Return of The Underworld

Chapter 172: The ultimate battle


Master Turing's one quasi-second-grade pill can make ten vigorous fitness men fall to the ground one by one and become extremely weak.

This terrifying medicinal power can be called no one before. Who can compare it

And after Master Turing spoke, Hou Benqiao made another divine make-up: "Let's not talk about the power of the medicine, just say this volunteer, who wants to be him?"


Hearing this, everyone laughed, and they all felt funny.

Anything in public is shameful, and no one wants to do it.

Unless Master Turing is famous enough and everyone has confidence in him, those ten volunteers will not be found.

And there are only a few girls here, that is, Deng Jiuling, you can find a male volunteer, where can you find this girl

Ignoring everyone's ridicule, Deng Jiuling turned around and smiled at Old King Ge: "President Wang, I heard that you are very familiar with the director of the city zoo, right?"

"That's it." Old King Ge nodded and smiled at Deng Jiuling with a fist: "The head of the garden is nearby. I'll call him now."

After speaking, Old Wang Ge took out his cell phone and called in public.

Five minutes later, an old man with a disheveled face riding an electric motorcycle walked in with a look of loneliness.

"Did the head of the garden, I haven't seen you for a few days, why is your old complexion so bad?" Old Wang Ge said in amazement.

Not only Elder Ge, but many celebrities who knew the head of the garden in the audience were a little strange.

The city zoo is very high-level and is a unit directly under the official family. It occupies a large area and has an investment of more than one billion yuan. It is a place where citizens like to go to play.

As the head of the city zoo, the director of the park has more than one thousand employees and is a frequent visitor to celebrity places in the city.

It was the celebrity gathering at Shangshantang today, and that was also an invitation letter sent to the principal of Jin Jin in advance.

Old Wang Ge was still very puzzled. He didn't understand why the director of the garden, who likes to join in the fun on weekdays, couldn't come today.

Now that he saw the head of the garden with a bitter expression on his face, Old Wang Ge finally understood that this guy was in trouble.

So the question is, what kind of trouble can he encounter with such a big person as the head of the garden


Not only was Elder Ge curious, but also many celebrities who knew the director of the garden all had a confused look.

The city zoo is a public entity. Perhaps the director does not have the wealth of other top wealthy individuals, but his network of contacts is very strong, leading directly to the highest level of the provincial government.

Such a character, what else can hold him up

"President, if you have any difficulties, you might as well speak up and listen. If we can help, we will definitely help." Master Turing said with a smile.

"Yes, the director of the park, who has no trouble with this person, please speak up."

"If it's money, I have a friend who works as an executive at ICBC and can help with loans."

The celebrities nodded one after another, all uttering their voices to support the principal.

Seeing that everyone was so righteous, the head of the garden's darkened face gradually relieved.

"I understand everyone's kindness, it's just this... Oh, no one can help." The director of the garden sighed.

"Lao Jin, you are not kind, I treat you as a brother, so you tell me this?" Old Wang Ge angrily said.

"This... It's not that I didn't say it, but... Alas!" The head of the garden was dodged, and some did not dare to look up at Old Wang Ge.

"As the head of the garden, could it be an animal in the city zoo that has something incurable? We students of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine may be able to help." Bingxue, smart Xiao Xun'er, had a faint guess and laughed. Said.

"Hey, you can't help, I have invited all the top veterinarians in Longcheng, it is useless." The director sighed dejectedly.

Yes, the crux of this question really lies in animals

Hearing this, the celebrities were silent and smiled bitterly.

Treating animals is a veterinarian's business. How can everyone help

Even Professor He looked helpless. After all, Professor He is not a veterinarian, so he can't help.

"Lao Jin, what is going on, can you talk about it?" Old Wang Ge asked curiously.

"Yes, as the principal, just talk about it. Although we are not veterinarians, we can help you spread your circle of friends."

"Yes, but now in the Internet age, as soon as Weibo, WeChat, and QQ groups are forwarded, there may be masters coming out."

The celebrities were all babbling and coming up with ideas.

As if moved by the enthusiasm of everyone, the head of the garden hesitated for a moment, but still told the truth.

It turned out that the city zoo recently introduced a group of elephants from Africa.

The number of these elephants is about one hundred, and they are a precious species that is on the verge of extinction.

"This kind of elephant is owned by a small country called Saifan in Africa."

"This country has a population of only a few hundred thousand, and it has ceased to exist due to various reasons such as civil strife, earthquakes, and diseases."

The head of the garden sighed for a while, and went one by one.

Saifan elephant is an extremely precious quality that grows in the jungles of Africa. It is suspected to be a distant relative of ancient mammoths.

Because the natural environment of the East China Sea is very good, several big figures in the Longcheng Cabinet personally gave instructions to introduce these Saifan elephants to the East China Sea Zoo, and invested 300 million yuan to build a special protection research laboratory.

