Return of The Underworld

Chapter 185: Tianjiao rises



The Life and Death Book kept turning pages, and finally froze on the page with "Xiaotianquan" written on it.

"Xiaotianquan, created by Xiao Xiaotian in the late Qing Dynasty, allows the martial artist to practice all the way to the innate realm."

The first sentence of the opening paragraph is surprisingly similar to the ancient books of the Xiao family of the Long Kingdom.

"Why does the Xiao family's boxing score appear in the life and death?" Deng Jiuling was a little unbelievable.

Xiaotianquan is the secret of the Xiao family. This set of boxing is so powerful that you can cross the world by learning all six styles.


As if he understood Deng Jiuling's doubts, a series of small golden letters suddenly appeared on the face of life and death.

"My Bao Zheng, although he is strict with the younger generation, this is the hope that the inheritors can become talents, not deliberately harsh."

"If the younger generations encounter a life and death crisis, life and death will unlock the next seal and unlock new power."

This line of words was faintly visible, and disappeared quickly after Deng Jiuling finished reading it.

Another line of small red characters appeared in front of Deng Jiuling:

"When King Hades was alive, he traveled widely between Yin and Yang, and every time he saw strange things, he would record them."

"After the King of Yama has achieved great martial arts, he can record the words in the book of life and death only by thinking in his heart."

"If junior boys can see this line of words, they can try to use merit as a guide to burn martial arts."

"Every time you burn a piece of martial arts, depending on the martial arts level, life and death will be automatically simulated and deduced."

Deng Jiuling looked at this line of words, but he was a little confused and didn't quite understand.

But since life and death said so, it would certainly not harm Deng Jiuling.

With a move in his heart, Deng Jiuling exercised his merits and carefully inscribed lettering on the book of life and death.

Soon, the first form of Xiaotianquan, the complete technique of "Landslide", was already engraved on the book of life and death.


When the last word was inscribed, a surging power suddenly appeared in Deng Jiuling's body.

Deng Jiuling's heart moved, and he slammed his fist suddenly, slashing towards the big stone more than ten meters away.


A fist wind blew, the huge rock cracked at the sound, and instantly turned into countless rubble and fell.

"After the first form of the life and death record, I will be able to achieve a small punch in an instant?" Deng Jiuling's eyes lit up.

Riding a bicycle, all the way forward, Deng Jiuling worked his merits in his heart and began to inscribe the second formula.


It was clear sky at 8 o'clock in the morning.

Below Longquan Snow Mountain, people's heads are surging.

One viewing pavilion after another, but at the moment there are no empty seats, full of tourists holding binoculars.

When Lin Jia and Wu Tingting held hands and followed Du Fei, they were shocked when they looked at the dark crowd.

"This person is... too many, right?" Lin Jia was a little confused.

"I'm Cao, it's no wonder that someone was willing to give us the room last night. It turns out that they came here to occupy a place in the middle of the night."

Du Yu pointed to a few college students not far away, a little annoyed.

Although yesterday, the gambling house master Wang Shuai came, but the gambling house did not have any rooms available, and everyone had to pay a lot of money to let others make room.

Unexpectedly, those college students came to the foot of the mountain to take up space in the middle of the night


In an instant, Wang Shuai's handsome face was full of anger.

"A Fei, give them some money and let them go!" Wang Shuai said with a sneer.

"Okay!" Du Fei lifted his sleeves and walked over with an awesome look.


But when Du Fei wanted to do it.

Du Fei's eyes flickered, and a gun was already pointed at Du Fei's head.

Then, a cold voice filled the rear: "Senior Long and Lord Xu are in a decisive battle today, no one can cause trouble."

"Yes, yes, I don't make troubles, I don't make troubles." Du Fei was frightened and swallowed his saliva, his legs trembling constantly.

Too horrible Nima!

"Ben Shaobu just scolded a few people. As for this?" Du Fei still trembled until he retreated to the back.

After taking a sigh of relief, Du Fei looked intently and was shocked.

One after another military trucks roared in.

Hundreds of soldiers jumped from these big trucks.

Each of these soldiers wore bulletproof vests and explosion-proof helmets, and patrolled back and forth with live ammunition.

Even at some commanding heights, infrared light spots fall from time to time, patrolling everyone's foreheads.

"I, Cao, the snipers are here, this Nima is too broken, right?" Du Fei was a little surprised.

"What's the matter? The soldiers who came to patrol today are all special forces!" The gambling shop owner who followed Wang Shuai explained.

"Special forces? Wow, that's amazing." Lin Jia looked admiring.

"Not only the special forces, but also the most powerful special forces. These are fighters of hell." The shop owner added.


As soon as these words came out, Du Fei and Wang Shuai changed their expressions at the same time.

Both of them are military fans, and naturally know that hell is very fierce.

Among them, "Phoenix", the captain of Hellfire, is even more powerful, tying all kinds of dissatisfaction.


In the distance, a military jeep whizzed in.



Wherever the jeep went, one after another elite warriors saluted and looked in awe.

"This is the special car of Phoenix, the captain of Hellfire." The shop owner explained.

"The phoenix can rebirth from Nirvana. I heard that this captain, who had lived and died in the Miao area, was a predator."

"Yes, yes, I heard that this captain is less than twenty years old this year, he is already an advanced second lieutenant, and he is destined to be the dragon among men in the future."

