be known.

Therefore, in desperation, Deng Jiuling could only borrow a *** for Uncle Qin, who was the gatekeeper of the school.

This kind of old-fashioned bicycle from the 1970s, although not very good in appearance, is durable and has very good performance.


Suddenly, on the provincial road, a group of second generations driving luxury cars appeared.

These second-generation, all-washing, cutting and blowing styles, wearing exaggerated non-mainstream clothes, and driving luxury cars.

In every luxury car, there is a walkie-talkie.

Among them, another GTR is the most attractive and dazzling.

too fast!

It's so fast!

This silver-white GTR, under the reflection of the sun, reflected bright golden light, just like the scorching sun!


This GTR, like a mad cow, is like a trend chasing the moon forward, leaving all luxury cars behind.

These second generations are actually racing wildly on the provincial road!


What a group of bold and reckless second generations!

But it doesn't matter, even if there are traffic policemen, these second generations will not be afraid.

I'm afraid of a woolen thread, the big deal is a fine!

We young masters of rich people lack everything, just don't lack money!

Not bad money!

This is the confidence of the second generation!

Among them, the killer that drives the GTR is the best racer in this group of second generations. The code name is "Curl!"

At this moment, Curly, smoking a cigarette with a magnificent face, was on the mountain road, showing off complicated car skills such as drifting.

"Volume ***, awesome!"

"Damn, this speed is too fast, right?"

"It's a GTR sports car!"

In the walkie-talkie, the second generation kept flattering and exclaiming again and again.

"Hehe, I'm the Donghai car god, that's not a vain name!"

With a cool blow on the long hair on the bridge of his nose, the curly young man laughed, quite proud.

But at this moment, a knock on the door suddenly came from outside the car.

"What...Who knocked on the door?" Suspicious, the curly-haired young man rolled down the car window.

Outside the window, a handsome smiling face appeared in front of the curly-haired young man.

Deng Jiuling!

This person is naturally Deng Jiuling!

Deng Jiuling was riding a ***, starting all the way from the provincial capital, preparing to go to Leize.

Leize is located in Qingfeng County, at the junction of Xishan and Haibei.

But when he went to Lei Ze last time, Deng Jiuling followed Zhang Ya and only knew the approximate route.

There are too many mountainous areas in this generation, mobile GPS maps cannot locate, and there are too many bifurcation channels. Deng Jiuling is lost, so naturally he needs to ask for directions.

This car with GTR curly hair has become the best passer-by.

"Excuse me, do you keep going to Qingfeng County?" Deng Jiuling asked with a smile, handing over a cigarette.

"Yes, go straight ahead, just take three detours," said the curly-haired master.

"Thanks." Deng Jiuling nodded and turned into an afterimage, and quickly disappeared in front of the curly hair young man.

"What am I... How do you feel that something is wrong with this matter?"

Until Deng Jiuling walked away, the second generation of curly hair was a little confused.

While talking, the eyes of the second generation of curly hair suddenly fell on the instrument.

120 miles!

"Fogweed, this... this speed?"

The second generation of Curly Hair opened his eyes wide, and finally knew what was wrong.

Nima, it turns out that when Deng Jiuling asked, the GTR was running at a speed of 120 miles!

"Damn, this... This Nima, this is the real Donghai car god." The second generation of curly hair sucked in air, his forehead was full of sweat.

However, when the second generation of curly hair was shocked, a horn in front of him suddenly rushed forward.

Boom boom boom!

Then, the knock on the door sounded again.

Rolling down the car window, the second generation of curly hair looked at Deng Jiuling in awe: "Brother, you... what's the matter with you?"

"Excuse me, take a fire." Deng Jiuling smiled.

"Wow." The second generation of curly hair quickly took out the lighter and lit Deng Jiuling himself.


Then, the eyes of the second generation of curly hair flashed, turned into an afterimage, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"This... This is the car god! The real car god!"

The second generation of curly hair sweats on his forehead and his legs are shaking.

too strong!

Prior to this, the second generation of curly hair had always regarded itself as "the god of the East China Sea", known as the air every second, slapped all the people of the same age.

But Deng Jiuling used a horn to teach the second generation of curly hair, what is the truth of life!

From then on, those second generations from the East China Sea were stunned to discover that the second generation of curly hair had changed.

Hard work, hard work, and humility, these most glorious personalities appear in the second generation of curly hair.

Many years later, when the second generation of curly hair became the real car god of the East China Sea.

Whenever he recalled the past, he said: "My success comes from the big brother's ***."

However, Deng Jiuling didn't even know that he was inexplicably added to the future of the car goddess.

At this moment, Deng Jiuling turned into an afterimage, dangling cigarettes, and moving forward at a non-human speed.


Deng Jiuling was quite intoxicated by this speed like a racing car.

"Unexpectedly, I can infuse my zhenqi on the pedals, and I can accelerate the speed of ***." Deng Jiuling was a little excited.

