Return of The Underworld

Chapter 320: The legendary Joe old


"Long Xiang Gong, the realm of Xiaocheng!" Qu Yan exclaimed.

The Dragon Elephant Sutra of the Qu family and the Dragon Elephant Art of the Qiao family are originally the same, and they are both unique to Dalin Temple.

So Qu Yan knew very well how terrifying Xiaocheng's dragon-like skill was.

This means that even if hundreds of bullets come over, the strong man in the tower will not be afraid!

In the eyes of mortals, a powerful martial arts master can directly charge physically, without fear of the rain of bullets and bullets, and directly cut down the head of the general among the thousands of troops!

But what mortals don’t know is that the martial arts masters who can do this step need at least the Fourth Stage Grandmaster Realm!

And even if you are a Grade 4 master, you must wear a bulletproof vest and work hard enough to do this!

In the realm of a strong man in the iron tower, he doesn't need to wear a bulletproof vest. Just like this, he can directly and brutally crash, and he will be able to tear the enemy generals apart without fear of the rain of bullets.

This is the self-confidence of the strong man in the tower!

In Qiao's family, people who can practice the Dragon Elephant skill to "small success" can count all five fingers.

Such a strong person can charge in an instant, and the impact force can even be comparable to a super-large truck!

too fast!

It's so fast!

Qu Yan hadn't woken up yet, the punch of the strong man in the iron tower had already fallen.

"No!" Qu Yan screamed, her eyes full of despair.

"Go to Nima!" Deng Jiuling flew up, without any real energy fluctuations.

However, Qu Yan saw that the strong man of the iron tower flew upside down and plunged into the trash can in the corner.


When the strong man of the iron tower got up, his face was swollen like a panda, and his bones were all broken.

With a casual kick, Deng Jiuling crippled the Qiao family's top martial arts master

At this scene, Qu Yan was stunned and couldn't help but breathe in air-conditioning.

Qu Yan is not that Deng Jiuling is very strong, but Qu Yan still did not expect Deng Jiuling to be so strong!

Compared with Qu Yan, the person who was the most shocked was the Iron Tower Man himself.

The strong man of the Iron Tower never thought that he had been in the South China Sea for 30 years, but was eventually crippled by a boy who was less than 20 years old.

Nima, shame!

And it was Deng Jiuling's kick that made the strong man of the Iron Tower collapse the most, it turned out to be the Dragon Elephant Technique!

If Deng Jiuling uses other martial arts, even if the Iron Tower brawny loses, he will be convinced.

But the brawny man in the Iron Tower asked himself in Qiao's family, his dragon elephant skill was absolutely top, but he was still killed by a spike!

What a shame!

"You...Who are you? Why do you know Dragon Elephant Skill, and at least at the fourth level!" The strong man of the Iron Tower trembled.

"Lao Tzu is the one who killed you!" Deng Jiuling looked disdainful, and slashed with a sword of invigoration, cutting the strong man of the iron tower to pieces.

"Wow..." In this scene, Aunt Feng, who was watching, had an instant mental breakdown, and she was about to run away.

"Cut!" Deng Jiuling chopped down with a sword aura, and the whole world suddenly became quiet.

"Xiao Baitiao, you killed so many Joe's family members, let's run away." Qu Yan was a little panicked.

Although Deng Jiuling was very strong, Qu Yan was still very worried.

The Qiao family has a profound heritage and a long heritage, and was once ranked the first family in the South China Sea.

With such a big family, Qu Yan didn't believe in the Qiao family's heritage, there was only one brawny iron tower.

Qu Yan only wanted to run away with Deng Jiuling, as long as they could escape back to the Qu family, Naqu Batian and Deng Jiuling joined forces, and there was no need to fear the Qiao family.

However, Deng Jiuling shook his head and said with a smile: "You suffered so much humiliation in Qiao's house, and you almost lost your innocence. If I don't find this place for you, how will you be a man in the South China Sea in the future?"

"But the Qiao family is too strong." Qu Yan was touched, but she still persuaded.

"You also know that the Qiao family is very strong. If we leave like this, how can we give up with the overbearing and arrogant Qiao family?" Deng Jiuling said.

"But..." Qu Yan was still worried.

"Yanyan, do you believe me?" Deng Jiuling said suddenly, his eyes burning.

"I believe it!" Qu Yan blurted out without hesitation without passing through her brain.

"Okay, then I will follow me today, and I will stand up for you." Deng Jiuling laughed with confidence.

In the Qiao family courtyard, crowds are surging, and guests are like clouds.

At the corner table, Jiajia was fidgeting, a little scared.

"Sister Hou Nuo was taken away by the villain, what should I do?" Jiajia was a little upset.

In fact, Hou Nuo didn't really want to come to Qiao's house today.

But Jiajia wanted to join in the fun, and kept persuading Hou Nuo to come and watch the fun.

Jiajia is just playing with it, not bad.

But what Jiajia never dreamed of was that Hou's household owed usury and had reached the point of exhaustion.

What Jiajia didn't expect was that the fat leader of the travel agency was so shameless that he asked Hou Nuo to accompany Sanshu Qiao.

Jiajia was very angry, but didn't dare to resist.

Because Jiajia understands that if she resists, the boss may have to accompany the man herself.

If that were the case, Jiajia would not be able to save Hou Nuo.

"Jiajia, you are a good girl, how did you follow me?" After drinking three rounds, the fat leader also became a little drunk, grabbing Jiajia's hand with a wretched look.

