Return of The Underworld

Chapter 138: Merit paper


Lei Ze, originally the chief alchemist of Emperor Yongzheng during the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty, was the place where Zhang Taixu returned to hermit.

One hundred years ago, Tai Yizhen, the number one master in the East China Sea New Area, took the nest, expelled Zhang Taixu's descendants, occupied Lei Ze, and continued to make alchemy.

However, neither Zhang Taixu nor Taiyi Zhenren had ever made the Pill of Immortality, and eventually turned into a cup of dust, leaving endless regrets.

Deng Jiuling said that he would continue to memorize this pot.

Who doesn't want to live forever

It was Deng Jiuling, also leisurely and fascinated.

It’s just that it’s not easy to live forever since ancient times, let alone not die

"According to the legacy left by Bao Zheng, if you cultivate to become the King of Yama, you will not survive death, but at least you will live forever." Deng Jiuling thought secretly.

The martial arts master is very powerful, and his life is generally over a hundred years old, and it is not difficult to live more than one hundred years old.

And above the martial arts master, there should be a higher realm.

According to Deng Jiuling's speculation, if the martial arts can be practiced to the extreme, it is to step through the void and soar in the day. That is not impossible.

After all, from ancient times to the present, there have been countless legends about cultivating immortals and asking questions.

To say that these legends are false, Deng Jiuling does not believe it.

For example, Leidan, this thing can continue to life, very powerful.

It's a pity that the materials are not enough and time is not allowed, otherwise Deng Jiuling doesn't mind, and he refines a few Lei Dan to play with.

Stepping into Lei Ze Dong Mansion, Deng Jiuling's heart moved, and a large amount of materials appeared in the alchemy room instantly.

"Life and death are self-contained storage space. Although this space is not large, it is similar to the legendary space ring. It is really powerful."

Glancing at the surroundings with satisfaction, Deng Jiuling did not continue to practice alchemy, but closed his eyes to meditate and began to adjust his breath.

Huaxu Pill, this is the second-class spirit pill, with the heavenly material and earth treasure "baby fruit" as the guide, once the refining is successful, the martial artist can step into the Huaxu realm.

Huaxujing, referred to as Huajing, is also called the master of martial arts.

A warrior, only when he stepped into the realm of the martial arts master, can he not be afraid of ordinary swords and guns, and he can charge in the rain of bullets while wearing a body armor. It is very powerful.

In ancient times, those powerful men who could take the first rank among 10,000 people, like nothing, were all martial arts masters.

Only when you reach the realm of a martial arts master, can you truly be proud of the crowd and not afraid of any challenges.

For example, Xu Canghai, the god of war in the East China Sea, although his cultivation base is unknown, Deng Jiuling estimated that Xu Canghai should be the master of martial arts.

Only the martial arts master can crush a province, crush thousands of aristocratic families, and become a god standing high in the clouds, overlooking the common people.


With infinite longing, Deng Jiuling finished vomiting, got up and set the fire, ready to start alchemy.

Strictly speaking, the Void Pill could also be made by life and death, but that time was too slow, Deng Jiuling couldn't wait.

On the other hand, it was because Bao Zheng had clearly put forward a sentence because of life and death, which touched Deng Jiuling a lot.

This sentence is: "It's better to rely on people than yourself!"

No matter how powerful the life and death is, Bao Zheng will not practice the cultivation techniques on life and death, and he will only treat life and death as an anecdote.

Because in Bao Zheng's view, no matter how powerful martial arts are, they are nothing more than foreign objects, and they are useless for ruling the country and helping the world.

I have cliffs in my life, but there is no cliff in the sea of study. Bao Zheng is determined to live in the world, so naturally he is not willing to waste time to practice martial arts.

This principle is the same when it comes to alchemy.

When the king of Yama was in the underworld, the top medicines were all made manually by the king, not life or death.

It is not that Hades does not want to rely on life and death, but cannot rely on life and death.

Because the nature of life and death is "determination of life and death, and reincarnation", this is the true meaning of life and death.

As for those martial arts, alchemy, and bizarre records, they are nothing more than trails, not the core of life and death.

Before the master of martial arts, life and death could assist Deng Jiuling in alchemy, and the rate of alchemy was very high.

Under such circumstances, Deng Jiuling naturally wanted to take precautions.

After all, Deng Jiuling's ambition is to become a strong man like Yan Wang, not just a martial arts master.

Deng Jiuling can refine the virtual pill by life and death, what about after that

Above the second stage, there is also the third stage spirit pill. How do you refine life and death

It is necessary to lay the foundation from now on.

Only in this way can Deng Jiuling be able to go further in alchemy after stepping into Huajin.

Ignite, add the main herbs.

Various auxiliary medicinal materials are added in sequence according to heat and time.

In an instant, in the huge alchemy room, the bonfire was raging, and the temperature instantly exceeded 100 degrees.

Rao is Deng Jiuling's high martial arts, and with the passage of time, he also felt a searing heat.

In the end, Deng Jiuling had to urge Luo Hanjin to restore his qingming again.

At this moment, the average indoor temperature has exceeded one hundred and fifty degrees.

Even the temperature below the alchemy furnace is extremely hot and can turn steel into molten iron.

too strong!

This is just refining the second-grade pill, how terrible is the third-grade pill

Shaking his head, Deng Jiuling concentrated his energy, carefully making alchemy.

