Return of The Underworld

Chapter 239: Duke


Deng Jiuling slapped it in the second slap, and had already abolished Snake Monarch's cultivation base, making him a useless person.

Under such circumstances, Snake Monarch actually has a third trick

Look confused!

The heroes looked at each other and saw the incredible in each other's eyes.

It was Deng Jiuling himself, who was also very curious, and felt that the matter was very ridiculous.

However, as soon as Snake Jun's voice fell, a helicopter appeared in the distance.

On the helicopter, Li Shashen suddenly appeared.

"Snake Lord, you dare!"

Li Shashen's furious voice resounded across the sky from the helicopter.

"Snake Lord, you have been surrounded, hurry up and wait for death!"

"You have the right to remain silent, but every word you say will become a court testimony!"


One helicopter after another, came down in all directions of the island mansion.

On each helicopter, machine guns were erected to surround the snake king.


On the ground, hundreds of soldiers roared.

Each of these soldiers, with air headsets pinned to their ears, wears explosion-proof helmets and body armor, and carries a slight impact in their hands.

It can be said to be armed to the teeth!

However, what is even more exaggerated is that these fighters have gas masks on their waists.


Gas mask

Deng Jiuling frowned, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't help but blurt out: "Snake Lord, you are the Duke!"

When these words came out, all the heroes were stunned, not knowing what was going on.

But Lord Snake's face changed slightly, and then he laughed loudly: "Unexpectedly, the old man has been hiding for 20 years. In this South China Sea, there are still people who know the old man's name."

After speaking, Lord Snake proudly said: "Yes, the old man is the Duke."

"If the old man guessed correctly, the marquis, earl, and baron should have been wiped out by your East China Sea, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Shashen sternly shouted: "Duke, the old man advises you not to act rashly."

"The Viscount has surrendered, the Marquis is destroyed, the earl is ours."

"The biggest failure of your car family is to find the king's father to be the earl."

"Although the old man Wang was born as a horse thief, he still has the world in mind, and he is also good at thieves instead of being greedy and lustful."

Hearing this, Snake's face changed slightly, and he suddenly sighed: "My car family is planning for a hundred years, but I didn't expect that the final failure was actually inside."

"Even if there is no Earl's betrayal, I have Xu Canghai and Long Aotian who are strong in the East China Sea. Why are you afraid of your car family?" Li Shashen said with a sneer.

"Oh, is it?" Snake Jun sneered, and said: "Since you are not afraid of the old man, why bother to mobilize the army and try to encircle and suppress the old man?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Shashen's face changed slightly and became embarrassed.

Originally from the cruise ship, after separating from Deng Jiuling, Li Shashen and granddaughter Ouyang Xueqi have been investigating secretly.

The East China Sea and the East China Sea have been at odds since ancient times, and a huge war broke out a hundred years ago.

When the war was at its worst, Mo Gucheng, the sword god of the South China Sea, swept across the two seas with one sword and one man, ranking first in the two seas.

After Mogu City, the two seas gradually became peaceful and moved towards unity.

During this century of integration, many elites from the East China Sea are lurking in the South China Sea.

Among them, naturally also people from the Eastern Navy.

Therefore, Li Shashen wanted to investigate Lord Snake, and he was not fighting alone.

In addition, because of Xu Canghai's charisma, the South China Navy and the East Navy established a strategic brotherly cooperative relationship.

Therefore, the South China Sea also participated in this campaign to encircle the Snake Lord.

But the most crucial decisive factor is Deng Jiuling.

If it hadn't been for Deng Jiuling and Snake Lord to fight, Snake Island would not be out of control.

If it weren't for Snake Island to lose control, it would not be possible for the Warriors of the Two Seas to investigate the truth so quickly.

The Snake Lord is the Duke of the Che Clan. Experts from the East China Sea think tank have long been publicly informed about this matter.

But the problem is that if there is no evidence, even if the two sea warriors join forces, they can't easily capture the Snake Lord.

The Snake Lord dominates the thirty-six islands of Huangquan Road. If there is not enough reason, such a heavyweight official in frontiers, he can't move, and big things will happen if he moves.

In order to prevent the Snake King from dying to counterattack, Li Shashen and the Nanhai side kept secretly dispatching them, mobilizing thousands of troops from Huangquan Road, preparing a nest to end the island mansion.

Snake Island has millions of poisonous snakes, and the Snake Lord is martial arts, so even if there are three armies in the line, but Li Shashen still has no place.

But after he really came to the island mansion, Li Shashen was shocked.

The millions of snakes on Snake Island, together with the virgin forest that makes people headache, have disappeared


In Li Shashen's mind, Deng Jiuling was the first one to think of.

The East China Sea Supreme Dragon Aotian, these seven-character names move the East China Sea province, that's no joke.

But a mortal fetus can destroy a million poisonous snakes

Li Shashen didn't believe it.

Taking a helicopter, Li Shashen flew to the sky above the island mansion, just to see Lord Snake's shocking sword.

Li Shashen was shocked, but he was shocked to discover that Deng Jiuling actually slapped Snake Lord.


But Snake Monarch was still confident after being abolished by martial arts, which immediately made Li kill God, feeling uneasy.