"Could it be that these Saifan elephants have some strange disease?" Old Wang Ge asked tentatively.

"Yes, and no one can cure this disease in the whole world," the head of the garden sighed.

"As the principal, don't go around with everyone, just tell me what the disease is." Professor He couldn't help asking.

"Ordinary elephants, the breeding season is March when spring is in full bloom."

The director gave a bitter smile and said embarrassingly: "But because Saifan country is located in the tropical rain forest area of Africa, it is very hot all year round."

"So the reproduction season of the Saifan elephant is the end of the year, which is from November to December."

From November to December, although it is not the coldest time, the temperature also begins to drop. Few animals breed in this season.

After entering the Dragon Kingdom, these precious Saifan elephants were a little uncomfortable.

It took half a year for the head of the garden to allow Saifan Elephant to adapt to the new growth environment.

However, as soon as the breeding season came, the head of the garden became depressed again.

Nima, these elephants are no longer engaged in reproduction!

This news even aroused great attention from Dragon City.

"Although we have made the best indoor greenhouse, we still don't buy those Saifan elephants."

"It's because we used various stimulus methods, but these Saifan elephants are still lacking in interest, alas."

When the director of Jin Jin said this, everyone finally realized that they all shook their heads and sighed.

No one can really help with animal reproduction.

An adult Saifan elephant weighs three to five tons!

You can never force them to do what

This is unrealistic and unscientific.

"This may be Saifan elephant. It hasn't fully adapted to the environment of the East China Sea, right?" Zhang Peng said tentatively.

"If you didn't adapt this year, you can chant next year. Saifan elephant will eventually adapt to the local environment." Hou Benqiao nodded.

"If I can really wait for next year, then I don't need to, because I'm so worried now." The head of the garden said with a wry smile.

Originally from Saifan elephant, after refusing to reproduce.

As far as the head of the garden is, he has used his contacts and resources to find all the famous veterinarians in China.

But the views of these veterinarians are all the same, that is-if the Saifan elephant does not reproduce this year, I am afraid that it will not reproduce next year or beyond.

"There are only more than a hundred elephants left in the whole world,"

"If they don't multiply this year, then the Saifan elephant will really be extinct in a few years."

The head of the garden slammed his chest and his feet, and said with a melancholy expression: "At that time, I will become a sinner through the ages."

As soon as the director said this, all celebrities with a sense of social responsibility could not help but frown.

The Saifan tribe is a national-level rare animal that is on the verge of extinction. If you let them go to extinction, no one will be very melancholy.

"By the way, Lao Wang, you called me over today, what's the matter?" The director of the garden asked casually.

"Lao Jin, let me introduce to you. This is Master Turing, the second-rank alchemist of the same name-Master Long. He asked me to find you." Old Wang Ge pointed to Deng Jiuling and said.

Hearing that Deng Jiuling was as famous as Master Turing, the head of the garden brightened and he was a little excited.

But after seeing Deng Jiuling’s true face, the head of the garden was taken aback for a moment, and then he was furious: “Pharaoh, what are you kidding me? This is how you can kill a kid who is less than twenty years old. He can be Turing with him. Master of the same name?"

"My senior brother is a generation of outstanding people, how can he be as famous as this kid?" Hou Benqiao said afterwards.

"This kid is not worthy of Master Turing's shoes!" Zhang Peng sneered.

Seeing that everyone dismissed Deng Jiuling, the coldness in the eyes of the principal's eyes grew stronger and stronger: "Where is the kid, I'm annoyed, I'm going to have fun."

After speaking, the principal turned around and prepared to leave.

"Lao Jin, do you treat me as a brother?" Old Wang Ge was a little anxious, and grabbed the director of Jin Jin.

"Pharaoh, I just came here when you were a brother, so I took off my pants, so you can show this to you?" Pointing to Deng Jiuling, the head of the garden was also angry.

"Young people, the ignorant has nothing to fear." After stroking his white beard, Master Turing suddenly spoke.

"Master Turing, do you mean...?" The director of the garden was a little confused.

"As the head of the garden, this kid has an extraordinary talent. He has just made a top-notch pill, which is specially used to nourish yin and strengthen yang, and strengthen the foundation."

Master Turing laughed and said jokingly: "Since something is going on with your elephant, it's better to let this kid try."


As soon as the words came out, the audience burst into laughter.

Nima, the size of an elephant, the rehmannia pill that humans eat, can it be useful

It was the pill that Master Turing made just now, I am afraid it can only support an elephant, and it will not last for a few seconds.

However, as soon as Master Turing said this, Deng Jiuling nodded and said seriously:

"As the head of the garden, I asked Mr. Wang to come to you, just to borrow the animals from your hospital to try out the power of my second-grade Dihuang Pill."

"Since your elephant is on the verge of extinction, let me try it."


When Deng Jiuling said this, the audience was silent and deadly silent.

Everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at Deng Jiuling with an incredible expression.