Return of The Underworld

Chapter 192: The mutation of Deng Jiuling


Under all eyes, Lin Sicong solemnly said: "Xu Canghai won this battle."


As soon as the voice fell, the long sword in Deng Jiuling's hand cracked.

A touch of red blood slowly flowed from the corner of Deng Jiuling's mouth.

Pure Yang Epee, go out!

Deng Jiuling, lose!


Everyone who saw this scene was shocked!

"Haha, I won, ten billion won!" The gambling house owner, dancing with excitement.

"Deng Jiuling was forced, he finally lost, haha!" Hai Tao and Du Rulong smiled at the same time.


Master Turing and Hou Benqiao smiled with their palms, only to feel the suffocation in their hearts for many days, and they all swept away.

"A trash boy, and you are worthy of challenging Xu Canghai? I'm pooh!" Wu Tingting spit on the ground with a sneer.

Du Fei and Wang Shuai laughed with high fives.

Among the crowd, Shangguan Lingyun, Tang Sanye, Qiu Shenji, Wang Bajiu, and others all had ugly faces and gray faces.

"Senior... Lost?" A faint mist appeared in Lin Jiamei's eyes, feeling very sad.

Although from the very beginning, Lin Jia knew that Xu Canghai was very strong and Deng Jiuling was no opponent.

But when this scene really came, Lin Jia was still a little unacceptable.


If you win, you will win, and if you lose, you will lose!

Since ancient times, there is no third way to win and lose!

After today, Xu Canghai's "invincible" name is bound to spread all over the world, and no one dares to challenge it!

After today, in the four seas, who does not know the name of Xu Canghai

Who in the world does not know the king

However, with Xu Canghai, the rising star, Deng Jiuling, the so-called "No. 1 arrogant of the East China Sea", became a joke.

The cold wind is whistling, and the north snow is misty!

The flying snow in the sky fell with the wind again, and soon covered Deng Jiuling.

But in a moment, on the top of the snow-capped mountain, an ice and snow boulder appeared.

"Today, the old man cuts the dragon proudly on the top of Longquan Snow Mountain, which is witnessed by 10,000 people!"

Xu Canghai let out a long roar, and his majestic and dignified voice resounded throughout the audience in an instant.

Thousands of people witnessed the shock!

However, as soon as these words were spoken, a disdainful voice suddenly resounded through the sky: "Today Long Aotian, cut Xu Canghai on the top of the snow mountain, thousands of people witness!"


As soon as the voice fell, the boulder burst and the rocks were flying.

The towering figure of Deng Jiuling appeared in front of everyone again.

But unlike before, Deng Jiuling's hair at this moment actually kept getting longer.

But in a moment, Deng Jiuling's black and shiny hair turned into shawl and white hair.

At the same time, a layer of dazzling golden glow rose from Deng Jiuling's body and continued to cover it.



This golden light shines like flowing water, covering the outside like a shock wave.

With the power of Xu Canghai, Rao was also caught off guard and was pushed more than ten meters away by Jin Mang.

Like a miracle!

In this scene, it seems that all the spectators at the foot of the mountain fell into a sluggish state.

Deng Jiuling's hair, what's the situation

And that golden mang, what is this

"Grandpa, is the light of the senior's body the Buddha's light?" Lin Jia asked curiously.

"I heard that on the top of the mountain, as long as there is sufficient light, golden glow will appear behind people." Wu Tingting said with disdain.

"Yes, this phenomenon of Buddha light is just a natural wonder, what's so great?" Du Fei said with disdain.

However, Qiu Shenji shook his head and solemnly said, "No, this is not a Buddha's light, this is a sign that the true energy in the body is released, and it is ready to turn into strength."

What? Infuriate is released and turned into energization

What does this mean

Many fame and fortune were present, and they all looked at Qiu Shenji in confusion, confused.

"Brother Qiu means that if Long Aotian is not surprised, he is in the advanced martial arts master realm!" Wang Bajiu's tone trembled, and he announced the answer.


As soon as these words came out, the audience was silent as death, and everyone was silent and silent as death.

Even someone as strong as Lin Sicong was also dumbfounded, his eyes filled with amazement.

"Master Long was in a decisive battle at the top of the East China Sea, when he was not yet a master of martial arts?" Lin Sicong was a little unbelievable.

Lin Sicong has practiced for many years, and finally stepped into the realm of martial arts master at the top of the East China Sea, but was killed by Deng Jiuling with a single move.

After this battle, Deng Jiuling's image of invincibility was deeply rooted in Lin Sicong's heart, unshakable.

But the final result is this



"This kid, is he only now an advanced master?" Hai Tao's eyes widened, his expression stunned.

"Deng Jiuling has not yet stepped into the grandmaster, he can kill the first-rank grandmaster in seconds, and has the power to fight Xu Canghai."

Caressing the white beard, Master Du trembled and said, "Now that he has stepped into the martial arts master, can he defeat Xu Canghai?"


a bolt from the blue!

As soon as Du Rulong said these words, those strong men who wished Deng Jiuling to die were all silent as if they were dead.

"Master Xu, can't let this kid advance successfully!" Master Turing roared, his old and gloomy voice resounded through the audience in an instant.

"Yes, this kid is too hateful, absolutely can't let him step into the realm of the master!" Hou Benqiao stepped forward and shouted sharply!

