Return of The Underworld

Chapter 1474: Xuan Bing was shocked


A month later, in the bamboo forest of Xuanbing Palace.


Accompanied by the blast of swords, Deng Jiuling held a long sword and stood on a bamboo leaf.

If you get the words carefully, you will find that Deng Jiuling is not standing on the bamboo leaves.

But standing on the bamboo leaves, above a drop of dew!

"There is no trace on the water, that's good." A sound of nature came with the wind.

The voice fell, and a young girl with a long sword walked towards the wind in a white dress to win the snow.

"Go against the wind, Senior Sister, you are not bad too." Deng Jiuling said with a slight smile.

"We are all... That's it, you still call me like that." Mu Wanqing blushed and rolled her eyes anger.


Hearing that, Deng Jiuling was a little embarrassed.

The so-called confluence of yin and yang requires the unscrupulous, whole-hearted fusion between men and women.

Within a month, Deng Jiuling made Mu Wanqing a pure saint.

Turned into a mature woman with rich practical experience and skills against the sky.

During this process, Deng Jiuling and Mu Wanqing finally succeeded in practicing the magic of Xuanbing.

Between the two of them, they have cultivated long ago, and they have a realm of understanding and understanding in their hearts.

And this state is very rare.

In this regard, Deng Jiuling was both happy and worried.


Deng Jiuling's romantic debt has added another sum.


"People are not in vain, Ma Liu, why do you have to think so much?" A majestic voice came with the wind.

The voice fell, and Feng Qingxue, the head teacher of Xuanbing Palace, appeared in front of the two in a graceful suit.

"Master (senior)" Deng Jiuling and Mu Wanqing worshipped at the same time.

"Ma Liu, Wanqing, now you have just achieved magical skills, but the distance is great, there is still a certain distance."

Feng Qingxue said coldly: "Now, this palace teaches you the true mastery of Xuanbing's divine art."


The sound fell, and a stream of light instantly enveloped the two of them.

In an instant, large fragments of memory, like flying snow, permeated.

It was still the Hanamaki, among the ice and snow, a pair of immortal couples were merging their swords together.

Suddenly, a sword energy cut through the sky, and then the man fell into a pool of blood.

Between heaven and earth, a snake demon hugged the woman and left with a wild laugh.

"How could this happen?" Mu Wanqing's expression suddenly changed.

"That woman, should be Patriarch Xuanbing?" Deng Jiuling was thinking.


As soon as the camera turns, the woman is swallowed alive after being abused by the snake demon.

"How could this be?" Mu Wanqing's face became paler.

"Could it be..." Deng Jiuling frowned suddenly.

The scene changed again, the man did not die, but practiced martial arts hard, went to avenge the snake demon.

When the man rushed over, he happened to see his woman being abused and humiliated by the snake demon and swallowed alive.

The man desperately wanted to live, fought against the snake demon, and finally lost, was swallowed by the snake demon.


The woman's worries and grievances persisted, but with the help of the man's power, she won the control of the snake demon's body.

The woman cut off the snake monster and placed her head on the snake monster's head.

A monster with a snake-headed human body turned out to be.

At this point, all illusions have disappeared.

Only Deng Jiuling and Mu Wanqing were left, dumbfounded and shocked.

"Master, the banshee with a snake-headed human head, could it be... Patriarch?" Mu Wanqing said with a trembling voice.

"Not bad." Feng Qingxue nodded: "The profound meaning of Xuanbing's divine art requires tremendous stimulation before it can be reborn from Nirvana."

"My Profound Bing Palace's magical skill, at the level of Xiaocheng, is comparable to the realm of other magical skills."

"And if Xuanbing's divine skill can achieve great success, then you can enter the third step!"

Feng Qingxue said coldly: "Back then, my master killed my sweetheart in front of me, in front of my palace."

"And today, among you, who is going to die, decide for yourself!"


The voice fell, and a long sword crossed between Deng Jiuling and Mu Wanqing.

"How could this happen?" Mu Wanqing suddenly despaired.

After a month of cloud and rain in Wushan, Mu Wanqing finally accepted Deng Jiuling from her heart.

But today, Feng Qingxue said bluntly that he wanted to kill one of them

Do not!

If he knew this was the result, Mu Wanqing would definitely not go to practice the so-called Xuanbing magic!

"Sister, don't worry, I've failed too many people in my life, and it's fine if I die."

Deng Jiuling laughed loudly, drew his long sword, and pointed it directly at his chest.

The wind and snow are too strong!

The strong Deng Jiuling couldn't resist at all.

The death of the lady in red has made Deng Jiuling distraught.

Similar history must not be repeated!

Since one is destined to die, Deng Jiuling would rather die by himself!


In an instant, red blood flowed to the earth.

"No!" Mu Wanqing looked sad and angry: "Master, you have been using Ma Liu from the beginning?"

"Not bad." Feng Qingxue said with a big laugh: "If it weren't, how could you make Xuanbing's magical power successful?"

"If you don't have enough martial arts, how can you win the jihad? Get the benefits for your house?"


The voice fell, a stream of light flashed, Feng Qingxue's face suddenly became ugly.