There is only one baby fruit, and there is only one chance for Deng Jiuling to succeed.

"These auxiliary medicinal materials cost almost all of my funds, alas." Deng Jiuling sighed slightly.

When he was in Tiannan City, the heroes gave Deng Jiuling gifts, with a total fund of almost 30 million.

After that, Deng Jiuling and Murong Lie, the legend of the East China Sea business community, took a gamble and won one billion.

But what no one believes is that Deng Jiuling used all the funds of more than one billion yuan to buy medicinal materials.

These costs do not include the baby fruit given by Zhang Jiacheng for free.

Too expensive!

Deng Jiuling realized that because of the refining of Huaxu Pill, it is no wonder that the ancients would say "poor culture and wealth."

The astronomical resources consumed by this martial arts training are indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people.

But if someone knows that one billion can step into the realm of the martial arts master, then others will definitely be willing.

Compared with wealth, the realm of the martial arts master is more intoxicating and fascinating.

Even in this state, it is illusory and unattainable, and it still attracts countless people to pursue it.

"I only have one chance, and I can't take it lightly." Deng Jiuling thought secretly.


Suddenly, the alchemy furnace trembled.

A scorching smell came out of Dan Gai and filled the audience in an instant.

"No, I want to blow up the pill!" Deng Jiuling's pupils shrank and his face changed drastically.

Deng Jiuling had a similar experience when he was making blue and white pills in the Valley of Medicine Kings.

But that time was just a first-rank pill, but this time it was a second-rank pill.

The second grade pill, also called "Grandmaster Pill", is a pill made for martial arts masters. It is very powerful and difficult to refining.

How can such a top-grade pill be what you want to practice, then it can be made

"With the strength that I entered today, I can only leave!" Deng Jiuling looked ugly.

If the second-grade pill was to blow up the pill, it would be Deng Jiuling's life and death, and that would be meaningless.

There is no other way but to escape now.

How to do


If Deng Jiuling left, not only would the Pill Eliminating Void be destroyed, but the alchemy room would also be destroyed.

This result is not what Deng Jiuling hopes to see.

But if he didn't run away, once the pill was blown up, it was Deng Jiuling who condensed the golden body of Luohan, and it might still be destroyed here.

The power of the second-grade pill to explode in an instant is comparable to a 10,000-ton explosive explosion, enough to burst the entire cave, how can Deng Jiuling resist it

How to do



Just when Deng Jiuling was depressed, the alchemy furnace began to sway from side to side, and there was a faint tendency to crack.

"Damn, fight it!" Deng Jiuling gritted his teeth and suddenly slapped the alchemy furnace.

The fourth article of the Code of Practice: "Under the master, all are ants!"

For most people, the master of martial arts is the god of the clouds, which is beyond reach.

But for Deng Jiuling, if even the master of martial arts cannot step into it, how can he become the living Hades in the future

Piff was angry, and the blood splashed five steps!

The knight is angry and kills ten steps!

The king was angry, and a million corpses!

But when the king of Hades is angry, he can destroy the stars, move mountains and seas, and destroy millions of people!

A man should be passionate throughout his life, standing on the top of the mountain, smiling proud of the world, and this is not in vain!

"Under the master, all are ants!"

These eight characters, like a curse, rolled back and forth in Deng Jiuling's heart.

"I really don't believe it!"

Deng Jiuling was full of real energy, and his whole body shone with golden glow, slapped on the alchemy furnace.

This huge qi, like a fiery dragon, instantly filled the entire alchemy furnace.

However, the alchemy furnace only stabilized for a few seconds before continuing to vibrate.

At the same time, a scorching smell of corrosion came out of Dan Gai and filled the audience.

"Worse, now that the pill furnace is not exploded, I am afraid that the Xuxu Pill will also be destroyed." Deng Jiuling was a little worried.


Suddenly, Deng Jiuling was thinking about life and death, and he began to turn pages constantly.

After several restorations of life and death, among the red glow, there was a little more golden glow.

It seems... Life and death are thin, becoming powerful!

What made Deng Jiuling stunned was that this page was actually... blank paper

"White paper?" Deng Jiuling's eyes widened, a little dazed.

This piece of paper is square, white and flawless, but there is no word on it.

But unlike other papers, the periphery of this paper is plated with a light golden glow, which looks very sacred.

"Could it be..."

A bold idea appeared in Deng Jiuling's heart and quietly emerged.


Deng Jiuling suddenly shouted, his eyebrows suddenly cracked, and an inverted vertical eye appeared on his forehead.


A bright golden glow like a laser fell on the paper in an instant.

In Deng Jiuling's anxiety, some faint writing suddenly appeared on the white and flawless paper.

"The handwriting of merit and virtue can only be seen by a virtuous person."

"My Bao Zheng, after enjoying life and death, he merged the ideological essence of Confucianism, Taoism and Legalism, imitated Taoist Zhuangzi, and cultivated a sigh of righteousness."

"Birth of life and death contains incredible power. I am afraid that people who have no virtue will get this book and use it to harm others, so I set limits on life and death."

"As long as you can see the merit papers, you can be regarded as my official disciple and inherited by my Bao Zheng."


When Deng Jiuling finished reading these handwritings, he turned the page again, and finally fell to the page with "Bao Zheng's Inheritance" written on it.