Return of The Underworld

Chapter 211: A gathering of celebrities


"What's the situation?" Xia Jie frowned, and a bad feeling suddenly surged in his heart.

"Sao Jie, this..." Brother Leopard opened his mouth wide and his tone was trembling.

Xia Jie looked at it, his eyes widened, his expression stunned.

Those bastard students looked inside one after another, all dumbfounded.

Under all eyes, Teacher Bai was kneeling on the ground, constantly kowtow to Deng Jiuling.

As for Headmaster Niu, he knelt down and slapped himself, his expression aggrieved.

"I'll go, the Bull Demon King actually kneeled?"

"Even the principal can't suppress Deng Jiuling, so in Tunghai University, isn't this kid going against the sky?"


These bastard students all sucked in air-conditioning and started to sweat on their foreheads.

If Deng Jiuling only blasted the sky in front of the students, even though everyone was in awe, they would not be afraid.

But even the top leader of the school gave Deng Jiuling the life to kneel down, so who made Deng Jiuling in the big East China Sea University


In the crowd, Xia Jie's face turned black and his nose was crooked with anger.

Xia Jie is the uncle and the vice-principal Xia Gang. Xia Gang has also been waiting for the opportunity to clean up Deng Jiuling.

But in front of Headmaster Niu, Xia Gang was still as good as a grandson, and didn't dare to let go.

Now that Headmaster Niu is kneeling, Xia Gang is a fart again

"Young Master Jie, let's just transfer to another school. Nima can't stay in this school anymore." Brother Leopard said with tears in his eyes, aggrieved.

"Change school? You said that when you change school, you change school?" Xia Jie said in an angry voice: "Now it is the Internet age, and major universities are all alliances. Do you want Ben Shao to go to the garbage school?"

"Sigh." Brother Leopard draped his head like a frosted eggplant.

"Leopard, don't worry too much. If this kid dares to offend the principal like this, he is dead." Xia Jie said bitterly.

"Young Master Jie, let's go quickly. The Bull Devil has suffered such a big loss today, so let's not let him find out." Brother Leopard was a little guilty.

"Let's go." Xia Jie was also a little faint and nodded.


This group of bastards, following Xia Jie and Leopard Brother, hula la and left the principal's office.

When he walked to the back of the office building, Brother Leopard breathed a sigh of relief secretly, feeling like he was left behind.

"Nima, finally left the territory of the Bull Demon King. Let's wait to see Deng Jiuling's good show." Xia Jie said gloomily.

"Deng Jiuling completely offended the Bull Demon King this time, I think he is still alive!" Brother Leopard clenched his fists, his expression abusive.

However, as soon as Brother Leopard finished speaking, he saw a figure on the second floor window of the office building.

Damn it!

The next moment, Brother Leopard hadn't awakened, he was weighed down by this black shadow.

"I, Cao, do you dare to suppress Brother Leopard?"

"Call me!"


I don't know who roared, and the students swarmed up, punching and kicking.

"Nima, Lao Tzu is the principal!" A roar came from the beating.

Hearing that, the students of the Red Lady, their fists are even harder.

A few minutes later, after everyone had beaten enough, they discovered that the man lying on the ground with a swollen face like a pig and dog was actually-Headmaster Niu!

"I'm Cao, really the principal?"


Everyone was in an uproar, all sweating on their foreheads.

Xia Jie turned around, almost crying.

Brother Leopard sat on the ground, tears bursting into his eyes.

"You...wait to be expelled!" In the wind, the roar of the Bull Demon was heard.

"It was clearly Deng Jiuling who beat you, but we were the one who was hurt? Damn!" The students of all hounds burst into tears, and they were extremely depressed.

Donghai Hotel, in the top-floor presidential suite.

In the living room of more than one thousand square meters, the lights and feasts are enough to make money.

At this moment, it is already 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

But the celebrities from all walks of life in the East China Sea welcome the grand party of the Vice President of the Nanhai Wang Family and Wang Huairen. This has just begun.

Among the provincial cities, the large celebrity parties are actually divided into different ranks.

For example, the annual Bart dinner seems to be heavy and grand, but in the eyes of Zhang Qiangdong, the official in the East China Sea district, it is just a child's play.

How can folk gatherings of celebrities be comparable to official gatherings of celebrities

Just last night, after receiving the invitation letter from Zhang Qiangdong, celebrities from the five major regions of the East China Sea came here one after another.

The celebrities present today are almost all red-top businessmen, all of whom have official relationships, are powerful and powerful, and are very powerful.

These celebrities, suits and leather shoes, and shiny hair combed Wang Huairen in the center, like stars arching over the moon.

"Brother Qiangdong, you are good at doing things, cool." Holding the red wine glass, Wang Huairen made no secret of the pleasure in his heart.

You must be happy in life. These seven words are Wang Huairen's motto.

With his arms around a beautiful hostess from Donghai TV, and looking at the crowds of distinguished celebrities, Wang Huairen had a heart, and began to flirt.

"Big Brother Wang, you are polite. After Xu Canghai's old dog steps down, we will hold a party ten times more lively than this. That's nothing." Zhang Qiangdong held his cigar with a smile on his face.

Hearing that, the old one and two foxes smiled at each other, smiling very proudly.