Amidst the celebrities’ discussions, the jeep finally stopped.

The door opened, and a dark powerhouse, all dressed in military uniforms, carrying a bar and a star on his shoulders, walked down.



Wherever the dark powerhouse went, the soldiers held their heads high, and each one was as excited as a chicken blood.

"Senior Murong?" Lin Jia said suddenly.


Hearing this, the dark-skinned man stopped, took off his sunglasses, and turned his head in doubt.

"Chu?" Wu Tingting's eyes widened, her mouth wide enough to lay an egg.

For others, Wu Tingting was in high school and had a crush on Murong Chu for a long time.

Even if Murong Chu turned into ashes, Wu Tingting knew Murong Chu.

But how did Nima, a tall, rich and handsome man with fair skin, become an African black charcoal now


In an instant, a feeling of heartache emerged in Wu Tingting's heart.

The prince charming in the past has become a black African today

What the hell!

What is the feeling of heartbreak

At this moment, Wu Tingting's heart was full of heartbreak and pain.

"The senior is not completely black. Look at his teeth, they are so white." Lin Jia said comfortingly.

As soon as these words came out, Wu Tingting's face became even more ugly.

The whole body is swarthy, but the teeth are very white. Doesn't this Nima become a black toothpaste


The only thing that made Wu Tingting feel better was that even though Murong Chu was dark, he became more masculine.

Murong Chu was originally a butter niche, but now he has become a macho man in the army, naturally full of masculinity.

Seeing that he actually met an acquaintance, a smile appeared on Murong Chu's tight face.

The teeth are really white!

Darlie toothpaste!

"Jia'er, Tingting, are you here too?" Murong Chu said with a smile.

Murong Chu was once the absolute arrogant of Tiannan No. 1 Middle School, he used to be and he is now.

Even if Murong Chu was defeated by Deng Jiuling, in the hearts of many girls, Murong Chu is still a male god.

For example-Wu Tingting.

Although her boyfriend was right by her side, Wu Tingting felt a little embarrassed when she thought of the madness of chasing Murong Chu in high school.

"Chu, you... What's the matter?" With a flick of her nose, Wu Tingting's eyes were misty and a little distressed.

As if he could feel Wu Tingting's concern for herself, Murong Chu smiled and said, "I am fine now, not only the captain of Hellfire, but also the youngest second lieutenant in the history of the East China Sea."

"Senior, you are so amazing." Lin Jia stuck out his tongue and looked admiring.

"We have a large number of talents in Tiannan No.1 Middle School, but the true first arrogant is still Murong Chu you." Wu Tingting gave a thumbs up.

"Yes, Senior Murong, like Brother Nine, is the arrogant one of us." Lin Jiatian smiled.

Unexpectedly, the faces of Wu Tingting and Murong Chu went black when these words were said.

"Deng Jiuling's force is nothing more than a big gangster, even he can be compared with Murong Chu?" Wu Tingting said with disdain.

"Deng Jiuling, who is the king and hegemony in Tiannan, is also acting nonsense when he arrives at the university."

With clenched fists, Murong Chu said in a cold voice, "If it weren't for this kid, I wouldn't go to Miaojiang to practice!"

Murong Chu told the second daughter about himself when he was slapped in the face by Deng Jiuling during the military training at the university.

Of course, in this story, Murong Chu is a positive and glorious tall image, while Deng Jiuling has become a heinous villain.

With these words, Wu Tingting's expression was heartbroken, and her resentment towards Deng Jiuling became more and more intense.

Lin Jia frowned slightly, feeling that something was amiss.

It's just that Lin Jia Bingxue is smart. She knew that Murong Chu and Deng Jiuling were not on the right track, so she did not refute.

"Chu, you have suffered so much, and only then can you achieve what you are today. You are the real man." Wu Tingting gave a thumbs up.

"Yes, Wang Shuai likes to make friends with heroes, Senior Brother Murong, you are amazing." Wang Shuai laughed and stretched out his right hand.

"Yeah." Murong Chu nodded, with a cold expression on his face.

Wang Shuai didn't mind this. After all, Murong Chu was so young and so accomplished, and he would definitely be able to transform the dragon in the future. Naturally, such a character should make good friends.

"Senior Brother Murong, why are you here this time?" Du Yu asked curiously.

"Today, God of War Xu and Senior Long have a decisive battle. I am here to maintain law and order." Murong Chu smiled.


Upon hearing this, the audience was moved.

Even the celebrities around them all gave their thumbs up and looked at Murong Chu with admiration.

A nineteen-year-old second lieutenant who can also come to maintain public order in the snowy mountains. How awesome is this

After today's battle, I am afraid Murong Chu is about to transform the dragon!


In response to the admiration of the crowd, Murong Chu lit a cigarette and said triumphantly: "In addition, if there is no accident today, I will worship Senior Long as a teacher."


As soon as this was said, everyone was in a commotion, and they all breathed in air-conditioning.

Long Aotian and Xu Canghai are at the same level. Can Murong Chu actually worship him as a teacher


That's too bad!

Jingle Bell!

In the distance, a teenager riding a bicycle appeared in front of everyone.

But after seeing the young man's face clearly, Murong Chu's eyes instantly turned gloomy.

A cold voice came out of Murong Chu's mouth with the wind: "Deng! Nine! Spirit!"