Yes, no matter how strong your Deng Jiuling is, and I won’t let you step into the realm of a master, what can you do

Hearing that, all the warriors are trembling, looking scorchingly towards the top of the mountain.

Xu Canghai is ranked as the god of war in the East China Sea, and he is a peerless powerhouse who has been famous for 50 years.

Such a martial artist, would he abandon all face and directly attack Deng Jiuling

For a while, everyone was a little curious.

"Master Xu is a hero of the first generation. He will definitely not attack seniors. No, he will definitely not." Lin Jia clenched his small fist tightly, and Lin Jia looked nervous.

Under all eyes, Xu Canghai suddenly laughed, his eyes gradually sharp: "Long Aotian, you are really strong."

"Unexpectedly, you could defeat Lin Sicong, the master of martial arts, before you stepped into the realm of the master."

"If the old man is not surprised, once you step into the Grandmaster Realm, you will have the power that is not inferior to the old man."


"Since ancient times, you won't have this chance!"

After that, Xu Canghai didn't talk nonsense, his whole body was full of anger, and his hands suddenly clenched the Longquan treasured sword.

Everyone knows that the power of holding a knife with both hands is definitely stronger than the power of swinging a knife with one hand!

From the beginning, Xu Canghai had always waved a knife with one hand.

But this time, Xu Canghai looked solemnly, holding a knife in both hands!

This shows that in Xu Canghai's eyes, Deng Jiuling's power at the moment is already worth his power!


Before Xu Canghai swung his knife, he just stood quietly, and the surrounding ice and snow rose up into the sky and turned into a wave.

This sea wave, accompanied by the falling ice and snow in the void, is still strengthening.

too strong!

It is too strong!

Around the snow-capped mountains, a hurricane suddenly blew up!

The wind is so strong that everyone standing at the foot of the mountain still feels a deep chill.

"Xu Canghai's most powerful Xuanbing Sword Technique, is it about to be shot?" Lin Sicong's face was scorching hot with his fists clenched.

Twenty-nine years ago, Lin Sicong, who was still the king of horse thieves, saw Xu Canghai brandishing a knife with his own eyes on the prairie outside the Great Wall, in the freezing cold that day, among the raging bonfires.

That knife, like a sky thunder piercing the void, instantly killing several horse thieves!

At that time, Xu Canghai had not yet entered the realm of the martial arts master!

With Xu Canghai's stab twenty-nine years ago, Lin Sicong is now a martial arts master, and he would be seriously injured by the stab!

Now that after twenty-nine years, Xu Canghai has stepped into the realm of the third rank pinnacle, how powerful is his sword

At this moment, all the martial arts masters on the scene, each with their eyes wide open, stood with breathlessness, ready to witness Xu Canghai's peerless sword.

Whether it is Xu Canghai's first knife "Jiang Xue Knife" or his second knife "Hundred Wars Knife", these are just the knife skills Xu Canghai used to practice pastime on weekdays.

Only Xu Canghai's sword technique was the real sword technique of Xu Canghai!

In the past fifty years, anyone who has seen Xu Canghai's Profound Ice Sword Technique has turned into a dead person.

This time, naturally there will be no exceptions!

But unlike the past, when Xu Canghai made the shot, there were no spectators next to him.

So this time, Xu Canghai's peerless sword technique appeared in front of the world for the first time.

"Cut!" Xu Canghai's peerless knife was finally cut out under all eyes.


With the sword aura, the sky full of ice and snow turned into a white dragon, roaring towards Deng Jiuling.


This legendary creature actually appeared in front of the world in this way!

"Despicable!" Lin Jia clenched her small fist and looked angry.

It was Shangguan Lingyun and Tang Sanye, who were also dumbfounded. Obviously, Xu Canghai did not hesitate to surrender his status and directly attacked Deng Jiuling.

But soon, Tang Sanye and others understood why Xu Canghai wanted to kill Deng Jiuling.

Because once Deng Jiuling succeeded in stepping up, it would be Xu Canghai's strength and he did not have the confidence to kill Deng Jiuling!

If Deng Jiuling were to escape today, then within a few years, Xu Canghai, the giant of the East China Sea, would collapse.

"Deng Jiuling, I admit that I am inferior to you, but today you must! Die! No doubt!" Fists clenched, Hou Benqiao looked crazy.

"This kid is simply a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. He can actually resist Xu Canghai's two swords and not die!"

Caressing the white beard, Master Turing sneered and said, "But under Xu Canghai's killing sword technique, this kid has no chance!"

"Master Long, can you...can still perform miracles?" Lin Sicong widened his eyes and stared at the mountain.

"Deng Jiuling, you brutish kid, go to hell!" This voice screamed frantically in Wu Tingting's heart.

"Blessed by the heavens, Xu Canghai must let Xu Canghai kill Deng Jiuling, and I must win the 10 billion!" The boss of the casino king knelt on the ground and kept praying.

At this moment, the entire East China Sea was silent!

At this moment, almost all the powerhouses in the province have set their sights on the top of the mountain!

Xu Canghai once said that within three knives, Deng Jiuling will be killed!

This cut was Xu Canghai's third and final cut!

In a single knife, the winner will be determined!


Just as everyone was meditating, the white dragon cut out by Xu Canghai, with flying snow in the sky, was about to fall on Deng Jiuling!

A moment of death, a moment of life and death!