"I... I can't do it, my relatives are here today." Jia Jia said quickly with an idea.

"Grass!" Hearing this, the fat leader secretly became unlucky, and suddenly lost his interest.

"Boss, Sanshu has been there for so long, why haven't you come back?"

"Yes, boss, Sanshu goes to the grove, shouldn't it be a problem?"

Two travel agency employees asked tentatively.

"Can there be a fart problem!"

The fat leader picked up the wine glass with a sneer: "This is the site of the Qiao family. Who dares to break the ground too much? Isn't you tired of living?"

"Master Joe, here!" A sing of salute sounded loudly.

"Let's go, go to see Mr. Joe!" The fat leader stood up, leading all the employees, all the way forward.

Jiajia wanted to escape, but was stared at by two employees, so she could only follow along in depression.

A majestic old man dressed in Tang suit and energetic appeared in front of everyone.

"Master Joe, congratulations on your sixtieth birthday."

"Kneel to the old man!"

"I wish the old man a blessing in the East China Sea and a longevity than Nanshan!"

"Master, please take my knees."

Wherever Mr. Qiao went, the celebrities who had been hanging on to the sky on weekdays were all smiles at the moment, and they knelt and licked one after another.

But even so, Father Joe still looked cold and unmoved.

These big guys are awesome in the outside world, but in the eyes of Mr. Joe, that's all, nothing more.

Only those top-notch rich men, Joe's old face like a dead fish, showed a slight smile.

"Grandpa, grandson kowtows to you and kneel." Qiao Benshan, dressed as a red bridegroom, walked over in a chic and handsome manner, banging his head towards Mr. Joe.

"Well, good boy, get up quickly." Old man Joe smiled, and happily lifted up Qiao Benshan.

"Congratulations, grandpa, grandson today, you will be able to hold your great-grandson in the future."

"Congratulations, Boss Qiao has his birthday today, and Master Qiao is even married to Miss Qu Jia."

The celebrities watched their words and thoughts, and quickly changed their tunes to save the country by flattering Joe Benshan, and slapping Old Joe's flattery.

This time the flattery was taken correctly. Old man Joe's cold old face gradually bloomed and his face blushed.

Father Qiao is a legend in the South China Sea.

The Qiao family was originally the first family in the South China Sea, but because of the decline of talents over the past century, it seems that the family's great career is boundless, but it has actually reached a very dangerous point.

There are hundreds of people in the Qiao family, 3,000 diners, a large family, many children, and fierce and cruel internal fighting.

However, Mr. Qiao was so talented that he cultivated Long Xianggong to the fifth level in one breath, shocking the crowd and overpowering Qiao's family.

Mr. Qiao was determined to kill him, and Mr. Qiao would raise the butcher knife for anyone who resisted him, whether he was an enemy or a clansman.

In this way, after a period of blood and blood, Qiao's family is completely stable, and there has been no major incident.

Among the younger generations of Mr. Qiao, there are also many talents. Although they are not amazing talents, they are also talented and can become the backbone of the family.

And the birth of Qiao Benshan made Father Qiao very excited, feeling that Qiao's family has hope to restore the glory of the ancestors.

The Qiao family's dragon elephant skill is a very magical martial art. As long as you cultivate to the realm of great achievement, you can pass it on to the younger generation.

Mr. Qiao's Dragon Elephant skill is now the sixth peak, and he has hope to step into the realm of great achievement in this life.

And Qu Batian's Dragon Elephant Sutra is also the sixth peak, and there is hope to step into the realm of great achievement in this life.

But both Mr. Qiao and Qu Batian knew that even if they could step into the realm of great achievement, it was difficult to step into the innate.

Therefore, the two elders decided to pass on their life skills to the younger generations before dying.

In this way, once the younger generation merges the "Dragon Elephant Technique" and the "Dragon Elephant Sutra", they can instantly become the Great Master.

And this Dacheng Grandmaster can still be invincible at the same level!

In addition, in the sea of death, there is also a big opportunity involved. If it can be obtained by the younger generation, the younger generation may not have the opportunity to step into the innate.

The person selected by the second old man is Qiao Benshan!

It is precisely for this reason that Qu Batian ignored Qu Yan's thoughts and determined to marry Qu Yan to Qiao Benshan.

It's just that this reason is the secret in the hearts of the two elders, and no one has told them.

Because the timing is not yet ripe!

According to the two elders' deduction, there is a great chance that Qiao Benshan will step into the innate in the future.

In addition to martial arts, Qiao Benshan is very flexible in mind, good at communication, and has a very strong business cell.

Moreover, Qiao Benshan is still a TCM doctor Tianjiao, and he is a sophomore carrying the flag, and most of his men are brothers.

So Qiao and Qu are very optimistic about the future of Qiao Benshan.

Although both senior executives knew that Mo Yu, the son of Nanhai, was actually more talented.

But Mo Yu was too cold, no one ignored him, and the Mo family was also cold and cold, almost isolated from the world.

The Qiao family and the Qu family are preparing to jointly build a business empire and assist Qiao Benshan with massive resources.

Different positioning, it is destined that Qu Batian can only give up Mo Yu in the end.

This is the truth!

At this moment, Mr. Joe was flushed and looked at Qiao Benshan with a smile on his face.

"Deng Jiuling of the East China Sea, come to celebrate birthday." A singing ceremony suddenly sounded.

Upon hearing this, the audience was in an uproar.