This shows that Lord Snake still has a killer!

This shows that Lord Snake’s killer has nothing to do with martial arts!

Since Lord Snake is the Duke of the Che Clan, and his status is higher than that of the Monkey Lord, then his background can only be one thing!

That is-nine! quiet! Of it! fire!

as predicted!

Facing the siege of the army, Lord Snake remained unmoved. Instead, he flung his sleeves, and there was a cluster of rice-sized flames in his hand.

As soon as this flame came out, the temperature between heaven and earth instantly became scorching hot.

"Nine Nether Fire!" Ouyang Xueqi exclaimed from the helicopter.

"Quick! Fire!" The young Nanhai general couldn't help exclaiming.

"No, you can't shoot, stop!" Li Shashen roared.

However, it's too late!

Da da da! Da da da!

The intensive gunfire resounded across the world in an instant.

Among the thousands of horses, the Snake Lord, who lost his martial arts, has a hideous look and no fear at all.

"Hell will eventually descend on the earth, and the world will be reduced to a sea of flames, Jie Jie Jie!"


The arrogant laughter of Lord Snake was still reverberating in the void, and the others had been beaten into loopholes and fell to the ground with a thud.

On December 18, 2010, the supreme dragon of the East China Sea defeated the Snake Lord on the top of the Snake Island. The two seas allied forces sent out a thousand arrows, and the Snake Lord died at the age of 60!


At this moment, the audience is dead quiet!

More than a dozen martial arts masters, each with serious eyes, felt incredible.

The Snake Lord has been in the South China Sea for 20 years, hitting the Invincible Hand on the 36th Island of Huangquan Dao, and he ended up so miserably today


The thousands of soldiers in the rear also had their dignified eyes, and felt that this scene was very shocking.

A generation of heroes and snakes died in this way

This... This is incredible.

However, at this moment, Li Shashen was on guard, looking around sternly, not daring to relax.

"Lao Li, I think you are too worried. A dead man is only a dead man. Could it be that he can turn the sky upside down?"

The young general in Nanhai said disapprovingly.

"At the beginning, Lord Hou died of self-immolation, and Jiuyou Zihuo almost wiped out 10,000 people. We had to guard against it." Ouyang Xueqi said solemnly.

"Don't worry, now the Snake Lord is dead, and the fire is no more than a grain of rice. It would have killed the soldiers." The young general laughed.

As soon as the voice fell, the young general waved his hand, and immediately there were more than a dozen soldiers with live ammunition, wearing gas masks, and approaching the snake king's corpse with guard.

Time, in one minute and one second, is constantly losing.

The two soldiers walking in the forefront, carrying dry ice fire extinguishers, went all the way forward.

"Snake Monarch, how could he perish so easily?" Deng Jiuling frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

When he was in the East China Sea, Lord Hou endured for many years, and in the end almost 10,000 people were wiped out, almost suffocating the creatures of the East China Sea.

Snake Monarch is noble as a duke, and his status is higher than that of Lord Hou, how can he be destroyed so easily

Even if Lord Snake had turned into a corpse, Deng Jiuling still felt that something was wrong.

But Deng Jiuling couldn't figure out what was wrong.


Suddenly, a thin red mans masterpiece of life and death, turned into a scarlet arrow, pointing all the way to the distance.

This huge red arrow, a few miles away from the gallop, is like a branch of a big tree, and is divided into countless small scarlet arrows.

These small arrows continue to branch and split into countless smaller arrows.

But in an instant, the huge scarlet arrow formed by the thinness of life and death turned into a towering tree with overlapping flowers and leaves.

An arrow represents a source of danger and a person is about to fall.

So many small arrows appear at the same time, which shows that more than 100,000 people have fallen today!

A similar situation has never happened since Deng Jiuling got a life-and-death situation.

At the same time, an hourglass appeared in Deng Jiuling's mind.

At the speed of this quicksand, after about half an hour, the entire Snake Island will be empty!

Snake Island is the provincial capital of Thirty-Six Islands on Huangquan Road, where the most elites of Thirty-Six Islands gather.

The housing price in Snake Island is also the most expensive in Huangquan Road.

The direction pointed by the big arrow is the core third ring area of Snake Island.

In that area, there are many tall buildings and a population of 150,000 people!

"No, in half an hour, Snake Island will become a sea of Nine Nether Fire!"

Deng Jiuling sweated on his forehead and couldn't help shouting!

One hundred and fifty thousand innocent people will be wiped out within half an hour. If this happens, Deng Jiuling will probably increase his karma.

Although it was said that Deng Jiuling did this, Yan Deng Jiuling started, so whether it is out of conscience or accumulating merit, we must prevent this from happening.

However, as soon as these words came out, the young general from the South China Sea couldn't help but yelled: "Boldly spoil the people, dare to confuse the people, come here, and arrest this general!"

As soon as the voice fell, there were more than a dozen soldiers, and the grinning man walked towards Deng Jiuling.

However, at this critical moment, a huge cracking sound suddenly came from a distance.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a huge mushroom cloud rising up in the main city.

In this scene, the Li Shashen who was watching changed his face, saying with every word, "Nine! Quiet! It! Fire!"