As for Deng Jiuling

It's just a trash boy, and both of them don't bother to mention it.

Zhang Qiangdong and Wang Huairen, both of whom are big figures in charge of monstrous power and wealth, naturally look down on Deng Jiuling.

The focus of the discussion between the two was the top big man named Long Aotian.

"By the way, Qiangdong, I asked you to find that Long Aotian, how did you find it?" Wang Huairen asked casually.

"Long Aotian should have fought with Xu Canghai, but unfortunately the outcome of the battle is unknown. My people are still investigating the matter, and it is estimated that there will be results in a while." Zhang Qiangdong smiled.

"Even if Long Aotian can't defeat Xu Canghai, I am afraid that Xu Canghai will be injured. This is a talent, we must win over." Wang Huairen laughed.

"Of course, Xu Canghai's enemy is our friend!" Zhang Qiangdong nodded, his expression stern.

Suddenly, a cold and indifferent voice rolled from outside the door: "Zhang Qiangdong, Wang Huairen, get out of here!"

"get out!"


This sound, like the roar of thunder, resounded through the audience in an instant, covering the sound of music.

"Who is so daring to call the names of District Chief Zhang and Chief Wang?"

"Vertical arrogant!"

"Get him!"

Hearing this, the celebrities in the audience were all angry.

Who is Zhang Qiangdong? That was the chief official of the East China Sea, and his status was comparable to that of a province's princes!

Who is Wang Huairen? That is the second-in-chief of the super family in charge of tens of billions of wealth and dominate the South China Sea!

These two top celebrities jointly held a large-scale celebrity banquet today, but someone is actually making trouble

What an international joke!

"Leader, let me handle it."

The bald man who stood behind Zhang Qiangdong, who was 2 meters 3 meters tall and had a vigorous momentum, said with a sneer.

"A Guang, as long as you don't kill anyone, whether you break your hands or feet, or hit a high position, you can do it yourself!" Zhang Qiangdong said gloomily.

Zhang Qiangdong, angry!

As a top celebrity in the provincial capital of the East China Sea, Zhang Qiang is highly powerful and majestic in the east. Has he ever been rebelled

However, the appearance of this provocative voice, like a face slap in public, made Zhang Qiangdong very angry.

It is tolerable, which is unbearable!

If the old man doesn't show his power, do you really think I am a sick cat


Seeing murderous intent appearing in Zhang Qiangdong's eyes, this burly man, who was like an iron tower, suddenly saw a hideous look in his eyes.

"A Guang is a special soldier who retired from the Blackwater Company and was awarded the Blackwater Medal. He is the strongest special soldier who has gone abroad from our Donghai Province in the past 20 years!" Zhang Qiangdong explained to Wang Huairen with his cigar in his mouth.

"Have won the Blackwater Medal? My God, that's the top battle medal of honor for the Blackwater Company."

"Blackwater is the world's largest private security company. I heard that even those diplomats in the United States hire elites from the blackwater company as bodyguards."

"At the time of the Iraq War, the people from the Blackwater Company were stunned, tsk."

"Unexpectedly, in our East China Sea Province, there are even elites from the Blackwater Company, or special forces!"

Hearing that, all the celebrities present were shocked and gasped.

"It turns out to be the retired elite of Heishui Company, awesome!" Even the well-informed Wang Huairen, he said that he gave a thumbs up, with a look of admiration.

The Blackwater Company is so famous.

Prince, the founder of the Blackwater Company, once worked as a White House intern, joined the most famous SEAL team, and has close ties with the president's family.

As the United States becomes stronger and stronger, the role of the Blackwater Company has become more and more important.

Produced by Heishui, it must be a boutique!

But all the elites who come out of the Blackwater Company, if they go to some small fruit countries, they are all big people who can directly become generals.

A Guang has followed Zhang Qiangdong since his grandfather's generation, and Zhang Qiangdong is also very generous to the A Guang family.

So after retiring, Ah Guang rejected the olive branch thrown by the countries, willing to hide himself, and returned to Zhang Qiangdong to be a low-key little security guard.

But even Zhang Qiangdong himself would not dare to be A Guang as a servant, but as a brother.

Even Zhang Qiangdong was ready to wait for himself to be among the princes of a province in the future, and let A Guang replace Xu Canghai and become the new generation of East China Sea God of War.


Who is not afraid of such a strong person

However, before Ah Guang reached the door, the door banged, flying around like shredded paper, and was kicked open.

boom! boom!

Two hotel security guards with big waists and more than 200 kilograms flew upside down like dead dogs and flew one end to the center of the living room.

The audience was in an uproar!

Under the eyes of everyone, a young man standing with his hand in his hand appeared in front of everyone.

"It turned out to be the kid Deng Jiuling!" Zhang Qiangdong glanced intently, suddenly furious.

"Niu Shixiong's trash, because he is still the principal of Donghai University, he can't even do a little kid?" Wang Huairen was a little angry.

"Brother Wang, don't worry, Ah Guang has extraordinary strength. Even those who are super awakened abroad can easily defeat him!" Zhang Qiangdong sneered with his cigar in his mouth.

Under the gaze of everyone, A Guang took a step forward, his eyes full of Sui Sui and Sen Han:

"Smelly boy, if you are acquainted, hurry down and apologize, otherwise I can't kill you!"