On the surface, Deng Jiuling was pretending to be compelling.

But in fact, this is not the case.

Deng Jiuling is a half-step master, and his true energy is boiling like a stream, very powerful.

It is like Zhang Long, Leopard King, Tiger King and others. Deng Jiuling can slap flying with just one slap, and doesn't need to waste real energy at all.

Only in this way can the flow of true qi in the body be accelerated, which is very helpful to Deng Jiuling's practice.

"It's no wonder that those with high martial arts skills, when they have cultivated to a certain level, most of them like to challenge others."

A faint enlightenment suddenly appeared in Deng Jiuling's heart.

Whether it was the big brother of Tiannan, or the sword king of Haibei, or Jiang Taiyi, the sword master of Xishan City.

These powerhouses have all had the experience of pretending to be unlimited and challenging all kinds of masters along the way.

But now Deng Jiuling finally understands that they are not pretending to be coercive, but can't help it.

Because martial arts has reached a certain height, if you want to break through, you must fight stronger people!

Only in a hearty battle at the same level can it easily break through life and death and develop a higher level of martial arts.

This is the truth!

In an instant, Deng Jiuling seemed to understand Lin Sicong why he had to challenge himself.

"I originally challenged Lin Sicong, but it turned out that he declared war on me in a high profile!"

"It seems that Lin Sicong's cultivation level should have reached the realm of the quasi-grandmaster, only one step away from the grandmaster."

Deng Jiuling thought secretly.

Deng Jiuling is a half-step master, if Lin Sicong is a quasi-master, the battle between the two is bound to be a fierce battle.

Although Deng Jiuling is strong, he can also fight across ranks, but can't Lin Sicong

Lin Sicong is ranked as the chief instructor of the 100,000 infantry in the East China Sea. He has been famous for 20 years. How can he be a mediocre

Under the prestigious reputation, there is no avatar!

In an instant, Deng Jiuling was full of fighting spirit for the battle tomorrow afternoon.

It is also true that Deng Jiuling is full of expectations for Lei Ze's journey.

"Now that I have collected all kinds of auxiliary medicinal materials, I hope I can refine the Void Elimination Pill tonight." Deng Jiuling thought secretly.

Once the Void Pill is successfully refined, Deng Jiuling's cultivation level will instantly soar to the realm of the martial arts master.

At that time, Xu Canghai, the god of war of the East China Sea, appeared, and Deng Jiuling could fight for it!


During meditation, Deng Jiuling's speed became faster and faster, just like lightning.

At this moment, on the road leading to Qingfeng County, a group of foreigners playing outdoors suddenly appeared.

These foreigners, one by one, are riding road bikes worth at least US$20,000, running at a speed like a wild horse.

European and American countries are generally developed, and bicycle is a very popular and fashionable sport.

This is completely different from Longguo people who like to buy cars and look down on bikers.

Because many people in Europe and the United States are not short of money, cars have been basically popularized in foreign countries when Long Kingdom was not founded.

So these foreigners don't need to buy a car to pretend to be forced.

The capital that makes them pretend is these road bikes.

Like the second generation of Donghai, they are riding bicycles and drag racing.

These road bikes, which are worth at least hundreds of thousands and are worth as much as one million Dragon National Coins, are very fast, and can even be comparable to sports cars.


Among them, the foreigner in the lead is burying his head, riding the wind and waves all the way, rushing fast at the speed of a stream of light.

too strong!

This foreigner is the champion of last year's Tour de France and is known as the "tour de France hero" Armst!

The Tour de France is one of the highest-spec bicycle races in the world, bringing together the most elite cyclists from all over the world.

Those foreigners in the rear are all disciples of Amstel.

These disciples, if they were placed in the Dragon Kingdom, the worst thing would be their existence like a provincial champion!

So these foreigners, who are proud of them, also look down upon the people of Longguo.

Under the leadership of Amstel, these foreigners came from France and passed many countries along the way.

Wherever he goes, people block and kill people, and Buddha block and kill Buddha!

More than 20 countries along the way, whether they are developed or developing countries; whether they are official masters or private powerhouses, all have been suppressed!

After several days, this elite team that has been fighting all over the world finally entered the Dragon Kingdom.

Today, Amster and the students are preparing to start from Donghae Province, like a bulldozer, rolling all the way, and planting the French flag in every province of the Long Kingdom!




There was a roar from the throat, like a behemoth, and the Amster rushed like the wind, faster and faster.

Even because the speed is too fast, even the wheels of bicycles are splashing sparks between friction with the ground.

too strong!

Seeing the green mountains and rivers all the way, the face of the Tour de France hero Armst was full of forceful smiles.

Suddenly, the rear exclaimed again and again.

"Why panic?" Amster was a little annoyed, turning around and shouting.

But as soon as he looked back, Amster suddenly thundered, his face stunned.

At the corner of the distance, a *** appeared unexpectedly!