At this moment, the long sword that pierced Deng Jiuling's chest also pierced Mu Wanqing's heart.

"Master, even if I die, I will also be with Xiao Liuzi. I will never be your puppet!"


Mu Wanqing laughed miserably, her eyes sullenly: "Master, you let me be with Ma Liu, but you want to destroy him with your own hands, I—hate you!"


The voice fell, Mu Wan fell to the ground and her consciousness began to blur.

"Wan Qing!" In this scene, the wind and snow changed suddenly.

As the head teacher of Xuanbing Palace, Feng Qingxue regards Mu Wanqing as a daughter, and has cultivated variously since childhood.

But when the White Palace was inlaid, the wind and snow suddenly came and took Deng Jiuling away strongly.


This month, Deng Jiuling took advantage and became Mu Wanqing's de facto husband.

Even Deng Jiuling successfully practiced the magical skills of Xuanbing Palace.

Among them, there are naturally reasons.

All of this is wind and snow, and then pave the way for Mu Wanqing!

As for Deng Jiuling, to Feng Qingxue, it was just a pawn.

What Feng Qingxue did not expect was that her disciple Mu Wanqing had such a strong personality.

"Wan Qing, you... What the hell is this?" Feng Qingxue sighed slightly.

"Master, I... hate you!"


When the voice fell, Mu Wanqing completely lost her breath.

I don't know how long it will take, when Deng Jiuling wakes up.

Only then did he realize that Mu Wanqing was standing by, holding a letter blankly.


A drop of tears suddenly fell from Mu Wanqing's beautiful eyes.

"Senior Sister, aren't we... dead?" Deng Jiuling was a little startled after rubbing his swollen temples.

"Master sacrificed himself in order for us to succeed in martial arts." Pu Wanqing threw himself in Deng Jiuling's arms, howling and crying.

"Huh?" Hearing this, Deng Jiuling was taken aback and looked inwardly, suddenly stunned.

At this moment, Deng Jiuling's martial arts has broken through to the second step!

Not only that, but Deng Jiuling discovered that he was only one step away from the third step!

"Senior Sister, your martial arts are the same as mine. Did she pass on her life skills to us?" Deng Jiuling shook suddenly.

In fact, Deng Jiuling already has the answer.

It's just that this answer was too frightening, and Deng Jiuling couldn't believe it.

"Master is right. Only in great compassion can we achieve the great path."

Mu Wanqing looked sad: "Back then, her sweetheart was killed by the master."

"And she herself was thrown into the bandit den and brutally abused."

"Master Tai deliberately arranged for a male disciple to fall in love with the master and to marry him in the house."

"But at the wedding, the master too exposed the past of the master who was once by the bandits, which caused the male disciple to misunderstand and leave with anger."

"Then, when the two of them shed their suspicion, the master pierced the male disciple with a sword..."

This time-honored past is the wind and snow, the pain of a lifetime.

Just like this, Feng Qingxue's personality changed drastically, and she practiced martial arts frantically.

As a result, Feng Qingxue was able to activate his potential, counterattack in the Jedi, and practice martial arts with a world-class performance.

But even so, Feng Qingxue is still unhappy.

Feng Qingxue hates his master and hates herself even more.


For the inheritance of Xuanbing Palace, a similar tragedy will be on Mu Wanqing's body, an amazing reincarnation of history!


What Feng Qingxue did not expect was that Mu Wanqing was willing to die for Deng Jiuling.

And this is what Feng Qingxue had thought about back then, but in the end he didn't do it.

This is also true, which made Feng Qingxue very ashamed and awakened his conscience.

In the end, Feng Qingxue sacrificed herself and saved Deng Jiuling and Mu Wanqing.

"Ma Liu, don't blame my master, okay?" Mu Wanqing looked sad.

"From the standpoint of the predecessor, she was not wrong, not to mention that you and I survived a catastrophe, but were lucky, I naturally don't blame her."

Deng Jiuling sighed slightly: "It's just this jihad on the top of the snowy area, what charm is there, why would you let the seniors sacrifice you?"

This question, Deng Jiuling, can't figure it out!

Since the wind and snow are clear, I can sacrifice my life to save the wind and snow.


Why does a jihad reward in a mere sacred place make Feng Qingxue almost kill Feng Qingxue

Among them, there must be a problem.

"All the answers are here. After you read it, everything naturally understands." Feng Qingxue sighed slightly.

"Huh?" When Deng Jiuling heard the words, his gaze fell on the paper.

This is the last note left by Feng Qingxue.

This note is very long. The first part is to designate Mu Wanqing to inherit the position of head of Xuanbing Palace.

In the middle, it was written to let Deng Jiuling assist Mu Wanqing to win the first place in the jihad.

The last sentence is the wind and snow, explaining other things.

This letter is very long, and Feng Qingxue has summarized all of her life.

After reading it, Deng Jiuling couldn't help sighing slightly.

Feng Qingxue back then, like Mu Wanqing, she was also pure and kind, with her own charm, and she was overwhelmed by the country.

But all this was ruined by the master too.

Feng Qingxue tried her best to kill Deng Jiuling, but also to stimulate Mu Wanqing.

The real reason for this turned out to be...