Return of The Underworld

Chapter 137: Unexpected legend



Without waiting for Amstel to wake up, this late-coming *** had already rushed in front of his eyes.


In the stunned group of foreigners, the *** turned into streamers and quickly disappeared at the corner of the mountain.

too fast!

The speed of this *** is beyond the imagination of all foreigners!


In an instant, there was a flash of anger on Amster's handsome face.

"Teacher, this... so fast!"

"Fuck, a kid from the Dragon Kingdom, riding a garbage truck, can he surpass us?"

"Get him!"

These elite cyclists from France, one by one, clamored with anger.



Armstrong turned into a streamer, roaring constantly in his throat, flying forward at his fastest speed.

The Tour de France is the top bike in the world.

Amstel only became the world champion last year, just at the moment of high spirits.

Looking at the whole world, in addition to a few myths of the older generation, Amster is confident that he can be invincible in the world!

But Nima, just after getting off the plane and training in the territory of Dragonland, Deng Jiuling appeared



When Amster got angry, the whole bicycle world would tremble!

"An ant-like kid, see this legend destroys you!"

With a terrible rage, Amster continued to rush at a speed that exceeded his limit.

But ten minutes passed!


When Amstel was exhausted, he fell from his bicycle to the ground and rolled onto the grass.

Even the road bike worth one million Dragon National Coins flew upside down and hung on the big tree beside it.

With the protection of protective gear and falling in the soft soil, Armstrong, the hero of the Tour de France, is still injured.

The face is swollen!

However, compared to the actual physical injury, Amster's mental trauma is more.


Too irritating!

Amster had never thought that he had overcome obstacles all the way, on the way from France to the Dragon Kingdom, and wiped out the pretenders of more than 20 countries in one go.

But after arriving in the Dragon Kingdom, before Armstrong began to challenge anyone, he was easily crushed by a young man riding a gun on the side of the road!



My Nima is a fcuk!

All kinds of vulgar swear words kept popping out of the gentleman Amster's mouth.

While cursing, Amster got up from the ground and walked all the way to the public toilet on the side.

Although it is a mountainous area, after all, there are concrete roads built, and there will be a very simple toilet every some distance.

Pushing the door out, Amstel was about to hush, when someone suddenly said, "Dude, do you have toilet paper?"

Amstel didn't respond, and Deng Jiuling spoke again in English.

Although Deng Jiuling's grades were very scumbag, he was trained strictly in English by the beauty counselor Ouyang Xueqi during the special training of Langya.

So now Deng Jiuling's English, especially spoken English, is still pretty good.

Hearing this, Amster was taken aback and handed a handful of paper to Deng Jiuling.

"Thanks." Deng Jiuling breathed a sigh of relief while holding the toilet paper.

It turned out that Deng Jiuling had a stomachache when he was halfway there, and wanted to go to the toilet, so he speeded up and instantly killed Amstel.

After some relaxation, Deng Jiuling was surprised to find that he had forgotten to bring toilet paper.


Fortunately, at the most critical moment, Amster appeared.


When Deng Jiuling lifted his trousers, Amstel stopped peeing.

Together, they walked out of the bathroom.

"Thanks, buddy, bye."

With a friendly smile at Amstel, Deng Jiuling pushed ***, ready to leave.

"Sir, please wait." Amstel stopped Deng Jiuling suddenly.

"Something?" Hearing this, Deng Jiuling was a little surprised.

"Sir, may I ask... Are you a professional cyclist?" Amster asked cautiously.

"How is it possible?" Deng Jiuling said silently.



Hearing this, Amster's eyes widened and he didn't believe it.

Nima, Deng Jiuling's speed is so high that he is not eating professional food

"So, you must be passionate about cycling and a business cycling enthusiast, right?"

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Amster asked again.

"Don't be kidding, this is the first time I ride a bicycle since I was in college. The main place I go is no bus, alas." Deng Jiuling said.


Second crit!

In an instant, a touch of sad tears appeared in Amster's eyes.

Nima, Deng Jiuling is neither a professional athlete nor an amateur enthusiast, isn't he just a passerby

I fucked!

Nima, just a civilian passerby in Long Country, can he kill himself, the hero of the Tour de France and the global cycling champion, into a weak chicken

With a flick of his nose, Amster suddenly wanted to cry.

I will endure!

Suppressing the sourness in his heart, Amster asked again: "Then you should have five minutes to go to the toilet here, right?"

"I don't know, anyway, I listened to three songs and smoked two more cigarettes. You finally came." Deng Jiuling smiled.


Three combos!

After some calculations, Amster discovered to his surprise that the time Deng Jiuling spent in the pit should be eight minutes.

Ten minutes ago, Armstrong and Deng Jiuling had just met each other.

In other words, Deng Jiuling ran such a long distance in less than 2 minutes.

This... Isn't this too strong

"Could it be that this bike is amazing?"

Amster's gaze finally fell on the ***.

"Sir, can I exchange my car with you?" Amstel said tentatively.

According to Armstrong, since Deng Jiuling is just a rookie, the secret must be on the bicycle.

***, in the 1970s, once swept the entire Dragon Kingdom, but was gradually eliminated.

Now it is the 21st century, in the Dragon Kingdom, except for a few people in the older generation, no one can ride this kind of ***.

Even Amstel has seen a wide range of knowledge, and has never seen this kind of car.

Hearing this, Deng Jiuling was a little stunned, and said seriously: "My car is borrowed from a friend. It is not worth any money at all. Are you sure you want it?"

"Yes, yes, I want, I want more."

With a look of excitement on his face, Amstel quickly took out a handful of dollars and forced them to Deng Jiuling: "Sir, give this money to your friend, and I give you this car."

After speaking, Armstrong feared that Deng Jiuling would refuse him, pushed his ***, and ran away.


Riding the ***, Amster looked excited, turned into streamer, and galloped all the way.

But soon, Amster found that something was wrong.

Nima, this ***, doesn't it feel good

Soon, Amster rode out of the corner and stepped into a small county town.

Soon, the disciples of Amstel also came to the small county.

The big disciple went to the hotel to book a room, and the foreigners had a drink and rest outside the hotel.

"Teacher, your car, is it the one of Lord Chashen?" A disciple exclaimed.

Cha God, this is the nickname given to Deng Jiuling by foreigners.

Yes, only the word "car god" can be worthy of the noble Deng Jiuling.

"Yes, the people of Longguo are really cheating. I used my road bike with only 150,000 dollars in exchange for this superb bike."

Amster nodded, proud.

Although this ***, Amstel is not used to riding at all, and he doesn't think it is any good.

But once he saw Deng Jiuling show his power with his own eyes, Amster felt that it should not be a bicycle problem, but that he hadn't mastered how to use it.

But it doesn't matter, as long as time is long, Amster will study it slowly.


Seeing the students looking at him admiringly, Amster looked excited and felt that he was taking advantage.

However, at this moment, three or five wrinkled old men riding ***, dangling from leaf smoke, suddenly passed the hotel entrance.

This is a small county, the economy is not very developed, some old people who come from the countryside to sell vegetables in the city, naturally like to ride a horse.

However, this scene caused 100,000 times more critical damage to Amstel.

"Teacher, this... the sacred car, could it be that Longguo has one?"

"I, Cao, is this too exaggerated?"

Amidst the exclamation of the disciples, Arms took a specific look and found that seven or eight old men were riding *** and carrying a broom on their shoulders, whistling towards him.

These old men parked the car aside, then took the broom and started sweeping the floor.

"No, this... it's not true!"

Suppressing the anxiety in my heart, Amster and a student who can speak Chinese walked all the way to the old man's side.

"Uncle, are you a cyclist?" the student laughed.

"Huh? A bicycle is a bicycle, isn't my hand here?" The old man looked dumbfounded.

Well, after a long time, no one else knows what an athlete is.

The student shook his head and asked in a different way: "Master, why are you sweeping the floor here? Are you doing public welfare?"

"Be a fart for public welfare."

The old man took a cigarette and said triumphantly: "Recently, there are not enough sanitation workers. Our old brothers come here to do small jobs. It costs 20 yuan a day, and also cares about lunch and meat!"


Hearing that, both the student and Amster's face were darkened with anger.

Obviously, these old men in front of them are just the bottom of society.

But they are all riding, god-level ***!


One million times the critical strike damage.

Amster's eyes were red in an instant.

Those elite foreigners burst into tears one by one, and felt a sense of collapse.

Nima, the so-called ***, even the old man who sweeps the floor of the Dragon Kingdom, is also a manned one!

This Nima is not worth any money at all!


At this time, Armstrong, the hero of the Tour de France, finally understood that he had been pitted by Deng Jiuling.



"Wow… "

Armstrong, who was mentally collapsed across the board, couldn't help but squat with a headshot and cry bitterly, crying like a child.

In the afternoon, this one came from France and claimed to be the top cycling team that wanted to conquer the world. With its tail clamped, this one left Long Country in a dingy manner.

From then on, these people dare not step into the Dragon Kingdom for the rest of their lives.

Whenever he recalled the past, Amster would be aggrieved and said:

"Oh, God, Long Country is really the most mysterious country in the East, where even a country boy on the roadside has the power to defeat my world champion."

Without knowing himself, Deng Jiuling, who had won glory for the country and crushed all the foreigners, finally stepped into Lei Ze after a rush.